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1640 Meeting Street Road, Suite 202
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Liollio Wins 2 AIA Charleston Design + Service Awards

Mez Joseph

The 2016 AIA Charleston Design + Service Awards were held last Friday, October 28th. Liollio was represented by a great group of approximately 20 including guests.  This special event is held every three years and is an opportunity to come together in fellowship and celebrate the great work of our peers and colleagues here in the Lowcountry. An exceptional group of 28 submissions were received this year. Out of 28 submissions, 10 awards were given. Liollio was honored with two awards. A 2016 AIA Charleston Jury Citation was given to Liollio for Charleston Progressive Academy, and a Merit Award for Brighton Park Swim Club.

The following is a full list of awards. Congratulations to all the honorees!

Service Awards
Rob Turner for his work with the ACE Mentor Program
The Parks Conservancy
Enough Pie

Student Choice Award
Middleton Group for Lewis Barbecue in Charleston, South Carolina

Design Awards

Jury Citations
Liollio Architecture for Charleston Progressive Academy
Middleton Group for Blue Acorn 2
Goff D’Antonio for Mason Preparatory School
McMillan Pazdan Smith Architecture for 400 Meeting Street

Merit Awards
Middleton Group for Gadsden House
LS3P Associates for The Vendue
Liollio Architecture for Brighton Park Swim Club

Honor Awards
LS3P Associates for LeCreuset Retail Boutique Store
Julia F Martin Architects for the Westendorff Building