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1640 Meeting Street Road, Suite 202
Charleston, SC, 29405
United States



Renovation to Give St. Andrews Library Digital, 'Techie' Feel

Mez Joseph

The St. Andrews branch of Richland Library is getting a much-needed makeover, more than 20 years after it opened on the Broad River Road corridor. Library officials unveiled plans for the branch to the public Monday night, which will include bright colors and a modern facade. Architects for the project have taken a decidedly art- and tech-inspired approach to the design. “The idea is to create a young, fresh look — very techie, like Facebook or Google,” said Angie Brose, Project Architect with Charleston-based Liollio Architecture. “It’s going to be a total transformation.” Plans call for the current 13,000-square-foot building to be reconfigured for patrons needing space to conduct research, job searches or other work. An additional 2,000 square feet will be added to provide a large meeting room, teen “maker space” and a dedicated children’s area. Read full article.