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1640 Meeting Street Road, Suite 202
Charleston, SC, 29405
United States



Meeting with Molly Spearman, SC State Superintendent of Education

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(From left to right) Scott Powell, AIA, Adrienne Montare, FAIA, Mary Beth Branham, AIA, Todd Sease, AIA & Andy Clark, AIA with Supt. Spearman (center)

AIA South Carolina leaders with K-12 experience met with Molly Spearman, State Superintendent of Education, to discuss how architects can help the state ensure that all South Carolina students have access to a safe, secure and rich learning environment. As a follow-up to the meeting, AIA SC will be compiling resources for Ms. Spearman on safe school design and the potential pitfalls of prototype plans, and forming a committee to interface with her team.  Please contact for more information or to help with data collection.