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1640 Meeting Street Road, Suite 202
Charleston, SC, 29405
United States



Liollio Architecture Welcomes New Team Members

Mez Joseph

Liollio Architecture is pleased to welcome six new team members to its studio: Ryan Bing, Jeremy Eaton, Kelsey McKenna, Tom Wales, Rajan Mistry, and Tammy Griffin.

A graduate of Colorado College with a Bachelors in Environmental Science and a Masters in Architecture from Clemson University, Ryan Bing utilizes his extensive skillset to design and create beautiful visualizations of projects at all scales.

A graduate of Texas A&M University’s College of Architecture, with a Masters from Clemson University, Jeremy Eaton is interested in community-focused design and favors a critical regionalism approach to architecture. He has a passion for making, stemming from his experience in carpentry and metal working. 

Kelsey McKenna is a graduate of Clemson University’s School of Architecture. Kelsey’s interests lie in creating community spaces that allow people the opportunity to connect with one another and nature, and her perspective blends interior design and architecture.

Project Architect Tom Wales relocated from Boston. As an Alabama native and graduate of Auburn University, Tom’s passions for historical research and analysis, paired with his background in the arts, makes him an asset to the team. 

Contract Administrator Rajan Mistry is a graduate of the New School of Architecture & Design in San Diego. He has a history of construction contract administration and project management from the perspective of the Owner, Contractor, and Architect. 

Administrative Assistant Tammy Griffin brings valuable office management and contract oversight experience. A Charleston native, Tammy previously worked as a Legal Assistant for 19 years in the Charleston area.