Charleston Progressive Academy Wins Two Awards at Recent CCSD Board Meeting
At Charleston County School District’s recent Board Meeting, held August 10, 2015, two separate awards, the 2015 South Carolina Historic Preservation Honor Award and the AIA South Carolina Merit Design Award, were presented to Liollio Architecture by Deputy for Capital Programs Jeff Borowy for an outstanding renovation of historic Charleston Progressive Academy. Mr. Bill Lewis and Mr. Michael Bobby were also recognized for overseeing this project.
AIA South Carolina Merit Design Award for Adaptive Reuse/Renovation -Charleston Progressive Academy: The intent of this award is to recognize thoughtful interventions that create a synergy between old and new construction. The Adaptive Reuse/Renovation Award Category is for built projects that include rehabilitation or adaptive reuse. This award recognizes the best renovation or addition to a structure that is not intended to be a faithful historic restoration. Eligible projects begin with a pre-existing building, structure, object or site that incorporates an intervention that is clearly intended to compliment or contrast with the original subject building. It is not necessary that the project be within South Carolina.
Juror comments included:
…The courtyard is the whole story – an inspired response to a corner lot by creating a contained activity space surrounded by buildings full of light and energy…
…The character of the original portion of the building is obviously respected here – and improved to meet current requirements…
…The new elements are respectful to the original – the framing of the original entrance helps remind the neighborhood of their special school building. It is obviously well loved…
2015 Honor Award - South Carolina Historic Preservation – Charleston Progressive Academy
The Honor Awards celebrate successful and exemplary historic preservation projects around the Palmetto State. This award is sponsored by The State of South Carolina, The Palmetto Trust for Historic Preservation, and South Carolina Archives & History Center, and presented by Lt. Governor Henry McMaster at a ceremony in the State House on June 5th, 2015.