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1640 Meeting Street Road, Suite 202
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Filtering by Tag: Awards

Old City Jail Honored with Preservation Award at 71st Carolopolis Awards Ceremony

Mez Joseph

The Preservation Society of Charleston (PSC) handed out more awards last Friday evening than they have in 30 years at the 71st Carolopolis Awards, showcasing outstanding achievement in historical preservation and restoration throughout the Charleston area. The PSC recognized Landmark Enterprises with a Carolopolis Award for the Exterior Preservation of the Old City Jail — a project we were honored to contribute to.

Once neglected and at risk, this landmark has been carefully rehabilitated, balancing preservation and adaptive reuse. The restoration retained the Jail’s historic character while introducing thoughtful interventions, ensuring its continued use and stewardship.

Twenty-seven awards were handed out in total — the most since 1995. Liollio would like to congratulate all of this year’s award recipients!

Firehouse Magazine Announces National Station Design Award Winners

Mez Joseph

Firehouse Magazine announced the winners of its ninth annual Station Design Awards program, which recognizes outstanding architecture and design from fire departments and emergency facilities nationwide. Peter Matthews, Firehouse Editor-in-Chief said, “This is the ninth year of the awards, and we are excited to see the advances in fire station designs. It’s wonderful to see the coordination between fire departments and architectural firms to design stations with a focus on keeping firefighters trained and healthy to better serve their communities. As fire departments become true all-hazard response agencies, their training and equipment needs grow, and the new facilities offer improved opportunities for firefighters to hone their skills.”

Winners were selected by a panel of seven judges, including fire chiefs and architects experienced in recent design and construction. Liollio is honored to announce that The City of Charleston Fire Station #11 received the Firehouse Station Special Design Award and James Island Public Service District Fire Station #1 HQ received a Notable Award.

Fire stations are essential public buildings that serve as critical infrastructure for emergency response services, and designing them requires careful consideration of operational needs, efficiency, and aesthetics. Receiving this award highlights Liollio’s commitment to creating spaces that not only meet the functional requirements of a fire station but also contribute to the community's architectural landscape. It recognizes Liollio’s dedication to designing buildings that enhance the well-being of the firefighters and the surrounding community while promoting safety and efficiency.

Showcasing and recognizing both projects is a tremendous honor and the Liollio team would like to thank Firehouse, the jurors, and our clients and project team. Congratulations to our clients at the City of Charleston, Charleston Fire Department and James Island Public Service District!

About Firehouse
Firehouse is the leading fire and emergency services brand, reaching more than 1.5 million visitors and subscribers monthly and thousands of attendees annually via its live events and media portfolio. The Firehouse brand encompasses Firehouse Magazine,, Firehouse Expo, Firehouse Station Design Conference, Station Design Awards, and many print and digital products targeting fire and emergency services personnel. Utilizing its multiple platforms and unparalleled reach, Firehouse sets itself apart from the competition by fostering a culture that encourages innovation and the use of the latest digital and database technologies to best serve its audience and companies serving the marketplace.

Ashley River Park Event Pavilion Honored With AIA South Atlantic Region & AIA Charleston Awards

Mez Joseph

Liollio is excited to announce that the Dorchester County Ashley River Park Event Pavilion received an American Institute of Architects (AIA) South Atlantic Region Merit Award for New Construction at the 2022 ASPIRE Conference in Asheville NC. The award-winning project also received an Honor Award for New Construction at the 2022 AIA Charleston Design + Service Awards last month. Congratulations to our clients and friends at Dorchester County Parks and Recreation, as well as, our Ashley River Park partners, SeamonWhiteside!

Liollio, in association with SeamonWhiteside, developed the new Ashley River Park for Dorchester County SC. The new 85-acre park features many amenities, including walking trails, fishing pier, dog park, interactive play foundation, playgrounds, open lawn, gatehouse, picnic shelters, event pavilion, restroom building and outfitters center. The event pavilion was designed for a wide variety of events, including family reunions, corporate events, weddings, music venue, etc. The outfitters building includes the park offices, tenant space for the future ropes course company, large conference room, a screen porch for school group programming and public restrooms. The team worked together to integrate the buildings and landscape. The Park has been warmly embraced by the community since its grand opening in March 2022.

2022 Aspire Design Awards Winners Winners were revealed at ASPIRE in Asheville NC in September. To view the awards gallery, click on the award image above.

Liollio Architecture Awarded Two 2020 AIA South Carolina Design Awards

Mez Joseph

Thank you AIA South Carolina for honoring two of our projects: City of CharIeston & Roper St. Francis Healthcare's Louis Waring, Jr. Senior Center with an AIA SC New Construction Merit Award, and; SCPRT's South Carolina Welcome Center Replacement in Hardeeville SC with an AIA SC New Construction Citation Award! Congratulations to all of this year's award recipients and all the talented architects, designers, artists, and engineers!

James Island Town Hall - AIA Charleston Juror Comments

Mez Joseph

The lovely scale and cohesive materiality and great detailing contribute to this beautiful project. It definitely contributes the right character to the corner it occupies. The strong simplicity of this project conveys a clear sense of welcoming stability for the community. The single shutter and stacked window composition was a delightful and playful reference to history; the familiarity of vernacular indicates comfort for the community and individual user regardless of its public forum.
— AIA Charleston Design + Service Awards Juror

Richland Library St. Andrews - AIA Charleston Juror Comments

Mez Joseph

From a sustainability standpoint, this project made great use of modest shell. The jury appreciated the use of natural daylight and integration of landscape. The design incorporates smart and simple moves that transformed the previous building, creating an engaging and inviting solution.
— AIA Charleston Design + Service Awards Juror

Hampton Health Clinic - AIA Charleston Juror Comments

Mez Joseph

We hope that this building sets a trend for the neighborhood. It definitely makes the most of the site and we appreciate the circulation, daylight and overall plan of this modest building. The exterior detailing also makes the most of the material palette and budget. We appreciated the strength conveyed by the design, creating a sense of safety and comfort.
— AIA Charleston Design + Service Awards Juror

SCPRT Fort Mill Welcome Center - AIA Charleston Juror Comments

Mez Joseph

The plan of this center organized a tricky access problem, and balanced the need to have a front door presence with the nighttime access in a way that we thought was very hospitable. The exterior materials were wonderfully varied and had a compelling origin story. The roofline, daylight and detailing illustrated craft and care....and the porch swing looks like just the ticket! We appreciated the subtlety of the steel detailing as well as the spacious uplifting feel of the interior.
— AIA Charleston Design + Service Awards Juror

Jury Comments: 2019 AIA South Carolina Design Awards

Mez Joseph

(Clockwise from top left) James Island Town Hall, An Outdoor Room: Department of Veterans Affairs, and Richland Library St. Andrews.

The American Institute of Architects, SC Chapter announced the 2019 AIASC Design Chapter Awards on September 26 in Columbia SC. Liollio was honored with three awards; Honor Award in New Construction - James Island Town Hall, Merit Award in New Construction - Richland Library St. Andrews, and Citation Award in New Construction - An Outdoor Room: Department of Veterans Affairs.

Jury comments:
“This small project is like a beautiful piece of modern jewelry that says – quite clearly – that these veterans deserve the investment in the healing power of the outdoors AND of good design.”
− An Outdoor Room: Department of Veterans Affairs

“The idea of “build less” is such powerful stewardship of the community’s resources. This design leverages a small addition for great impact and a successful response to the client’s goals.”
− Richland Library St. Andrews

“Simple, elegant orchestration of the two buildings provides excellent zoning, clear sense of public and semi-public spaces and a strong potential for public engagement.”
− James Island Town Hall

Liollio celebrates our clients, Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center, Richland Library and the Town of James Island! View the SCA Magazine for this year’s winning projects:


Mez Joseph

The American Institute of Architects, South Carolina Chapter (AIASC) recently announced the 2019 recipients of the annual AIASC Design and Chapter Awards, which encourages and recognizes design excellence throughout South Carolina, and promotes public awareness of the role architects play in shaping the quality of life in their communities. Awards were presented on Thursday, September 26, 2019 in Columbia SC. This year’s design awards were given in New Construction, Residential Design, Adaptive Reuse, Historic Preservation and Interior Architecture to projects located in communities throughout the state. 

Other chapter awards presented this year included:
The Community Collaboration Award – bestowed upon programs, institutions, or individuals who advance the public understanding and appreciation of design in the built environment, or for a project exhibiting exceptional engagement of the community in the design process.
The Patron Award – bestowed upon elected officials, public administrators, or community leaders who contribute to the development of laws, regulations, or policies that affect architecture, or the public’s perception of architecture, as an important part of our environment, life-style, and heritage.
The Social Justice Award – given to an individual or group that has demonstrated the power of a participatory design process to eliminate inequities in the built environment and for distinguished work embodying social responsibility to actively address relevant issues.

Liollio would like to congratulate Richland Library on being awarded with both The Patron Award and The Social Justice Award! We would also like to join in celebrating with our clients, the Town of James Island SC, Richland Library, and the Department of Veterans Affairs, for being awarded an Honor Award in New Construction for James Island Town Hall, a Merit Award in New Construction for Richland Library St. Andrews, and a Citation Award in New Construction for An Outdoor Room: Department of Veterans Affairs.

Liollio is honored for the recognition of our work and collaboration with outstanding clients and project teams. Congratulations to all of this year’s award winners and design teams for their exceptional project submissions! View the SCA Magazine for this year’s winning projects: view the SCA Magazine.

Liollio Awarded Multiple 2019 Design Awards by AIA South Atlantic Region

Mez Joseph

Liollio Architecture is honored to announce that the 2019 American Institute of Architects South Atlantic Region (AIA SAR) has recognized Liollio projects with three Regional Design Awards. Hampton Health Clinic in Varnville, SC received a New Construction/Substantial Renovation Honor Award. Brighton Park Swim Club in Summerville, SC and James Island Town Hall in James Island, SC both received New Construction/Substantial Renovation Merit Awards. Because these projects were the result of team work and collaboration with clients, Liollio would like to extend sincere gratitude to Hampton County, SC, WestRock and The Town of James Island, SC, along with their project team partners.

Jury Comments:
James Island Town Hall
“This quotation of a simple regional form creates a warm community expression.”
Brighton Park Swim Club “This project was admirable for its modesty and directness.”
Hampton Health Clinic “This modest quiet clinic is designed with great sensitivity to patients and to creating a new warm and comfortable community asset.”

The AIA South Atlantic Region is comprised of three state chapters: GA, NC and SC and is home to more than 5,500 members. Events surrounding the 2019 AIA SAR Annual Design Conference, themed the ASPIRE Experience, took place in Asheville, NC over the course of three days, April 14 to April 16. A new type of collaborative conference, ASPIRE brought together the design and construction community to share stories and influence designers to create a better future. Breaking the mold of the traditional event and taking full advantage of the location, AIA SAR utilized the architecture, community and surroundings of Asheville to create this immersive environment of inspiration and design celebration.

SC Welcome Center at Fort Mill Nationally Honored with 2018 Brick in Architecture Best in Class Award

Mez Joseph

Uploaded by Brick Industry Association on 2018-07-25.

​​​​​​​Fired-clay brick offers unlimited aesthetic flexibility, and is an integral part of any sustainable, low maintenance building strategy.
— Ray Leonhard, BIA’s President & CEO

The 2018 Brick in Architecture Awards honor 19 winners for outstanding design that incorporates clay brick. Judged by a jury of independent design professionals, the Brick Industry Association’s (BIA) preeminent design competition awarded five Best in Class, five Gold, five Silver and four Bronze awards from 88 total entries.

Liollio is honored to receive a 2018 Brick in Architecture Best in Class (Commercial) Award for the new SC Welcome Center at Fort Mill! Five Best in Class projects were awarded among the 19 winners. Congratulations to all who made the SC Fort Mill Welcome Center project a success - and all award recipients!

All competition entries will be featured in the Brick Gallery on Brick in Architecture's website. The National Brick in Architecture Awards showcases the best work in clay face and paving brick from architects across the country in the following categories: Commercial, Education - K-12, Education - Colleges & Universities (Higher Education), Residential – Single Family, Residential – Multi-Family, Paving & Landscape Projects, and Renovations. Best in Class winners receive national recognition through a special Brick in Architecture insert in the December 2018 issue of Architect Magazine. All entrants are featured on BIA’s online Brick Photo Gallery here.

Liollio would like to extend a special thank you to this year's Judges: Bill Bonstra, FAIA, LEED AP - Bonstra | Haresign ARCHITECTS John W. Bryant, AIA, LEED AP - Sweet Sparkman Architects Ralph Cunningham, FAIA - Cunningham | Quill Architect PLLC P. Justin Detwiler - John Milner Architects, Inc. Charles Rose, FAIA - Charles Rose Architects Inc Gee-ghid Tse, AIA, LEED AP - Michael Maltzan Architecture, Inc.

Congratulations to the entire project team: SCPRT, SCDOT, J.M. Cope, ADC, RMF, 4SE, Johnson and McCalla, and Meridian Brick

About Brick in Architecture: Founded in 1934, BIA is the nationally recognized authority on clay brick construction representing the nation’s distributors and manufacturers of clay brick and suppliers of related products. Website:

Vote for Liollio in Post & Courier's 2018 Charleston's Choice Awards!

Mez Joseph

Voting has begun for Post & Courier’s 2018 Charleston's Choice Awards and Liollio has been nominated for Architecture Firm under the Professional Services category! Cast your votes in a wide array of categories now through July 25th. Please support Liollio with your vote by visiting and scrolling down to the Architecture Firm category. Thank you in advance for your support! #CharlestonsChoice #Architecture #Culture #Context #Collaboration