Liollio Architecture

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Spotlight On: Jane Thompson

A native of Georgia, Jane Thompson, Liollio Associate Principal, moved to South Carolina in 1986. For the past 20 years, Jane has worn many hats at Liollio - many of them resting on that wild, wonderful, and untamed mane of hers. She began her tenure at the firm as Administrative Assistant and gradually took on more responsibilities over the years like spec writing and event planning. She transitioned from Administrative Assistant to Office Manager to Human Resources to Business Development Manager and Associate Principal. Her most important role, however, has been that of a friend. Though we knew the day would come all too soon, it is bittersweet to celebrate Jane’s retirement from the firm this month. I think I speak for the entire Liollio team when I say that no one can replace Jane and we will truly miss her - her compassion, her work ethic, her laughter and humor, her guidance - her presence. Before she embarks on new adventures, we wanted to sit down for a little Q&A with our long-overdue Spotlight On feature. Happy reading, sports fans…

How long have you lived in Charleston?
20 years

Where did you grow up?
All around Georgia - I was born in Blue Ridge GA.

Are you married?

Yes - 2 sons, 2 daughter-in-laws, 3 granddaughters, and 1 grandson.

What is your favorite non-living thing in your home?
Operable windows

What do you like to do when you have free time?
Take a bike ride if it's pretty outside - play Candy Crush if it's not.

Do you have any pets?
Not anymore - I live in a 3rd floor walk up and am too lazy to take care of pets right now. If so, tell us a bit about them. In my lifetime, I've had 5 dogs, 7 cats, numerous white mice and guinea pigs, a parakeet, more rabbits than I can count, a couple of chickens, and 3 horses. (this doesn't count the 7 black puppies I found in a graveyard in Georgia that I brought back home with me to SC and then found them new parents.)

What accomplishment are you most proud of?
My family - I think I had a little to do with how much fun we have together.

What building have you visited that most impressed you?
Doge's Palace in Venice Italy

What architect or architecture firm most influenced you as a student?
I have been a student in awe of the practice of architecture from the first day I started at Liollio - never went to school for that though.

What is your favorite place you have traveled to and why?
Tuscany - they have really good wine there and lots of time to enjoy it!

What is your favorite thing about working at Liollio?
Hands down - the people I work with.

What inspires you most?

What style of architecture most impresses you or is your favorite?
I don't have a favorite style - but I know what I like when I see it.

What is your favorite book?
Always was and always will be The Hobbit, J. R. R. Tolkien

What is your favorite restaurant?
Vespa on Daniel Island

What’s your favorite place(s) in Charleston?
Home, my children's homes, the office, the bridges, the waterfronts, the beach, rooftop bars, narrow streets, wide streets, the parks... Oh, did you want just one place? Sorry, can't narrow it down!

What is your favorite food?
Wine - that's a fruit right?

What is your least favorite food?
Seafood - yep, that's what I said.

If you could be an animal, what would you be and why?
A jaguar - they are beautiful, fast, powerful, and strong.

Do you play any instruments?
I used to play the harmonica pretty good. My mama taught me.

What song is at the top of your most played list?
Anything by Motown - My Girl by The Temptations is the first to come to mind. Makes me want to dance.

Who is your favorite musical artist or genre?
That's hard to narrow down too. First to come to mind is Otis Redding, but James Taylor runs a very close second.

Who is your favorite artist?
My grandchildren

Favorite television show?
Ally McBeal

Last book you read?
An as-yet untitled book that my nephew wrote and I edited.

Last movie you watched?
I Am Woman - story of Helen Reddy's life on Netflix

Favorite movie or genre?
It's embarrassing to admit - always was and always will be Dirty Dancing, but Shawshank Redemption is aa close second.

Any random fact you could share with us?
I rode in an elevator with Telly Savalas once in Las Vegas, and he winked at me.

Messy or organized?
Organized for sure.

Do you have a favorite newspaper, blog or website?
I'm an NPR addict.

Favorite quote?
"Don't give up, no murmur or utter. One more kick may bring the butter." Long story, and as far as I know, the author is unknown. There's more to it. 'll explain it to you sometime…

If you could interview one person (dead or alive) who would it be?
My Granny Dorsey

If you could witness any historical event, what would you want to see?
I would like to have been there when the Great Pyramid of Giza was built - then I'd see for myself how it was done.

If your house was burning down, What is the one nonliving thing you would save?
My red treasure box - it's got things in there that can't be replaced.

Guilty pleasure?
Eating Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk with a spoon straight from the can.

What would the book or movie about your life be called?
She Thought She Knew It All But Really Didn't

Who would play you in a movie about your life?
Melissa McCarthy - she laughs a lot.

What’s your astrological sign?

What three traits define you?
Unconditional love, my spirituality, sense of humor.

What is your personal philosophy?
Work hard, play hard and rest well.

What’s one thing you couldn’t live without?
Vicks Vapor Rub

What is the greatest challenge you have had to overcome in your life thus far? 
Burying my parents

What is your greatest fear?
I don’t know – I’ll have to think about that.

What does true leadership mean to you? 
The ability to listen before being heard.

If you could do another job for just one day, what would it be?
A jockey in the Kentucky Derby – I’d like to be on the winning horse.

What would you most like to tell yourself at age 13?
Listen to your Daddy – it’s all going to be good.

How do you define success?
My family enjoying my company.

Tell us something that might surprise us about you.
I love rap music and listen to it when I get angry mostly - I have a quick temper.

What is the best advice you’ve ever received?
Don’t give someone else an opportunity to change your voice.