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1640 Meeting Street Road, Suite 202
Charleston, SC, 29405
United States




Filtering by Category: Community

Spoleto Sunset Serenade

Mez Joseph

To kickoff Memorial weekend and the beginning of the Spoleto Festival here in Charleston several Liollio folks headed out to the Customs House on Friday evening for a free, outdoor concert featuring the Charleston Symphony Orchestra!  The weather was perfect and the music was fabulous!  More information on Spoleto 2014 events can be found here:,

VAMC 2014 Earth Day Fair

Mez Joseph


Michael Edwards and Jennifer Sanders participated in the Earth Day event at the VA today, along with other businesses and organizations including FWD (Food Waste Disposal), SCE&G, Scana, Enterprise, S&ME, CARTA, Cactus Smart Sink, Community Pride, the SC Forestry Commission, and others. This is an event that we participate in every year, and it seems to continue to grow. It’s an opportunity to share our work with veterans and their families, doctors and nurses, and other VA staff.