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Spotlight On: Lance Eubanks

Mez Joseph

Liollio is pleased to welcome Lance Eubanks, Associate AIA, LEED AP, to our design studio! A native of Mississippi, Lance completed his Bachelor of Architecture at Mississippi State University. Prior to joining Liollio, Lance worked as a Project Manager and Project Architect with ZGF Architects in Washington DC. After giving Lance a bit of time to settle in, we sat down for a little Q&A with our newest Spotlight On feature.

How long have you lived in Charleston?
A little over two months.

Where did you grow up?
About five miles outside of Lucedale, Mississippi – a tiny town near the Gulf Coast.

Are you married? Children?
Not married, but I moved here with my partner, Justin.

What is your favorite nonliving thing in your home?
I have a cedar chest that was originally my Great Aunt’s dowry chest from around 1930. It somehow made its way to me. It’s moved with me everywhere I’ve been since college, and I would probably try to carry it out if my house caught on fire.

What do you like to do when you have free time?
Social distancing has taught me that I need more hobbies. I try to spend as much time outside as possible. Virtual game nights and cooking keep me going while I’m stuck in the house.

Do you have any pets? If so, tell us a bit about them.
We have a dog named Bee. She’s an eight year old Beagle mix, and she will literally never turn down an offer for someone to pet her. She’ll let you go for three hours straight if you’re up for it.

What architect or architecture firm most influenced you as a student?
I have always loved Tadao Ando’s work. What he does with natural light in his projects, in the simplest way possible, has always amazed me. 

What is your favorite place you have traveled to and why?
Florence, Italy has to be my favorite. Ankara, Turkey is probably the most interesting place I’ve been.

What is your favorite thing about working at Liollio?
When I was moving to Charleston and looking for a job, I read a few of the Spotlight On posts on the Liollio website. Everyone said that their favorite thing about working here is the people. Well, they were right. I have been blown away at how many awesome people I get to work with. 

What inspires you most?
People. All of them. Everyone has an interesting perspective to offer to the world.

What is your favorite restaurant?
So far, Leon’s on King Street is my favorite Charleston spot, but there are so many more places to try.

What’s your favorite place in Charleston?
The beach at Sullivan’s Island at sunset has been my happy place so far.

What is your favorite food?
I could eat seafood every day for the rest of my life. Let’s hope I don’t get mercury poisoning.

What is your least favorite food?
I’ll eat almost anything, but the sight of blue cheese is sickening to me.

Do you play any instruments?
I was in the band in high school, and I played the trombone. It’s been a really long time since I’ve played though.

Who or what is your favorite musical artist or genre?
So, I like a lot of musicians, but Dolly Parton definitely has the number one spot. She’s a great songwriter, and she has this warm and positive personality that is infectious.

Favorite television show?
Law & Order (original) is always on the DVR. The Sopranos was fantastic. Right now, we’re watching The Crown, Schitt’s Creek, and Grace and Frankie.

Last book you read?
Educated by Tara Westover.

Last movie you watched?
The Irishman

Favorite movie or genre?
The Godfather is a classic.

Are you messy or organized?
The kitchen is spotless. Sometimes the closet overflows.

Do you have a favorite newspaper, blog or website?
I love local news. I got a subscription to the Post and Courier before I moved here. I also really enjoy reading CityLab online.

If you could interview one person (dead or alive) who would it be?
Betty White

If you could witness any historical event, what would you want to see?
The March on Washington in 1963 must have been a truly amazing sight.

What would the book or movie about your life be called?
Life of a Klutz: How to Get Back Up Again

What’s your astrological sign?
I’m a Capricorn. I don’t think it matters, but I’ll still read a horoscope every now and again.

What is your personal philosophy?
Treat others well.

What’s one thing you couldn’t live without?
My people. I’ve always thought this, but recent events have completely reinforced that for me.

What does true leadership mean to you? 
Empowering the people around you to be their best self and do their best at whatever they are doing.

If you could do another job for just one day, what would it be?
It’s a toss-up between a chef and a retirement home activity director.

How do you define success?
Being happy, healthy, and engaged.