Mez Joseph
In observance of the holidays, our offices will be closed Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Years Day.
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In observance of the holidays, our offices will be closed Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Years Day.
Mary Tran, Associate AIA, graduated from Clemson University this year and joined the Liollio team in May. We recently sat down for a Q&A with one of our newest team members:
How long have you lived in Charleston?
1.5 years
Where did you grow up?
What area of town do you live in?
Are you married?
Do you have children?
What is your favorite thing in your house?
My big bedroom
What are the top three things you like to do in your free time?
Traveling, being outside, and being with friends.
Do you have any pets?
Two cats
If so, tell us a bit about them.
One is a 10-year-old male and the other one is a 1-year-old female. They have very different personalities, but they love each other. The 10-year-old one only likes men.
What’s your ethnic background?
Chinese- Vietnamese -American
Do you have any brothers/sisters?
Six sisters
Where do you fall in the “line-up”?
The 7th
What accomplishment are you most proud of?
Getting hired at Liollio
What building have you visited that most impressed you?
The Empire State Building
What architect or architecture firm most influenced you as a student?
Frank Lloyd Wright
What is your favorite country you have traveled to and why?
South Africa, going on safaris
What is your favorite thing about working at Liollio?
The people
What inspires you most?
The human will to live
What is the hardest part about your job?
Leaving at the end of the day.
How would you describe your style as an architect/designer?
What is your favorite downtown restaurant?
Too many to choose from!
What’s your favorite restaurant in Charleston?
I can’t even…
What do you like on your pizza?
Pineapples, sausage and mushrooms
What is your favorite food?
What is your least favorite food?
Kim Chi
Do you play any instruments?
I used to practice guitar!
If you could play an instrument, what would it be?
What song is at the top of your most played list (be honest)?
Probably something from a musical
If your life were a song, what would the title be?
“If I Had A Million Dollars” by Barenaked Ladies
Who would you most want to play you in a movie?
Samuel L. Jackson
What’s your astrological sign?
What’s the last movie you watched?
Ex Machina :-(
Guilty pleasure?
Eating…a lot
Liollio Architecture is currently teaming with Palmetto Construction Group on a 2nd Floor Upfit located at 34 Broad Street in historic downtown Charleston. The 8,000 SF office space will be the new home to Wessex Capital Investments and is scheduled for completion this Spring. Wessex Capital Investments is a leading private equity firm primarily investing in senior housing and commercial real estate. Visit their website for more info.
The West Ashley Senior Center Community Forum was held last Tuesday. The forum was an opportunity to share the design with the community and how their input from the pre-design community forum was incorporated. The project has received both conceptual and preliminary DRB approvals.
The groundbreaking for the new Hampton County Health Clinic in Varnville SC was held on December 10th. A few images from the event are featured above.
Take the opportunity to visit the James Island Festival of Lights this year!
Principal Rick Bousquet spent the day, December 3rd, critiquing city planning projects at a Colleton High School Art-Geo Class. The class is a combination of Geometry and Art and consisted of sophomores and juniors. The students were tasked with designing a city, located between Walterboro and Charleston, using famous structures like Falling Water, Buckingham Palace, the Giza Pyramids, and art sculptures like The Thinker. The city grid was to have certain angles and the placement of the buildings needed to be relative to the grid and those angles. Overall, it was a lot of fun.
Last Thursday, December 3, Principal Dinos Liollio attended a wonderful groundbreaking ceremony in Fort Mill SC for the new Fort Mill Welcome Center. Liollio is currently designing two new State Welcome Centers, Fort Mill and Hardeeville.
The men of Liollio say goodbye to Movember and goodbye to facial hair! Thank you to everyone who donated to the Movember Foundation and helped us reach our goal. We are proud to have taken action and raised awareness and funds for such an important cause! Visit movember.com and find out how you can get involved next year.
The fall harvest season is upon us once again and to celebrate, we've rounded up seven architecture and design projects that are built from, inspired by, or mimic an assortment of seasonal vegetables. While pumpkins and gourds are most often used as food and decoration, these Mother Nature-influenced designs will inspire you to consider their design potential as well. From corn husk-shaped pavilions to a giant village built from 50,000 pumpkins, click here to see the full article.
Time is running out Mo friends! Please help us reach our Movember goal!
Visit our Liollio Movember page to donate.
The 2015 South Carolina Library Association Annual Conference was held in Columbia SC late last month. Richland Library and Liollio teamed to host several events and celebrated the end of an awesome first day with a Happy Learning Hour. Many attended, and drinks and heavy hors d'oeuvres were served as attendees made connections with librarians from all over South Carolina. Other events included the "Learn, Create, Share Workshop" and a presentation of St. Helena Branch Library at Penn Center by Liollio's Jennifer Charzewski and Angie Brose. Visit the SCLA website or the Richland Library website.
Join the AIA and Clemson Architecture Center in Charleston for the last Fall lecture next Wednesday (December 2nd) at the Visitor Center Auditorium! We are excited to welcome Brian MacKay-Lyons, FAIA of MacKay-Lyons Sweetapple Architects in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Inspired by: Miro Rivera Architects (MRA) is an internationally-recognized architecture practice that has created a body of work that exemplifies design excellence, blurs art and architecture, and includes poetic and inspirational projects that enrich their landscapes. Visit their website for the VIA Bus Stop project description and see their entire portfolio of amazing work..
As Veteran Affairs continues to find new ways to improve the lives of our nation's veterans, they are expanding their methods to advance results. Liollio's Seth Cantley started instructing a yoga class at the VA in 2013. Seth was recently invited to meet with the Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs (2nd in-charge of the national branch), Sloan Gibons, to discuss the benefits of yoga, and the affects it has had on patients. Mr. Gibons was impressed with the impact on many of the vets dealing with chronic pain, post-surgery recovery, PTSD and other challenges. He was kind and open to suggestion on how to further expand complementary and alternative medicine at the VA.
Congratulations Liollio! We've achieved the Magnolia Level Award again this year from the Green Business Challenge! Thank you to the shareholders, the Liollio Environmental Committee, all recyclers and recycling volunteers for making this possible. So pretty much everyone pat yourself on the back. Good Job!
Visit the Charleston Green Business Challenge website to see how you and your company can help reduce waste and the consumption of energy and water.
Dinos Liollio recently served as a juror for the Architectural Precast Association national design awards. Dinos, along with colleagues Marc Marchant and Steve Ramos of LS3P, reviewed roughly 50 submittals. Dinos attended the national conference in Hilton Head and presented the awards with comments on behalf of the jury.
On October 20th, Dinos, Cherie and Jane attended the Celebrate Gifts of Aging in the Lowcountry event, sponsored by the local National Aging in Place Council (NAIPC). Dinos was honored by the organization for his contribution to thoughtful and creative designs for public community projects in the lowcountry – especially Charles Towne Landing’s Founder Hall (where the event was held) and the current design for the West Ashley Senior Center. Dinos’s designs are “a testament to the firm’s ongoing attention to the needs of older adults. Dinos is a role model and inspiration for his family, his firm, and for the community.” Congratulations Dinos! Well deserved!