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1640 Meeting Street Road, Suite 202
Charleston, SC, 29405
United States



Hardeeville Welcome Center Ribbon Cutting

Mez Joseph

The new SC Welcome Center located in Hardeeville opened on Tuesday, May 2nd. The new building is located on the north bound side of Interstate 95 just before Exit 5. It’s the first rest stop once you enter into South Carolina from Georgia. The new building replaces a 38-year-old facility. It has a digital guestbook and tablets with information for visitors. Monitors will display weather updates and road conditions.

“Any time you have tourists coming in from other states, you want to put a welcome mat out there for them. The visitor centers along the state entryways are vital for us,” said Robb Wells, Vice President of Tourism.

The Liollio team is proud to have worked with the South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism and many others in bringing the new South Carolina Welcome Centers in Hardeeville and Fort Mill to fruition.