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1640 Meeting Street Road, Suite 202
Charleston, SC, 29405
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Mez Joseph

Spotlight On is a Liollio tradition of interviewing team members to celebrate them and get to know them better. Our January/February Spotlight On feature is Tom Wales. Tom joined the Liollio team in 2021, relocating from Boston. As an Alabama native and graduate of Auburn University, Tom’s passions for historical research and analysis, paired with his background in the arts, has made him an asset to the team. We sat down for a Q+A session with our newest Spotlight On feature:

Where did you grow up?
I grew up on a farm in Elkmont, Alabama. It’s dead center between Nashville, TN and Birmingham, AL on the state line. If you are on driving down I-65 and see a Saturn IB rocket, you are there.

Are you married?
Yes, I am married to my wonderful wife, Courtney. We’ve been together since high school.

What do you like to do for fun?
I really enjoy painting and drawing in my spare time, along with playing guitar. We also enjoy finding something good to drink/eat and spending time at any of the great beaches here.

Do you have pets? If so, tell us a bit about them.
We have one heavyweight calico cat named Pip. Courtney got her while in school at Auburn, so she’s been with us for over a decade now. She’s the best.

Favorite place(s) to go locally?
Our favorite place to go is Sullivan’s Beach. We try to get out there at least once a week when weather permits.

Favorite restaurant?
We’ve recently been to Chubby Fish with friends, and the food was hard to beat. We also love going to Leon’s and Post House in Old Village.

Favorite food?
Ribeye or peaches.

Do you play any instruments?
I have played guitar since I was about 12 and enjoy most any stringed instrument. I have been learning to play the piano this year though, and it is going well overall I’d say.

What song is at the top of your most played list? 
Patches by Clarence Carter.

Favorite visual artist?
I’ve always loved the work of Edward Hopper and John Singer Sargent, particularly both of their watercolors and travel sketches. I also really like Fairfield Porter and Hockney in terms of oil painting.

Favorite television show?
We really have a love for anything in the PBS Masterpiece Series. All of their shows are well made and are shot in the best locations. The Durrells in Corfu and All Creatures Great & Small are two recent-ish shows they have produced that are great.

Favorite book or author?
I think I own and have read every David Sedaris book to date. I am currently reading Laurie Woolever’s biography of Anthony Bourdain and am enjoying it so far.

Last movie you watched?
The last full movie I watched was Pale Rider.

Favorite place you have traveled to and why?
My overall favorite place that I have been to so far is Florence, Italy.

What building have you visited that most impressed or inspired you?
The Ny Carlsberg Glyptoteket in Copenhagen is the most inspiring building that I have been to. It’s the art collection and museum of the founder of Carlsberg Beer. Not only is the collection of art amazing, the buildings and garden are top notch.

If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?
An indoor/outdoor house cat has an ideal life.

What’s your pet peeve?
If you have the right-of-way, drive like you do. Be predictable, not polite!

Guilty pleasure?
Kirkland’s Signature Trail Mix.

Tell us a random fact.
I used to travel around Alabama and the southeast playing in disc golf tournaments. I can still throw a Frisbee well over 300 feet.

What three traits characterize you?
Hardworking, curious, and tall.

What’s one thing you couldn’t live without?

What is the greatest challenge you have had to overcome in your life thus far? 
Relocating across the country is up there on the list. Moving without knowing anyone is challenging, but we’ve made great friends wherever we have landed.

What inspires you most?
I also usually have music on if I am doing anything remotely close to work. Travelling is up there too.

What accomplishment are you most proud of?
I am proud of all that I accomplished in my time at Auburn. I would say that I was an okay student through high school and that it all seemed to click once I was in a field that I was actually interested in.

What is your favorite thing about working at Liollio?
I’ve made great friends and have learned a lot from everyone in my time here so far.

If you could do another job for just one day, what would it be?
I have said that I would want to drive an ambulance. Get from point A to point B in the shortest amount of time with a blaring siren.

What would you most like to tell yourself at age 13?
For the love of your joints, please do not play football.

What is the best advice you’ve ever received?
“I can stand on my head for a year. You can always move back if you don’t like it.” This came from my former boss in Auburn after receiving an unsolicited offer to move to Boston after graduating.


Mez Joseph

We are seeking Project Architects & Project Designers! We’re excited to announce multiple career opportunities to join our growing downtown Charleston studio:

Project Architects
5 – 10 years experience in an architectural practice.
> Proficient in REVIT, Adobe Creative Suite, MS Office. Additional proficiency in Enscape, Rhino, or Grasshopper preferred.
> Comfortable in a highly collaborative setting.
> Familiarity with the design of public places preferred.
> Professional degree in architecture from an accredited university and registration required. 

Project Designers
0-4 years of experience in architectural practice.
> Proficient in Adobe Creative Suite and MS Office required. Additional proficiency in Revit and Enscape is preferred.
> Comfortable in a highly collaborative setting.
> Familiarity with the design of public places preferred.
> Professional degree in architecture from an accredited university.

The ideal candidates for both positions will be motivated, collaborative, creative, enthusiastic, professional, and must play well with others. We offer a competitive benefits package. If you are interested in applying, please submit your resume and cover letter to


Mez Joseph

We are currently seeking a Project Architect, Construction Contract Administrator, and Business Development Coordinator. We are excited to announce multiple immediate career opportunities to join our growing downtown Charleston studio:

Project Architect
5 – 10 years experience in an architectural practice.
> Proficient in REVIT, Adobe Creative Suite, MS Office. Additional proficiency in Enscape, Rhino, or Grasshopper preferred.
> Comfortable in a highly collaborative setting.
> Familiarity with the design of public places preferred.
> Professional degree in architecture from an accredited university and registration required. 

Construction Contract Administrator
5+ years experience in the AEC industry.
> Architectural education or background preferred.
> Proficient in MS Office applications.
> Experience with a variety of construction management software platforms preferred.
> Familiarity with commercial & public-sector construction practices and construction contracts required.
> Ability to work creatively & collaboratively within a studio environment required.
> Familiarity with multidisciplinary teams and with collaboration between the design team, owner, and contractor required.

Business Development Coordinator
5+ years professional experience required, AEC industry preferred
> Proficient in Adobe Creative Suite and MS Office applications.
> Ability to work creatively & collaboratively within a studio environment required.
> Strong communication skills - graphic, verbal, and written - required.
> This position has a direct impact on client and staff relations, team partners, production, business development, marketing, public relations, and the overall reputation of the firm.  
> Lead in scheduling, organizing, collaborating, and producing all business development efforts for the firm; assist in scheduling, organizing, collaborating, and producing all marketing/public relations efforts for the firm.

The ideal candidates for all three positions will be motivated, collaborative, creative, enthusiastic, professional, and must play well with others. We offer a competitive benefits package. If you are interested in applying, please submit your resume and cover letter to

About Liollio: Liollio believes creativity originates through the eyes and stories of communities based on subtle and restrained design, rooted in context, culture, and collaboration. For more than 64 years, Liollio has provided architecture, interior design, programming, historic preservation, and master planning services. Liollio has been honored by the American Institute of Architects South Carolina Chapter as a Firm Award Recipient − the highest honor that can be bestowed upon a SC firm. Visit for more info.