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Children’s Museum Expanding with Outdoor Space: Live 5 News

Mez Joseph

By Summer Huechtker | July 22, 2020

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCSC) - The Children's Museum of the Lowcountry is planning an expansion of an outdoor area and improvements to its current historic building.

The city's Planning Director, Jacob Lindsey, says he's excited about this expansion that plans to gives the city's only children's museum more space outdoors. He says the previous outdoor space around the building was not very big and not well used.

The museum says they are planning to add a creative canopy that resembles the children's game of "pick up sticks."

"The design is really a playful one and is colorful and different from anything else that you'll find in the city," Lindsey said.

He added that there will be a new, permanent roof over the outdoor area as well as a fence that surrounds this area in order to keep it more private and safe.

Lindsay says the outdoor space is going to be next to the museum on Ann Street, and will run the whole length of the block between King Street and Meeting Street.

The Children’s Museum’s historic building has never gone through rehabilitation, but organizers say they are excited to finally get this underway after about two years of planning.

The city says they are also planning for an interior re-work of the facilities and programs indoors.

These additions are up for preliminary approval at the Board of Architectural Review Wednesday. Once it gets full approval for the outdoor shade and interior renovation, it could start construction.

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