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1640 Meeting Street Road, Suite 202
Charleston, SC, 29405
United States



Liollio Architecture’s Lance Eubanks Achieves Architectural Licensure

Mez Joseph

Lance Eubanks, AIA, LEED AP, Project Architect

Lance Eubanks, AIA, LEED AP, Project Architect

Liollio Architecture is pleased to congratulate Lance Eubanks, AIA, for earning his architectural licensure and becoming a member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA), a professional organization for architects in the United States. A registered architect must complete an internship and pass a rigorous series of examinations offered by official architectural registration boards in the United States and Canada. The Liollio team celebrates Lance and his achievement.

A native of Mississippi, Lance completed his Bachelor of Architecture at Mississippi State University. Prior to joining Liollio, Lance worked as a Project Manager and Project Designer with ZGF Architects LLP in Washington DC, Sorg Architects in Washington DC, and as an Architectural Intern at Foil Wyatt Architects and Planners in Jackson, Mississippi. Lance has been a LEED Accredited Professional for more than 10 years, and his portfolio consists of Healthcare, Federal, Higher Education, Commercial, and Community projects.