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Mez Joseph

Liollio's Andy Clark & Aaron Bowman were recently guest lecturers at the National Community Built Association (CBA) Conference held in Charleston at the Clemson Design Center in the historic Cigar Factory. Their presentation, Community: by design, presented case studies from their leadership roles within AIA South Carolina & AIA Charleston, as well as Liollio case studies of how community engagement efforts have strengthened our design solutions. The presentation focused on building community through: education, dialogue, design, equity, service and practice. Attendees left inspired and excited to apply new methods to improve designs to better serve the communities we work within. Liollio is always exploring new ways to engage the community to extract their story and vision, and translate that vision into a design language.

Open for Business: The Citadel Produces Military Leaders, Yes, But Even More Pursue Civilian Careers

Mez Joseph

Construction of Bastin Hall, future home of The Citadel's business school, is set to start in June.

By Dave Munday
The Post & Courier Mar 25, 2018

The Citadel’s mission to produce ethical business leaders is paying off, as the department is in the midst of a major makeover.

The expansion includes:
• A new name. The department was renamed The Tommy and Victoria Baker School of Business last year after a major donation from Baker, a 1972 business school graduate who founded the Baker Motor Co., automotive empire.
• A new home. The department is preparing to move from Bond Hall, where it shares space with administration and biology classes, to a new building called Bastin Hall, in the fall of 2019.
• A new dean. Michael Weeks, dean of the Dunham School of Business at Houston Baptist University, a former Air Force pilot and an accomplished violinist whose specialty is strategic innovation, will take over the helm at The Citadel on July 1.
• New specialties. This year, the Citadel began offering new programs focusing on finance, entrepreneurship and the supply chain.

About one-third of the graduates from the Charleston military college go into the military; the rest pursue civilian careers. The school has produced a long list of outstanding business leaders in its 175-year history, going back to James Coker, an 1856 graduate who founded Carolina Fiber Co., Sonoco Products and Coker College in Hartsville.

Baker is one of the more visible contemporary graduates in the Charleston area. He declined to reveal the amount of his donation last year, but it’s been called the largest in the history of the business school.

Bastin Hall is named after Rick Bastin, a 1965 business school graduate whose Florida car dealerships included the largest Mercedes-Benz dealership on the East Coast.

He donated $6 million to get the building started in September 2016. Work is expected to start this summer, near the Holliday Alumni Center across from Johnson Hagood Stadium.

All cadets — whether heading for military or business careers — are drilled in the school’s core values of honor, duty and respect. That’s a selling point in today business world, according to Iordanis Karagiannidis — often called "Dr. K" around campus — the business school’s associate dean.

"I think that is a strong selling point, when you look at the news, the lack of ethics in different businesses," Karagiannidis said.

The new dean agrees.

"The primary attraction of the position for me was The Citadel's commitment to its mission of developing leaders with core values of duty, honor and respect," Weeks said. "One only needs a quick scan of the current headlines to see that our community and nation require leaders of character at every level."

Out of 551 cadets who graduated in 2017, 191 — or 34 percent — were business majors, according to a report from the school.

A number of prominent business leaders also have earned their master's degrees at The Citadel, which allowed MBA candidates to complete the program entirely online two years ago.

Liollio Architecture, in association with ikon.5 architects, is currently working with The Citadel to complete the Bastin Hall project.

The Citadel's 175th Anniversary Luncheon

Mez Joseph

The 2017-2018 academic year marks the 175 Year Anniversary of The Citadel and, in a special partnership, The Post and Courier will commemorate this incredible milestone throughout the year with a series of events. You may have already noticed a key point of this partnership: the “Today in History” highlighting significant moments in Citadel history published daily on page 2 of The Post and Courier. The Post and Courier published a commemorative special publication on Sunday, March 25, 2018. The special publication included a historical overview of the past 175 years.

As part of this celebration, The Post and Courier also hosted the 175 Year Anniversary Luncheon on March 22 following the Greater Issues speech during Corps Day. Liollio Principals, Dinos Liollio, Cherie Liollio, Jay White, and Associate Principal, Andy Clark, joined in celebrating the military college of South Carolina and their extraordinary path to 175 years of excellence last Thursday at The Citadel’s Holliday Alumni Center.. The luncheon featured speakers including Lieutenant General John W. Rosa, USAF (Ret.), and Colonel Randy Bresnik, USMC (Ret,).

Rebel Girls Charleston Event at the Children's Museum of the Lowcountry

Mez Joseph

There was a great turnout last Saturday, and all the Rebel Girls (and boys!) in the community learned about being an architect. They learned that architects use their creativity and ideas to make drawings, which they then use to construct buildings. Our Rebel Architects drew their ideas for the new Children’s Museum on cards and used their drawings to construct a tower. The kids not only learned about architecture, but helped to design their own Children’s Museum!

We are proud to be Rebel Girls because we are ambitious and creative problem solvers. Architecture is about designing the spaces that you live, work, and (most importantly) play in. At Liollio, we focus on designs that bring people together and strengthen a community.  Think about your house, your school, your library: we led the design teams that bring those projects to life. We help shape the world around us!

Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls is a book that reinvents fairy tales and inspires girls and boys with the stories of 100 extraordinary women, from Elizabeth I to Serena Williams. We’re celebrating Women’s History Month with a celebration of our own “rebel girls.” 

Liollio is proud to have been apart of such an important, fun  and extraordinary event. Thank you to all who participated!

Calling All Photographers!

Mez Joseph

“Give us Your Best Shot!" As we prepare for the grand opening of the new James Island Town Hall, the Town of James Island is launching a photo contest to help personalize this new community space. Up to a dozen photos will be selected and displayed at the new Town Hall. Images could be of landscapes, buildings, or vistas around James Island, past or present. Photos must be high quality digital images accompanied with a release to print for the public’s enjoyment. Please submit only one image per person to be considered.

Please submit your photos to Frances Simmons, Town Clerk, by April 30, 2018. Winners will be recognized at the Grand Opening, coming early this summer.

Rebel Girls Celebration at Children's Museum of the Lowcountry

Mez Joseph

There was a great turnout last Saturday, and all the Rebel Girls (and boys!) in the community learned about being an architect. They learned that architects use their creativity and ideas to make drawings, which they then use to construct buildings. Our Rebel Architects drew their ideas for the new Children’s Museum on cards and used their drawings to construct a tower. The kids not only learned about architecture, but helped to design their own Children’s Museum!

We are proud to be Rebel Girls because we are ambitious and creative problem solvers. Architecture is about designing the spaces that you live, work, and (most importantly) play in. At Liollio, we focus on designs that bring people together and strengthen a community.  Think about your house, your school, your library: we led the design teams that bring those projects to life. We help shape the world around us!

Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls is a book that reinvents fairy tales and inspires girls and boys with the stories of 100 extraordinary women, from Elizabeth I to Serena Williams. We’re celebrating Women’s History Month with a celebration of our own “rebel girls.” 

Liollio is proud to have been apart of such an important, fun  and extraordinary event. Thank you to all who participated!

Richland Library St. Andrews Grand Opening

Mez Joseph

Liollio’s Angie Brose, Mary Tran, Greg Broadwater and Jennifer Charzewski recently enjoyed the Grand Opening festivities for the Richland Library St. Andrews branch in Columbia SC.

St. Andrews Library serves a vibrant community, with diverse interests ranging from gardening to guitar club to poetry slams and a focus on technology and career advancement.

The existing 13,000 SF library was fully renovated, and a 2,000 SF addition provides an expansive community meeting room connected to the garden, a maker space, increased computer access, collaboration studios and a new Career Coaching Center. Take a 360 virtual tour at!

The garden space wrapping the exterior of the library is a beacon within the Broad River Road Corridor and contains community planting beds, activity and event spaces, and a public art installation entitled The Band Shell (Artist: Jarod Charzewski, which allows the public to upload and play their own music or spoken word performances and acts as a stage for the library site.

St. Andrews Branch is one of ten projects comprising the $59M bond referendum passed by Richland County residents. Liollio has also had the honor of working on Ballentine and Blythewood, which opened this summer, and Wheatley Branch, which is currently under construction. The Liollio team includes Providence Associates library consulting, Margaret Sullivan Studio furniture consulting, Cox & Dinkins civil engineering, Stantec landscape architecture, Chao structural engineering, and RMF Engineering for mechanical, electrical and fire protection.  Construction Dynamics, Inc. served as the General Contractor for St. Andrews Library.

See more about all the Richland Library projects at

Children's STEAM: Young Architects

Mez Joseph

We always love the opportunity to introduce kids to the world of architecture and design.
— Jennifer Charzewski, Principal

Liollio’s Jennifer Charzewski, Liz Corr and Mary Tran participated in the Full STEAM Ahead Program: Young Architects at the Charleston Main Library on November 14, 2017.

November is Native American Indian Heritage Month and Liollio’s program aimed to teach the young architects about architecture through vernacular housing types and the ways people built shelters with the materials from their environment. Different vernacular housing types were shown, and they discussed how groups of people respond to different climates. such as, keeping wind out and warm air inside in cold climates, using the sun for passive heating, and being naturally ventilated with breezes in hot humid climates.

The young architects then sketched a vernacular housing type for a location of their choosing and constructed a model of it. Materials such as sticks, clay and fabric were used to make Igloos, Tipis, earth huts, and many other innovative and imaginative structures.

The Citadel Bastin Hall Groundbreaking

Mez Joseph

The Citadel recently broke ground on a brand new academic building. Bastin Hall will be the future home of the Tommy and Victoria Baker School of Business. The building is named after Rick and Mary Lee Bastin, who gave a generous donation to kick-start the fundraising for the building.  The groundbreaking, which took place outside of Hagood Avenue, is part of The Citadel's Foundation's Leaders in Philanthropy Weekend. This celebrates the contributions from people who have supported the college's mission of achieving excellence in education.

Liollio, in association with Ikon.5 has designed a 43,000 SF building that will feature a rooftop terrace, eight flat and tiered classrooms, four interview rooms and a 2,100 SF common area. This three story facility will modernize the business education program to prepare cadets to become leaders in the business community. The design is sited to create a new quad of The Citadel campus and becomes a new public face to the City of Charleston. Honoring the tradition of The Citadel and respecting the architectural character, the design incorporates modern characteristics showing the institutions transition into the 21st Century with an optimism for the future.

Doug Kelbaugh, FAIA Presents Inaugural Lecture at MRUD Program Charleston

Mez Joseph

Clemson's School of Architecture is pleased to announce the inaugural lecture for the Master of Resilient Urban Design program in Charleston SC. Doug Kelbaugh, FAIA is the Emil Lorch Collegiate Professor of Architecture and Urban Planning and Dean Emeritus Taubman College of Architecture & Urban Planning. For additional information on this lecture and the MRUD program, please contact:  B.D. Wortham-Galvin, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Director, 843-723-1747, Visit the Clemson School of Architecture news & events page here.

Built, Fast! 6 Local Architects Talk Shop

Mez Joseph

Associate Principal Andy Clark recently attended AIA Charleston's Pecha Kucha presentation Built, Fast! 6 Local Architects Talk Shop on July 18 held at Charles Towne Fermentory. Andy presented Liollio's design of the University of South Carolina Beaufort - Hilton Head Hospitality Management Facility. The project is currently under construction and Liollio is working in association with Bialosky Cleveland. Six local architects discussed and displayed images of their work at the new brewery in Avondale. The event was presented by AIA Charleston and CRAN Charleston, but was open to all. Each presenter exhibited 20 slides for 20 seconds each. It was a concise presentation of what our local architects have been hard at work on. Visit the AIA Charleston website at for upcoming events.

East Cooper Meals On Wheels

Mez Joseph

Thank you Palmetto Tile Distributors for creating SpecSC, a wonderful program that allows local companies to designate a portion of their purchase to local non-profits! Liollio's Elissa Bostain & Mary Tran stopped by to visit the East Cooper Meals on Wheels facility and meet with Palmetto Tile's Jason Goldberg and Sara Holt to present ECMOW with a check. Click here o learn more about the Palmetto Tile Distributors SpecSC program. Find out how you can help East Cooper Meals on Wheels here or by clicking the image above.

Fire Station #11 Near Charleston 9 Memorial Coverage on ABC News 4

Mez Joseph

CHARLESTON SC (WCIV) by Bill Burr— "We call it the little big house because of our location. We actually run quite a few calls," explains Captain Donovan Richardson of the Charleston Fire Department. He works at Fire Station 11 on Savannah Highway near Markfield Drive where firefighters live and work in close quarters.

"The rowing machine will get pulled out and we'll slide the work bench out a little bit when those guys are doing their reps," says Richardson. He shows how a dormitory for sleeping is also used as a gym. It’s one of the challenges of using a building built more than 50 years ago.

"They've added a battalion chief medical locker which takes up a lot of space. That same space holds all of our gear whenever we're not here. So, we have two other shifts. And we've reached our capacity with the number of guys," Richardson said.

Fire officials say the station was built in 1961. Since then, service needs have increased. That’s why interim fire chief John Tippett says the fire department plans to build a state of the art fire station just blocks away from Station 11, and next to the Charleston 9 memorial. It'll feature classic architecture, including nine windows symbolizing the firemen who died at the Sofa Super Store. "That property being next to the memorial site I think will add another depth of the improvements in the area, the recovery of the department since the fire, and where we're going as an organization," Tippett said.

It’ll be an upgrade in facilities and technology for members of Station 11’s Westside Battalion. The current fire station has 4,000 square feet of space. The new building will have about 14,000 square feet to accommodate up to two companies of firefighters, a command training center, and storage space for frontline and spare apparatus.

A price tag for the new station hasn't been determined. The city's design and review board approved the plans Monday night. Other boards will need to approve them, too. Interim Chief Tippett says the goal is open the new fire station by the end of 2018.