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1640 Meeting Street Road, Suite 202
Charleston, SC, 29405
United States



Liollio Joins Trident United Way'S Days of Caring

Mez Joseph

For 20 years, Trident United Way has hosted the largest single day of community service in the Tri-County area on Day of Caring thanks to employers, teams and neighbors coming together to make a difference. This year they tripled the impact by extending the Day of Caring to Days of Caring in an effort to engage more volunteers, provide more flexibility for completing projects, and deliver more impact to our Tri-County. Liollio is honored to have been part of the effort again this year! Thank you to Trident United Way and of all the volunteers for all the important work you do and for inviting us to be a part of the mission!

About Trident United Way’s Days of Caring: A 15-year tradition in the Lowcountry, Trident United Way’s Day of Caring brings together hundreds of nonprofit agencies and schools with thousands of volunteers all on one day to improve the tri-county community. TUW’s Day of Caring is the largest community service day in the area. TUW matches nonprofit agencies and schools with volunteer teams that help advance their mission and build capacity—all while fostering community engagement. Additionally, it is the catalyst for year-round volunteer engagement as teams see the impact they can make in one day when they build partnerships within the community. For more information, visit