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1640 Meeting Street Road, Suite 202
Charleston, SC, 29405
United States




Andy Clark, AIA, LEED AP, Managing Principal + Education Leader
“We carry a strong sense of social purpose as we serve our communities through design. Every Liollio project provides a unique response to the history, climate, and culture of a place.”  As one of Liollio’s Managing Principals, Andy has advocated for good design through education, public advocacy, and professional service. “It’s an honor to be part of a talented team of designers that take pride in their work and make even the most challenging days fun and rewarding.” Andy believes in the power of people and place - being deeply embedded in our communities and academia, having lectured and taught design studios for Clemson University’s Architecture Center in Charleston. A graduate of Clemson University, he served as President of AIA South Carolina, organizing the Community: by design Conference in conjunction with ArtFields in Lake City, SC. He is also Past President of AIA Charleston, where he co-founded a public lecture series to elevate community design dialogue, and has served on the Clemson Architectural Foundation Board.

Jennifer Charzewski, AIA, LEED AP, Managing Principal + Community Leader
“We believe the best designs use local history and culture as a guide. Understanding a project’s narrative through the eyes and stories of a community creates deep connections. It brings a spirit, clarity, and sense of place to our work.” Jennifer, as one of Liollio’s Managing Principals, believes architecture is about people and the thoughtful development of places to gather, learn, work, and play is an opportunity to celebrate the pride and the story of a community. She promotes both the well-being of our design studio and the communities that we serve. “Liollio is a family, and the talent, enthusiasm and commitment of our team makes our work a joy.”  A graduate of Texas A&M University and the University of Minnesota, Jennifer has served as President of AIA Charleston, South Carolina Equity in Architecture Committee Chair, an ACE Mentor, a member of the AIASC Disaster Assistance Committee, and teaches the mentorship class for Clemson University’s Architecture Center in Charleston.

Jay White, AIA, LEED AP, Managing Principal + Preservation Leader
“Good design is a matter of very hard work and also a matter of honoring the history of people and places,” which Jay is attentive to through his work in historic preservation and civic architecture. As one of Liollio’s Managing Principals, Jay has committed the past two decades to developing a balance between historic preservation and the introduction of contemporary building methods and materials in historically and culturally sensitive places. Frequent appearances as a guest lecturer at Clemson University eventually led to a six-year position leading a seminar on the history of Charleston, its relationship to its buildings, and its buildings' relationship to politics. The expertise needed to lead that seminar is the result of 23 years of preservation practice in the South and 12 years of service on the City of Charleston’s Board of Architectural Review. Jay's career has created bridges between architectural practice, education, and civic leadership.

Rick Bousquet, AIA, LEED AP, Principal + Federal Leader
“Vincent Van Gogh said, Great things are done by a series of small things brought together. As an architect, I find excitement in bringing together small sequences of useful design responses to create the greatness of successful architecture. For me personally, architecture is more than a three-dimensional structure, it is art that exists in reality. I find creative freedom in painting, and have a passion for abstract and impressionist art. This fuels my desire to balance imagination with reality and enhances my design ability to better serve our clients and communities. In my opinion, the end result of architecture is as exciting as the small steps that are taken to get there.” As a Principal at Liollio, Rick is engaged with programming, master planning, conceptual design, project management, quality management and construction oversight. He is a graduate of Iowa State University, and his decades of architectural design experience includes government, historic preservation, institutional and mixed-use projects.

Dinos Liollio, FAIA, LEED AP, Principal
“Design originates through the stories of communities, creating the narrative for regional architecture.” Dinos is a Principal at Liollio and has successfully transitioned the firm into its third generation. His portfolio, spanning decades, demonstrates that context forms the setting for all design and culture is its narrative. A graduate of Auburn University, and an Alpha Rho Chi Medal of Honor recipient, Dinos has served on national, regional, and state design award juries, led numerous design charrettes, and has lectured on collaboration as the vehicle to realize remarkable buildings that inspire people.

Elissa Morrison, AIA, Firm Associate

Mez Joseph Firm Associate + Marketing Coordinator

Dan Corte, AIA, Firm Associate

Liz Corr, AIA, LEED GA, Firm Associate

Lance Eubanks, AIA, LEED AP, Firm Associate

Sarah Glass, AIA, Firm Associate

David Herrero Associate AIA

Erin Estep AIA, LEED AP

Gauge Bethea Associate AIA, LEED GA, WELL AP

Hunter Thurlo AIA

Jane Thompson Business Development

Lisa Gerth Business Manager

Madison Koeman Business Development Coordinator

Mary Tran Associate AIA + IIDA

Mason Malsegna Associate AIA

Michelle Lanker AIA, LEED AP, Technical Director + Contract Administrator

Nate Stoltenberg Associate AIA

Navya Tummala Associate AIA

Rajan Mistry Contract Administrator

Ri Glal Associate AIA

Tammy Griffin Administrative Assistant

William Scott  Associate AIA

©2025 Liollio Architecture, PC