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1640 Meeting Street Road, Suite 202
Charleston, SC, 29405
United States



Liollio's Kendall Roberts Achieves Architectural Licensure

Mez Joseph

Liollio is pleased to congratulate Kendall Roberts, AIA, for earning his architectural licensure and becoming a member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA), a professional organization for architects in the United States. A registered architect must complete an internship and pass a rigorous series of examinations offered by official architectural registration boards in the United States and Canada. The Liollio team celebrates Kendall and his achievement.

Born in Reading PA, Kendall grew up in Greenville SC. He moved to Charleston and joined the Liollio team in 2015 after finishing both his undergraduate and graduate studies in Architecture at Clemson University. Kendall also completed a semester in Barcelona at the Barcelona Architecture Center through Clemson’s Fluid Campus Program. He was on Clemson’s Solar Decathlon Team in 2015, and served as President of Freedom by Design (Clemson AIAS Chapter) during his undergraduate program. Freedom by Design, the AIAS community service program in partnership with the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB), uses the talents of architecture students to radically impact the lives of people in their community through modest design and construction solutions.

Kendall’s project work at Liollio has ranged in size and scope, strengthening his design, attention to detail, communication and collaborative skills. His recent work includes Charleston Fire Department’s Station 11, the Louis Waring, Jr. Senior Center, and the Kiawah Island handrail replacement at The Preserve.