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1640 Meeting Street Road, Suite 202
Charleston, SC, 29405
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Mez Joseph

Spotlight On is our tradition of interviewing team members to celebrate them and get to know them better. Our June Spotlight On feature is Mason Malsegna. Mason joined the Liollio team in 2021 as a Project Designer. He is a graduate of Syracuse University, where he earned his Bachelor of Architecture. Mason is a valuable addition to the studio, and his involvement on many project types and sizes helps distill creativity and confidence. Mason’s previous research in sustainable and resilient design methodologies helps us produce equitable and thoughtful work. We sat down for a Q+A session with our June Spotlight On feature:

Where did you grow up? I grew up in a town outside of Rochester, NY on the Erie Canal called Fairport.

Are you married? Do you have children? No

What do you like to do for fun? I love working out, mountain biking, exploring outside, and hiking. I’m also a big foodie and love cooking and trying wines.

Do you have pets? If so, tell us a bit about them. I have a cat that I adopted when I moved to Charleston from Pounce Cat Café. She’s a street cat with an edge (not really, but that’s the life I pretend she lived when she was picked up by the Target on Rivers Avenue). She keeps me up, knocks things over, and is a pain in my rear, but I’m happy to have her.

Favorite place(s) to go locally? Sullivan’s Island is my favorite spot in Charleston. Often I’ll go there to watch the sunrise, or sunset as well as to enjoy the nice warm weather this city has to offer.

Favorite restaurant? My favorite spot, thus far, is Great Wall Express (a Chinese place close to my house in Park Circle). They have cheap and delicious food that reminds me of a spot I used to go to when I was younger.

Favorite food? My favorite meal is a garbage plate, and it’s the most disgustingly unhealthy thing, but it’s delicious and local to Rochester, NY. It consists of mac salad and homefries as the base, topped with 1 to 4 cheeseburger patties, and smothered in a meat hot sauce, fresh onion, and mustard.

Least favorite food? Doesn’t exist.

Do you play any instruments? No

What song is at the top of your most played list? It’s always changing as I’m trying to find new music, but right now it’s Mount Everest by Labrinth.

Favorite musical artist or genre?
I love a mix of pop, indie, funk, and rap. My taste is a bit eclectic. My favorite artist at the moment is Dominic Fike.

Favorite visual artist? Donald Judd is my favorite. I love his sculptural work as his attention to fabrication detail is immense.

Favorite television show? My favorite show is Euphoria, but a close second with White Lotus.

Favorite book or author? The Great Gatsby

Last book you read? War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells

Favorite podcast or blog? The Leftovers Podcast

Favorite movie or genre? I’m a sucker for a good thriller movie. My favorite is Kill Bill Vol. I

Last movie you watched? Knives Out: Glass Onion – it was ok.

Favorite place you have traveled to and why? Thailand – every corner you turned there was something new to see, new food to try, and things to do.

Favorite style of architecture? I like a good mid-century modern home being from the North.

What building have you visited that most impressed or inspired you? Louis Kahn’s Baptist Church in Rochester.

What would the book or movie about your life be called? A Haphazard Odyssey

Who would play you in a movie about your life? It would definitely be me.

If you could be any animal, what would you be and why? I would be a human, cause you know, top of the food chain and all.

Are you messy or organized? An organized mess. But I’m neat.

What’s your pet peeve? When my schedule or plans change suddenly.

Guilty pleasure? Sipping on wine in the bath listening to music or with a good book.

Tell us a random fact. In German, it’s called “meerrettich” (sea radish) because it grows by the sea. Many believe the English mispronounced the German word “meer” and began calling it “mareradish.” Eventually it became known as horseradish. The word “horse” is believed to denote large size and coarseness. – Straight from Google.

Favorite quote? I don’t have one.

If you could interview one person (dead or alive) who would it be? Robin Williams – seemed like an interesting figure.

If you could witness any historical event, what would you want to see? Berlin Wall coming down – sounds like it was a good time.

If your house was burning down, what is the one nonliving thing you would save? My mountain bike.

What three traits characterize you? Determined – Friendly - Considerate

What’s your astrological sign? Libra – whatever you take that as.

What is your personal philosophy? Live and let live.

What’s one thing you couldn’t live without? Good wine

What is the greatest challenge you have had to overcome in your life thus far? Moving to a new state (South Carolina) on my own.

What is your greatest fear? As time goes on, my fear of small spaces grows larger. (See what I did there?)

What inspires you most? Random acts of kindness people do.

What accomplishment are you most proud of? Graduating near-top of my class from Syracuse University.

What is your favorite thing about working at Liollio? The firm culture - everyone is family.

What does true leadership mean to you? Someone who knows how to orchestrate, but also let people figure things out on their own.

If you could do another job for just one day, what would it be? National Park Ranger

What would you most like to tell yourself at age 13? Do as much as you can with your youth.

How do you define success? By my own personal satisfaction of what I do.

Tell us something that might surprise us about you. I was training to become an Olympic Lifter while in high school, and I still train now, just not professionally.

What is the best advice you’ve ever received? Let things happen, you can’t control every outcome.