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Renovated, hi-tech Richland County library reopens

Mez Joseph

COLUMBIA, SC (WIS) - A Richland County library is offering a new way to learn after it re-opened Wednesday morning. The St. Andrews locations is one of the latest to be complete as part of the $59 million bond referendum that passed in the county 2013. The renovations to the St. Andrews location cost just over $4.5 million paid for by that bond. Renovation started last October. The building has several features including multiple computer areas, a children’s play area and a maker space.

"There's really just going to be this great access," Emily Stoll, media relations coordinator, said. "We're trying to break down barriers. Whether it's transportation barriers, whether it's access to information, whether it's access to internet and connectivity, we want to bring that mixture that's available to the folks of this county and again we want to make sure that we provide the best programs and resources for this area. I think that folks are realizing that we're not just a building that has access to information, we are a building that is incorporating learning as a key source with free resources, services and programs," Stoll said.

The hours of operation for the St. Andrews location are: Monday-Thursday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., Friday and Saturday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sundays 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. The St. Andrews location is just one of the latest branches to get a facelift. Nine other library branches have been renovated, reconfigured, or will be a new build altogether.

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