Oyster Happy Hour!
Mez Joseph
Thank you to Alison & Calvin for hosting a wonderful Oyster Roast & Happy Hour for the Liollio team at their home last Thursday!
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Thank you to Alison & Calvin for hosting a wonderful Oyster Roast & Happy Hour for the Liollio team at their home last Thursday!
How do we bridge the gap between designers and users? How can we use culture to inform process? Can we understand culture better through studying other art forms? No answers here, just interesting to think about. Read this interesting article by Sekou Cooke that was originally published in The Harvard Journal of African American Planning Policy here.
Angie Brose and Jennifer Charzewski attended the Community Reveal of the design for the Blythewood Library Renovation and Addition recently. It was great to re-connect with the community members from previous Community Conversations, and share the plans, renderings, finishes, and materials for the upcoming project! You can track the project's progress here and read the coladaily.com article "Blythewood Library Renovation Gets Equestrian Inspiration" here.
Jay White, AIA, LEED AP, a native of Alabama, graduated from Auburn University in 2000 and has been part of the Liollio Architecture family for 16 years. We recently sat down for a Q&A with our newest Principal:
How long have you lived in Charleston?
Since July 2000
Where did you grow up?
Are you married?
Do you have children?
Yes, a son
What is the hardest part about being a dad?
Arguing with your younger self.
What is the greatest part about being a dad?
Knowing how to win arguments with your younger self.
What is your favorite thing in your house?
The fireplace
What’s your ethnic background?
Scotch-Irish (with an emphasis on the Scotch).
What accomplishment are you most proud of?
Appointment to the City of Charleston Board of Architectural Review
What architect most influenced you as a student?
Carlo Scarpa, by a long shot.
What inspires you most?
Reading, then taking a walk. It always works.
What is a book you plan on reading?
Iggy Peck, Architect, tonight before my son goes to bed.
What’s your favorite restaurant in Charleston?
Moe’s Crosstown
If your life was a song, what would the title be?
Moe’s Crosstown
What’s the last movie you watched?
Narcos, on Netflix
Guilty pleasure?
Dog-awful action movies
Jay is a graduate of Auburn University and has committed the past 16 years at Liollio to developing a balance between the conservation of historic buildings and the introduction of contemporary building methods and materials. In addition to being a Principal at Liollio, Jay serves on the City of Charleston Board of Architectural Review - Large, which has oversight on all major projects in the historic district.
Rosenwald Schools have a unique place in the history of education and civil rights. Between 1917 & 1932, Julius Rosenwald, philanthropist and president of Sears, Roebuck & Co., led a foundation which built over 5,000 small schoolhouses to serve African American children. In the years before desegregation, these schools provided what the states denied. Four were built in Hampton County, South Carolina between 1920 & 1930; all four were later assumed lost to demolition-by-neglect.
Not long ago, county residents in Gifford discovered that their Rosenwald School still stood, within a few feet of the road but hidden by weeds. Today, the Arnold Fields Community Endowment is leading an effort to restore the building for use as a technology & learning center for the youth of Hampton County. We’re proud to assist their efforts pro-bono as they apply for a Community Development Block Grant through the Lowcountry Council of Governments.
Danielle Drinkuth and Rayshad Dorsey, our interns from the Clemson Architecture Center in Charleston, are excitedly working with Jay White on the project. Look for concept designs from our studio soon.
In celebration of Mardi Gras 2016, Andy Clark brought a King Cake into the studio on Friday for all to enjoy. Seth Cantley was the lucky one who got the baby!
Dorchester County residents aren't shy when it comes to changes they'd like to see within the public library system. They voiced a list of concerns during a casual public forum focused on the library's future. They event took place yesterday (Wednesday) at River Oaks Middle School. Read more...
Nanyang Technological University is a project designed by Heatherwick Studio and executed by CPG Consultants as a new educational concept in Singapore. The building is intended to be a history of the universities of the future, avoiding cold long corridors and introducing a distribution in which various disciplines can meet and interact with each other.
The university is comprised of 12 towers that incorporate 56 classes and create a public square on the interior. The informal composition of buildings, with its green terraces will clearly help to increase students' creativity. Students can create collaboratively with prospective partners and teachers.
The challenge for the Heatherwick Studio was to make the structure more attractive, rather than cold. Natural ventilation, thanks to its open layout, provides the building with fresh air. A university in which to meet, share knowledge and collaborate with other disciplines, turning his students into leaders of tomorrow.
Photography by Hufton and Crow
Yesterday Andy Clark, Michael Edwards, Mary Tran, Kendall Roberts, and Elissa Bostain attended the first 2016 AIA meeting at the Maritime Center. Scott Beebe, the speaker, founded and leads Business On Purpose: a business coaching, training, and strategy group that works to help small business owners and organizational leaders to uncover what they cannot see. We have some great upcoming AIA Charleston events! Check out the calendar to see how you can get involved: http://www.aiacharleston.com/calendar/
South Carolina artists Ayako Abe-Miller, Brabara Streeter and Enid Williams have been selected to create a piece of public art for the new Richland County Ballentine Library. Two of these artists will be engaging the community in the creation of their artwork. Visit the Richland Library website here.
We had everyone in the studio jumping in to help prepare and package submittals yesterday. Thank you all for your help! Go team!
Lisa Gerth, a native of Charleston, graduated from the University of South Carolina in 1985 and has been in the professional accounting field for over 25 years. She joined the Liollio team in October 2015. We recently sat down for a Q&A with one of our newest team members:
How long have you lived in Charleston?
My entire life, except for four years in college in Columbia SC.
Where did you grow up?
James Island
What area of town do you live in?
James Island
Are you married?
Do you have children?
Yes, two daughters.
What is the hardest part about being a mom/dad?
Watching your child in pain or suffering.
What is the greatest part about being a mom/dad?
Everything, best feeling in the world!
What is your favorite thing in your house?
A portrait of my mother.
What are the top three things you like to do in your free time?
Spend time with my family on the boat or beach, walk on the beach, and dine with friends.
Do you have any pets? If so, tell us a bit about them.
Yes, 2 dogs; a 9-year-old King Charles Cavalier and a 1 1Ž2-year-old American Bulldog/Lab.
Do you have any brothers/sisters?
Yes, one older sister.
What is your favorite thing about working at Liollio?
The people, very family oriented.
What inspires you most?
My faith
What is a book you plan on reading?
Re-reading the Bible.
What is your favorite book?
The Help
What is your favorite downtown restaurant?
The Ordinary or Macintosh
What’s your favorite restaurant in Charleston?
What do you like on your pizza?
What is your favorite food?
French fries
What is your least favorite food?
Green peas
Do you prefer dogs or cats?
Do you play any instruments?
If you could play an instrument, what would it be?
What song is at the top of your most played list?
Huckleberry by Toby Keith
Who is your favorite musical artist?
Today, Keith Urban/Darius Rucker! From the past, the Beatles of course
What’s your favorite movie?
The Wizard of Oz
If your life was a song, what would the title be?
Imprint on my Heart
What’s your astrological sign?
What’s the last movie you watched?
Star Wars
Guilty pleasure?
Cinnamon rolls
What is the proudest moment of your life, thus far?
Becoming a Mom, twice
In honor of #MLKDay: Dr. King's words continue to inspire people worldwide. Here are 21 inspirational quotes by Dr. Martin Luther King for MLK Day 2016.
John Tecklenburg was recently sworn in as the new mayor of the City of Charleston. It’s the Holy City’s first new mayor in 40 years. Many are excited to hear Tecklenberg’s plan for continuing to keep Charleston as one of the greatest cities in the world. In West Ashley and James Island, many want to hear the new mayor’s vision for growth and revitalization for their part of town. On Wednesday, Jan. 27 from 11:30am - 1pm at the Town & Country Inn, the new mayor will speak to the West Ashley James Island Business Association (WAJIBA) about his plans for the region.
During his campaign, Tecklenburg promised to have“A real plan for West Ashley” one that “focused on West Ashley’s livability and quality of life.” As a West Ashley resident himself, many on this side of the river are hoping Tecklenburg will shift some of City Hall’s attention from the peninsula to the areas West of the Ashley River, where tremendous growth is expected in the coming years.
WHAT: Mayor John Tecklenburg speaks to WAJIBA
WHEN: Wednesday, January 27, 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
WHERE: The Town & Country Inn, 2008 Savannah Hwy. Charleston, SC 29407
COST: $10 for WAJIBA Members & guests, $20 for non-members (includes buffet lunch)
FOR MORE INFO: Kirk Matenaer, wajibiz@gmail.com or (843) 762-4260 x25
Charleston was named one of the World's 50 Most Beautiful Cities by Conde Nast Traveler! Visit article here.
Check out today's Post and Courier for an article highlighting the features of the Hardeeville Welcome Center!
Yesterday Jennifer Charzewski, Dan Corte, and Elissa Bostain traveled to Hardeeville for the Welcome Center ground breaking! We are excited that construction has started. The new facility should be open in the Fall of this year.
Click here to read more about the ground breaking in a Savannah Now news article.
Everyone at Liollio would like to wish you a very Happy New Year! Welcome 2016!