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1640 Meeting Street Road, Suite 202
Charleston, SC, 29405
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SPOTLIGHT ON: Kendall Roberts, Associate AIA

Mez Joseph

Kendall Roberts, Associate AIA, graduated from Clemson University in 2015 and joined the Liollio team in May of 2015. We recently sat down for a Q&A with one of our newest team members.

How long have you lived in Charleston and what brought you here?
I have lived in Charleston for 6 months. I wanted to practice architecture in a city, but I also love spending time outdoors. Charleston seemed like the perfect place. I grew up coming to Charleston on vacation, and have family living here, so I was pretty familiar with the area.

Where did you grow up?
I am originally from Reading Pennsylvania, but I grew up in Greenville, South Carolina.

Do you have any brothers/sisters? Where do you fall in the “line-up”?
I have three siblings. I have an older brother, older sister, and a younger brother.

What area of town do you live in?
I live in the South Windermere area. I think technically it is in West Ashley, but I have found a lot of people refer to it as a part of James Island.

Are you married?
Yes. My wife’s name is Bekah.

What is your favorite thing in your house?
My Bike

What are the top three things you like to do in your free time?
Hanging out with my wife, cycling, and recently, playing golf.

Who or what inspires you?
I think I am most inspired by people who make great sacrifices for others.

Do you have any pets?
I have a German Shepherd named Luna. She has a TON of energy, so I walk her 4 to 5 miles every day. She is a great dog and a lot of fun.

What accomplishment are you most proud of?
In graduate school I won a studio housing project competition, which got me involved in Clemson’s Solar Decathlon Team. I am very proud of the work that the team has put into the design of the Indigo Pine House. Also getting a job here at Liollio!

What building have you visited that most impressed you?
Peter Zumthor’s Koluma Museum in Cologne, Germany. Zumthor is a perfectionist, and it really shows in this project.

What architect or architecture firm most inspires you?
MASS Design Group is probably the most inspiring firm to me. Also, I am a big fan of Frank Harmon and Glenn Murcutt. I think they have a strong sense of Architecture and Place.

What architect or architecture firm most influenced you as a student?
Renzo Piano for his innovation in construction and building systems, and Bjark Ingles for his ability to clearly and simply communicate his designs graphically.

What is your favorite place you have traveled to and why?
Barcelona. Growing up it was known as the skateboarding capital of the world. It was really cool to go there and skate a lot of the places I grew up seeing in videos and magazines. Barcelona is also just a beautiful city in general. A great place to study architecture.

What is your favorite thing about working at Liollio?
Hands down, the people. I have learned so much (in a short amount of time) working with such a talented and really fun group of people.

If you weren’t an architect, what would you be?
I would probably be living in a van down by the river.

How do you give back to your community?
We are still getting settled in to Charleston having moved here just 6 months ago, so we aren’t that involved just yet. However, I plan on volunteering for the ACE Mentor Program, and look forward to getting involved with our church.

What about your profession excites you and motivates you each day?
The impact architecture can have on people is probably the most exciting thing about the profession. Architecture is problem solving. Thinking about my day to day tasks with that mindset keeps things fun and interesting.

What inspires you most?
Architects who really care about the places they live in.

What is the hardest part about your job?
Sitting next to David…..kidding! There are a lot of things that are challenging about my job being new to the profession, but that’s what makes it fun.

What style of architecture is your favorite?
I am a big fan of contemporary design, which I guess isn’t really a style. I really like studying vernacular architecture. I think it can teach a lot about architecture and place.

How would you describe your style as an architect/designer?
I am not really sure, but I hope people describe me as an architect/designer that cares.

What is a book you plan on reading?
The Craftsman by Richard Sennet

What is your favorite downtown restaurant?
I really like Persimmon Café. It is a little sandwich shop in a laundry-mat.

What do you like on your pizza?
I really like trying new kinds of Pizza, but my go to is BBQ chicken.

How do you take your coffee?
Not a coffee drinker.

What is your favorite food?
Seafood. Specifically, crab legs.

What is your least favorite food?
Cherry Tomatoes.

Do you prefer dogs or cats?

Do you play any instruments?
I played the recorder in elementary school.

If you could play an instrument, what would it be?
Probably the recorder. Not many good recorder players out there, so I would be in high demand.

What song is at the top of your most played list? Be honest!
Goldie, by A$AP Rocky….You said be honest.

Where do you go to relax, unwind, and meditate?
I go to the gym every morning at 6am. Not really quiet, but it helps me mentally prepare for the day.

Who would you most want to play you in a movie?
Leonardo DiCaprio or Denzel Washington

If you had one superpower, what would it be?

What is an ordinary thing that you are incredibly good at?
I am pretty good at putting strings back in hoodies when they fall out in the wash.

If you could contribute to a charity, what organization would top your list? Why?
The Catholic Church. They are the largest non-government provider of healthcare services in the world.

If you were an animal, what kind would you be?
My wife says my animal twin is a Lynx.

What is an interesting fact that most people don’t know about you?
I lived in Taiwan for two years.

Garden & Gun's 'The Southerner's Cookbook' on New York Times Best Sellers List

Mez Joseph

CHARLESTON, SC (Nov. 9, 2015) – In its first week of sales, THE SOUTHERNER’S COOKBOOK: Recipes, Wisdom, and Stories (Harper Wave; released October 27, 2015; $37.50, 320 full-color pages) has become the third consecutive book released by Garden & Gun magazine to reach The New York Times Best Sellers list. The cookbook is an heirloom-quality guide to the traditions and innovations that define today’s Southern food culture, with more than 125 recipes.

"Food has always been a cornerstone of G&G's coverage and Southern culture. Our cookbook reflects the past, present, and future with both traditional recipes and those that speak to the region's expanding foodways," says David DiBenedetto, senior vice president and editor in chief of Garden & Gun. "We wanted this to be a book that's truly representative of the South's vibrant food culture."

THE SOUTHERNER’S COOKBOOK dives deep into Southern food culture, with culinary contributions from James Beard Award-winning chefs like John Currence, Hugh Acheson, Ashley Christensen, Edward Lee, and Steven Satterfield, plus such keepers of small-town tradition as Louisiana's Alzina Toups and Charleston’s BJ Dennis. In addition, there are all-new recipes developed exclusively by Garden & Gun. Chapters include Party Bites and Appetizers; Chicken; Pork, Beef, and Lamb; Fish and Shellfish; Game; Vegetables and Sides; Baked Goods and Desserts; Condiments, Sauces, and Spreads; and Cocktails. Each chapter begins with an essay from one of G&G”s all-star roster of contributors, such as Julia Reed, Roy Blount, Jr., and Matt Lee and Ted Lee. Peter Frank Edwards, who collaborated on Sean Brock’s James Beard Award-winning cookbook, Heritage, photographed the book.

In recent years, Garden & Gun, the award-winning magazine that celebrates the best of Southern culture, has emerged as a leading lifestyle brand, with double-digit subscription and newsstand sales growth as well as continued success in the book publishing realm. G&G’s first book, THE SOUTHERNER’S HANDBOOK: A Guide to Living the Good Life, was published in 2013 to instant acclaim. GOOD DOG: True Stories of Love, Loss, and Loyalty followed in 2014.

Garden & Gun is an award-winning national lifestyle magazine that covers the best of the South, including the sporting culture, the food, the music, the art, the literature, the people and their ideas. Reaching a national audience of more than 1.25 million passionate and engaged readers, the magazine has won numerous awards for its journalism, design, and overall excellence. Visit

TUW Day of Caring

Mez Joseph

Jennifer Charzewski and Mary Tran volunteered with the AIA Charleston team for Trident United Way Day of Caring on Friday. The team designed and built an outdoor classroom for the Gateway Technology class at Gregg Middle School in Summerville. The weather was perfect for laying pavers and building planter benches!

Welcome to ‎Movember, the hairiest month of the year!

Mez Joseph

The Liollio Architecture family is participating in Movember to raise awareness for prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in American men, behind only lung cancer. About 1 in 7 will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime. Liollio's passion for Health + Wellness goes beyond architectural design, we are passionate about Health + Wellness in our community & around the world. Join the men's health movement: Grow, Give, MOVE! Visit the Liollio Movember Fundraising Page and help us reach our goal. The Movember Foundation is a global charity raising funds and awareness for men’s health issues such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health and physical activity. Liollio is proud to be part of this important fundraising & awareness event. Thank you for your support!!


Mez Joseph

Welcome to ‪‎Movember‬! The hairiest month of the year. Liollio's passion for Health + Wellness goes beyond architectural design, we are passionate about Health + Wellness in our community & around the world. Join the men's health movement: Grow, Give, MOVE! Visit the Liollio Movember Fundraising Page and help us reach our goal. The Movember Foundation is a global charity raising funds and awareness for men’s health issues such as depression, prostate cancer and other cancers. Liollio is proud to be part of this important fundraising & awareness event!

2015 Fall Greek Festival

Mez Joseph

Beautiful weather at the Greek Fall Festival last weekend. Lots of food, dancing and culture. Principal Dinos Liollio was at his regular station cooking and slicing gyro. Great to be Greek for the weekend. If you missed all the activities, the Greek Spring Festival will be coming up next May.


Mez Joseph

Liollio's Dustin Seager, Interior Design Lead, participated in the inaugural IIDA Advocacy Symposium held this year in Austin TX, September 11-13. Over 90 people attended and you can see the recap here. Dustin is featured in the back, right hand side of the first photo and also far right in the second photo.

Principal Rick Bousquet at Industry Day Conference

Mez Joseph

Principal Rick Bousquet was asked to be on a panel for Industry Day to discuss "How teams are successful in winning and executing federal government work". The panel consisted of Architectural Firms, General Contractors, and Federal Contracting Officers. There were approximately 250 attendees to the conference.


Mez Joseph

Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Charleston Magazine at the Gaillard Center Exhibition Hall. The 40th Anniversary Gala is being held this Thursday, October 15. You can purchase tickets here. Preview the 40 “very Charleston” auction items—to benefit MUSC Children’s Hospital. View the Gala guide here.

Clemson Solar Decathlon Team

Mez Joseph

The Clemson Solar Decathlon Team has completed their house out in California; its called Indigo Pine! The evaluations are this week.  The scores are really close and The Tigers are doing well so far! There is a category for “Viewers Favorite,” take a few mins. to vote for your favorite!

To Vote:

Team Rankings:

Video Time Lapse:



Happy Birthday Tommy!

Mez Joseph

This week we celebrated another birthday...this time with an Oreo ice cream cake for our Principal Tommy Schimpf. Happy Birthday Tommy!

Main Street Children's Museum

Mez Joseph

The Main Street Children's Museum, located in Rock Hill, S.C. offers fun and educational activities for children from birth to age six. The creative play space is inspired by the artwork of illustrator Vernon Grant, creator of Snap, Crackle and Pop from the Kellogg Company.

The Main Street Children's Museum, located in Rock Hill SC, offers fun and educational activities for children from birth to six years of age. Liollio is proud to have teamed with Snow Kreilich Architects & Argyle Design to complete this project in December 2010. The creative play space is inspired by the artwork of illustrator Vernon Grant, creator of Snap, Crackle and Pop from the Kellogg Company. Visit Main Street Children's Museum's website here.

Happy Birthday Cherie!

Mez Joseph

This week we celebrated Principal Cherie Liollio's birthday with cherry cheesecake. Happy birthday Cherie!