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SC Welcome Center at Fort Mill Nationally Honored with 2018 Brick in Architecture Best in Class Award

Mez Joseph

Uploaded by Brick Industry Association on 2018-07-25.

​​​​​​​Fired-clay brick offers unlimited aesthetic flexibility, and is an integral part of any sustainable, low maintenance building strategy.
— Ray Leonhard, BIA’s President & CEO

The 2018 Brick in Architecture Awards honor 19 winners for outstanding design that incorporates clay brick. Judged by a jury of independent design professionals, the Brick Industry Association’s (BIA) preeminent design competition awarded five Best in Class, five Gold, five Silver and four Bronze awards from 88 total entries.

Liollio is honored to receive a 2018 Brick in Architecture Best in Class (Commercial) Award for the new SC Welcome Center at Fort Mill! Five Best in Class projects were awarded among the 19 winners. Congratulations to all who made the SC Fort Mill Welcome Center project a success - and all award recipients!

All competition entries will be featured in the Brick Gallery on Brick in Architecture's website. The National Brick in Architecture Awards showcases the best work in clay face and paving brick from architects across the country in the following categories: Commercial, Education - K-12, Education - Colleges & Universities (Higher Education), Residential – Single Family, Residential – Multi-Family, Paving & Landscape Projects, and Renovations. Best in Class winners receive national recognition through a special Brick in Architecture insert in the December 2018 issue of Architect Magazine. All entrants are featured on BIA’s online Brick Photo Gallery here.

Liollio would like to extend a special thank you to this year's Judges: Bill Bonstra, FAIA, LEED AP - Bonstra | Haresign ARCHITECTS John W. Bryant, AIA, LEED AP - Sweet Sparkman Architects Ralph Cunningham, FAIA - Cunningham | Quill Architect PLLC P. Justin Detwiler - John Milner Architects, Inc. Charles Rose, FAIA - Charles Rose Architects Inc Gee-ghid Tse, AIA, LEED AP - Michael Maltzan Architecture, Inc.

Congratulations to the entire project team: SCPRT, SCDOT, J.M. Cope, ADC, RMF, 4SE, Johnson and McCalla, and Meridian Brick

About Brick in Architecture: Founded in 1934, BIA is the nationally recognized authority on clay brick construction representing the nation’s distributors and manufacturers of clay brick and suppliers of related products. Website: