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World Architecture Day 2019

Mez Joseph

Winning design of the UIA 2019 World Architecture Poster Competition, Architecture...housing for All by Huda Gharandouqa (Jordan). Image via UIA/Facebook.

Happy World Architecture Day! The International Union of Architects (UIA) recently announced that Huda Gharandouqa from Jordan had the winning submission of the UIA 2019 World Architecture Poster Competition. Gharandouqa's design will become the official visual identity for all World Architecture Day-related programs across the globe this October.

In response to the 2019 theme, “Architecture...housing for all”, Gharandouqa's black and white design depicts an apartment building with human figures silhouetted against its windows. The modular shapes “convey urban life and ‘a sense of community,’ the UIA describes. Out of 100 submissions from around the world, the jury — Sonya Dyakova (Russia/UK), Dana Whabira (Zimbabwe), and Chris Ware (USA) — selected Gharandouqa's submission for its “striking design” and “flowing moiré” imagery that “grabs ones attention from afar.”

Graduating with an Architectural Design degree from The Hashemite University, Gharandouqa works at the Jordan Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities. She tells the UIA that “the simplest forms create the biggest changes” and “given the dire conditions the world is facing, basic shapes and resilient patterns should become the basis for today's architecture and urban development.’’