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Inspired By: Musée National des beaux-arts du Québec by Allied Works Architecture

Mez Joseph

Our newest Inspired By: feature highlights the Musée National des beaux-arts du Quebec by Allied Works Architects. The Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec (MNBAQ) is the primary art museum of Québec. The museum sits in a park overlooking the St. Lawrence River and the Plains of Abraham, site of a 1759 battle that changed the course of Canada’s history. Allied Works proposal for a new 110,000 s.f. pavilion contains new space for temporary exhibition, permanent collection galleries and public assembly.

The new pavilion is formed by a series of five interlocking, cantilevered concrete shells that rise from the native bedrock. The form opens to the Grande Allée, Québec’s principal street, serving as a gateway to the museum’s three existing buildings. At the heart of the pavilion, the Grand Hall creates a major new event space for the city and provides views into the galleries above North facing openings, created by the vaulted forms, provide indirect natural light to the exhibition spaces. The shells cantilever at the ground floor, opening the museum to the park and to a landscaped courtyard between the new pavilion and the neighboring Dominican church. Adjacent to the courtyard, a new garden pavilion houses a café, bookstore, and support spaces for the museum.

The proposal for the new pavilion creates a threshold for art – a bridge between city and museum, between architecture and landscape, between old and new. The building is a braid of structure and light that binds the specific forces of landscape, history and art into one calm, powerful and entirely new form.

Visit Allied Works Architecture's website and read more here.

Mosquito Jackets!

Mez Joseph


Dan suiting up in his mosquito jacket down in the Everglades! Geoff Mohney and Dan Corte visited the Everglades for a few days to perform some existing site investigations on several projects that we have there.

Images from the Aftermath of Joaquin

Mez Joseph

The Capri Isle Boat Landing at Mrs. L's house on Sunday at high tide. Approximately 4" of water in the streets. Fine time for boating!

High tide Saturday on the Stono River.

UCI Road Cycling World Championships

Mez Joseph

Geoff Mohney, AIA LEED AP, recently attended the UCI Road Cycling World Championships in Richmond Virginia. Here are some highlights from all the photos he took.

Spotlight On: Elissa Bostain

Mez Joseph

Elissa Bostain, AIA, is a native of Charleston and has worked on a variety of projects, ranging from Historic Preservation and Higher Education to Community and Healthcare Architecture. She is currently a board member for the local AIA Chapter and participates in the Chamber of Commerce Charleston Young Professionals. Elissa has worked at Liollio since 2012 and recently became a licensed architect. We sat down for a short Q&A for this month’s Spotlight On: feature.

How long have you lived in Charleston?
I was born in Charleston! I moved back after graduate school at Clemson just over three years ago.

Where did you grow up?
I grew up in Mount Pleasant. It still shocks me how much Mount Pleasant has grown since the late 80’s.  There used to be only one movie theater with three screens (where the VW dealership is on 17).

Do you have any brothers/sisters? Where do you fall in the “line-up”?
Only child….has its advantages and disadvantages

What area of town do you live in?
Mount Pleasant off Mathis Ferry

What accomplishment are you most proud of?
My most recent accomplishment of getting my license!  After 6 years at Clemson, 3 years working after graduate school and 7 exams, I finally got my license in June.

What building have you visited that most impressed you?
Sagrada Familia, a large Roman Catholic church in Barcelona, Catalonia, designed by Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí - mainly because I can’t believe it has taken this long to construct.  Construction started in 1882 and expected completion date is 2026.

What is your favorite city you have traveled to and why?
Barcelona will always have a place in my heart. I spent an amazing semester studying architecture there in graduate school. A close second would be Budapest; I took a fantastic backpacking trip earlier this summer to Eastern Europe (Prague, Vienna, Budapest, and Munich)! I happened to be in Budapest the weekend of the Red Bull Air Race, which was amazing! The planes were flying over the Danube between the city’s two halves – Buda and Pest.

What is your favorite thing about working at Liollio?
Definitely the people!

What do you like on your pizza?
My order at Your Pie = pesto sauce, cheese, pineapple, spinach, pecans, and chicken

How do you take your coffee?
Not a coffee drinker!

What is your favorite food?
I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! I am a frequent customer at Jeni’s.

What is your least favorite food?

Do you prefer dogs or cats?

Do you play any instruments?

If you could play an instrument, what would it be?
I have always wanted to learn to play the drums.

If you had one superpower, what would it be?

If you could contribute to a charity, what organization would top your list? Why?
East Cooper Meals on Wheels – I’ve volunteered every summer since I could count! I helped pack and deliver meals to homebound residents in the Old Village in Mount Pleasant. It is a great organization that really takes care of each resident.

Ballentine Library Community Unveiling

Mez Joseph

The unveiling of the Ballentine Library design went very well on Tuesday. The residents who stopped by got very excited and love the design!

News articles related to the event: The State Paper  ColaDaily

AIASC Center for Architecture

Mez Joseph

AIASC now has a storefront for the Center for Architecture on Main Street in Columbia (pictured above)!  If you are in the area be sure to stop by and check out the new space; the address is 1530 Main Street, just a few blocks from the State House!

On Friday, Dinos, Andy, Jennifer and Elissa took a trip up for a membership meeting and design charrette for the new Center for Architecture.

Congratulations to Andy Clark who was nominated for Secretary/Treasurer for AIASC! 

8 Awards for St. Helena Library

Mez Joseph

Dinos Liollio, Jennifer Charzewski and Jane Thompson were warmly received at the Beaufort County Council meeting Monday night to present 8 awards for St. Helena Branch Library at Penn Center. The awards presented were:





Mez Joseph

On September 10, 2015, a groundbreaking ceremony for the Hampton County Library was held. Pictured in the lineup are members of Hampton County Council and County Administration, as well as members of the Hampton Library Board and staff of the Allendale-Hampton-Jasper Regional Library System.

The project is one of ten community facilities being funded by a one-cent sales tax enacted by a voter referendum. the large turnout on that hot august day reflects the community’s interest in improving the quality of life and education in Hampton.

Liollio Visits Bialosky + Partners

Mez Joseph

Liollio's Andy Clark & David Dewees recently paid a visit to Bialosky + Partners in Cleveland OH to participate in a design charrette for a current collaborative project.

NPS Carver Museum

Mez Joseph

Rick and Geoff also made a stop in Tuskegee, AL for our site investigation at the George Washington Carver Museum.  The Carver Museum is a part of the Tuskegee Institute NHS.  The Museum is having problems cooling the staff areas as well as controlling humidity levels in the museum area.  Our scope is to replace the HVAC system and we will also end up replacing all of the ductwork to create a more efficient system that controls both temperature and humidity.

NPS - 443 Edgewood

Mez Joseph

Rick and Geoff also traveled to Atlanta, GA to complete our site investigation to renovate 443 Edgewood.  This building is owned by the Martin Luther King Jr NHS and is a part of the Historic District.  Our scope is to rehabilitate the historic façade and complete renovations to the interior to allow NPS to lease the space to a local business.

NPS - Everglades National Park

Mez Joseph

Last week Rick and Geoff traveled to Homestead, FL to review several projects with the Everglades National Park.  Some for the projects include exterior renovations to the Coe Visitor Center, replacing the Bobcat Boardwalk at Shark Valley, designing a new fee/entrance station to the Long Pine Key Campground, renovating the LPK Amphitheater, re-roofing three buildings and completing some renovations/rehabilitation to the Mission 66 Historic Shark Valley Tower Comfort Station.

2015 REVOLVE Conference In Charleston SC

Mez Joseph

Liollio's Mez Joseph, Marketing & Graphic Design Lead, is excited to be attending this year's Revolve Conference in Charleston, South Carolina, located at the beautiful Wild Dunes Resort. Join Mez and many other talented creatives at this inspirational and informative 2-day event now. Sign up before Friday September 16th for the Early Bird Special [$399]! ‪#‎REVOLVECONF‬

Inspired By: The Work of Charles and Ray Eames

Mez Joseph

Charles Eames (1907–78) and Ray Eames (1912–88) gave shape to America's twentieth century. Their lives and work represented the nation's defining social movements: the West Coast's coming-of-age, the economy's shift from making goods to producing information, and the global expansion of American culture. The Eameses embraced the era's visionary concept of modern design as an agent of social change, elevating it to a national agenda. Their evolution from furniture designers to cultural ambassadors demonstrated their boundless talents and the overlap of their interests with those of their country. In a rare era of shared objectives, the Eameses partnered with the federal government and the country's top businesses to lead the charge to modernize postwar America. Visit their Library of Congress page here.