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1640 Meeting Street Road, Suite 202
Charleston, SC, 29405
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Filtering by Tag: #AIACharleston


Mez Joseph

Liollio's Andy Clark & Aaron Bowman were recently guest lecturers at the National Community Built Association (CBA) Conference held in Charleston at the Clemson Design Center in the historic Cigar Factory. Their presentation, Community: by design, presented case studies from their leadership roles within AIA South Carolina & AIA Charleston, as well as Liollio case studies of how community engagement efforts have strengthened our design solutions. The presentation focused on building community through: education, dialogue, design, equity, service and practice. Attendees left inspired and excited to apply new methods to improve designs to better serve the communities we work within. Liollio is always exploring new ways to engage the community to extract their story and vision, and translate that vision into a design language.

Built, Fast! 6 Local Architects Talk Shop

Mez Joseph

Associate Principal Andy Clark recently attended AIA Charleston's Pecha Kucha presentation Built, Fast! 6 Local Architects Talk Shop on July 18 held at Charles Towne Fermentory. Andy presented Liollio's design of the University of South Carolina Beaufort - Hilton Head Hospitality Management Facility. The project is currently under construction and Liollio is working in association with Bialosky Cleveland. Six local architects discussed and displayed images of their work at the new brewery in Avondale. The event was presented by AIA Charleston and CRAN Charleston, but was open to all. Each presenter exhibited 20 slides for 20 seconds each. It was a concise presentation of what our local architects have been hard at work on. Visit the AIA Charleston website at for upcoming events.