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1640 Meeting Street Road, Suite 202
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Filtering by Tag: community

Celebrating Black History Month 2025: Reflecting on Wilmot J. Fraser Elementary

Mez Joseph

This Black History Month, we honor Wilmot J. Fraser Elementary and its namesake. Originally built in 1957 as Columbus Street Elementary, the school was part of South Carolina’s Equalization Program, built for African American students. The school became a vital hub for the Eastside community, a gathering place during pivotal historical moments, including the aftermath of Hurricane Hugo, Civil Rights rallies and the assassination of John F. Kennedy, as recounted by the Eastside Community Development Corporation board.

The Columbus Street school was later renamed in honor of Wilmot J. Fraser, a dedicated African American educator, and continued to shape young minds and benefit the community. Fraser served not only as Principal of Columbus Street Elementary, but also East Bay Elementary, and the Archer School among others. He went on to act as the supervisor for all African American schools in Charleston and later assistant director of elementary schools for the entire county.

Throughout his career, Fraser was committed to uplifting students and ensuring that schools served as centers for both education and community support. As one of the initial organizers, president, and board member of the Elementary Principal Association within the South Carolina Palmetto Education Association (PEA), he worked to strengthen teacher development and mentor the next generation of educators. His efforts laid the groundwork for lasting change in Charleston’s education system.

Now, through community engagement sessions, the next chapter of this historic site is being written. Early College High School will preserve the stories of the past while creating future opportunities for students in one of South Carolina’s most historically significant neighborhoods. 

By weaving together history, resilience, education and community, this project ensures that Wilmot J. Fraser’s legacy continues—providing a stable foundation for the future to take root.

Discovery Place Celebrates Topping Out Milestone of Charlotte Museum of Nature

Mez Joseph

We recently had the honor of attending the Discovery Place Charlotte Museum of Nature Topping Out Ceremony. We are excited to see this impactful space take its next steps with this milestone! The building taking shape is thoughtfully designed to serve as a threshold, connecting public spaces such as the new Gathering Grove, Little Sugar Creek Greenway, and Freedom Park to the immersive and magical forest floor experience. This landscape-driven design approach reflects our goal to inspire museum visitors to move from observing nature to actively participating in the natural world around us.

We are grateful to our design, engineering, and construction partners: Hood Design Studio, Stimmel, Stewart, Optima, Wildlands Engineering, and Rodgers Builders. A special thanks to Discovery Place and Mecklenburg County for giving us the opportunity to help bring this meaningful vision to life!

MUSC Breaks Ground on New College of Medicine & Administrative Building

Mez Joseph

Liollio Architecture, in collaboration with [tag The S/L/A/M Collaborative (SLAM)], is proud to be part of the journey to redefine medical education in South Carolina. The new Medical University of South Carolina College of Medicine & Administrative Building will provide a space for students, staff, and faculty to support innovation and progress in medicine, education, and research. We celebrate MUSC’s leadership in education and their commitment to excellence as they break ground on this facility. Congratulations to the MUSC community on this milestone! Take a sneak peek at the new MUSC College of Medicine below.

Charleston Moves Mobility Month: Safe Streets on Tap at Munkle Brewing Company

Mez Joseph

Don’t mis Charleston Moves Mobility Month Events in May! Liollio is sponsoring the kick-off event this Thursday, May 2, from 5-8 pm, "Safe Streets on Tap” at Munkle Brewing Company - 1513 Meeting Street Rd, 29405. For more info visit the event.

North Charleston's New Dorchester County Library Celebrates Ribbon Cutting

Mez Joseph

We are honored to have been part of the team for the new Dorchester County Library & Media Center in North Charleston. We were excited to attend the Ribbon Cutting ceremony last week, and the event was a huge success. Congratulations to Dorchester County Library, Dorchester County Government, Dorchester County School District, our amazing team and partners at Edifice, the City of North Charleston, and the greater community!

Firehouse Magazine Announces National Station Design Award Winners

Mez Joseph

Firehouse Magazine announced the winners of its ninth annual Station Design Awards program, which recognizes outstanding architecture and design from fire departments and emergency facilities nationwide. Peter Matthews, Firehouse Editor-in-Chief said, “This is the ninth year of the awards, and we are excited to see the advances in fire station designs. It’s wonderful to see the coordination between fire departments and architectural firms to design stations with a focus on keeping firefighters trained and healthy to better serve their communities. As fire departments become true all-hazard response agencies, their training and equipment needs grow, and the new facilities offer improved opportunities for firefighters to hone their skills.”

Winners were selected by a panel of seven judges, including fire chiefs and architects experienced in recent design and construction. Liollio is honored to announce that The City of Charleston Fire Station #11 received the Firehouse Station Special Design Award and James Island Public Service District Fire Station #1 HQ received a Notable Award.

Fire stations are essential public buildings that serve as critical infrastructure for emergency response services, and designing them requires careful consideration of operational needs, efficiency, and aesthetics. Receiving this award highlights Liollio’s commitment to creating spaces that not only meet the functional requirements of a fire station but also contribute to the community's architectural landscape. It recognizes Liollio’s dedication to designing buildings that enhance the well-being of the firefighters and the surrounding community while promoting safety and efficiency.

Showcasing and recognizing both projects is a tremendous honor and the Liollio team would like to thank Firehouse, the jurors, and our clients and project team. Congratulations to our clients at the City of Charleston, Charleston Fire Department and James Island Public Service District!

About Firehouse
Firehouse is the leading fire and emergency services brand, reaching more than 1.5 million visitors and subscribers monthly and thousands of attendees annually via its live events and media portfolio. The Firehouse brand encompasses Firehouse Magazine,, Firehouse Expo, Firehouse Station Design Conference, Station Design Awards, and many print and digital products targeting fire and emergency services personnel. Utilizing its multiple platforms and unparalleled reach, Firehouse sets itself apart from the competition by fostering a culture that encourages innovation and the use of the latest digital and database technologies to best serve its audience and companies serving the marketplace.

Liollio Team Members Attend AIA Conference on Architecture 2023 in San Francisco

Mez Joseph

Liollio’s Michelle Lanker and Mason Malsegna attended the 2023 National AIA Conference in San Francisco recently. The conference gathered industry leaders and professionals to discuss equity, resiliency, workflow efficiency, and knowledge sharing. Michelle and Mason attended various sessions regarding community-based design initiatives, mitigation of climate effects through design, fundamental shifts within the AEC industry, and better design through symbiotic teaming. The experience enabled Michelle and Mason to pursue specific interests; Michelle focusing on firm-wide quality assurance processes and Mason focusing on shaping the future of sustainable design within the AIA SC Cote Chapter. They also had a chance to explore the city, have fun, and take in San Francisco’s distinct architectural language and urban fabric. Liollio is thrilled to have these two to attend the 2023 National AIA Conference and represent our team!

For info on next year’s AIA Conference on Architecture, visit A’24 Washington DC

City of Charleston Fire Station #11 & James Island PSD Fire Station #1 Honored with F.I.E.R.O. Design Awards

Mez Joseph

Click here to review the Program Award Winners.

For the 2022 FIERO Fire Station Design Awards Program, FIERO received entries from architectural firms across North America. The Jury awarded two Honor Awards, two Merit Awards, and four Recognition Awards. We are honored to announce that two Liollio projects were awarded! The City of Charleston Fire Station #11 received one of the two FIERO Honor Awards and James Island Public Service District Fire Station #1 HQ received one of the two Merit Awards. Our entire team would like to thank FIERO and the jurors for recognizing and honoring our station designs! We would also like to say thank you and congratulations to our clients at the City of Charleston, Charleston Fire Department and James Island Public Service District!

About F.I.E.R.O.
F.I.E.R.O. (Fire Industry Education and Resource Organization) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, organization which operates under the guidance of an all-volunteer Board of Directors comprised of members with a rich history in the fire service. F.I.E.R.O. exists to improve firefighter health and safety and accomplishes this through educational conferences and workshops and participation on research projects. In the past five years, we have partnered with the NFPA Fire Protection Research Foundation to study contamination control and with N.C. State University to study heat strain caused by personal protective equipment (PPE).

F.I.E.R.O. was formed in September 1990 and was modeled after three west coast organizations: SAFER (Southern Area Fire Equipment Research), NAFER (Northern Area Fire Equipment Research) and CAFER (Central Area Fire Equipment Research). Though based in California, these organizations reached into Phoenix, AZ and Las Vegas, NV. Of those three original organizations, SAFER is the only one still in operation. The general concept was to create a network for fire service professionals to connect with each other and with equipment manufacturers to improve the products used in the fire service--amazingly, the fire service discovered that their problems were not unique. Through these organizations, products such as disintegrating PPV fan blades are no longer in the market and locking Storz couplings are now the standard. The fire service and related manufacturers all benefited from improved products and better service because of these organizations.

The first F.I.E.R.O. meeting was held at the Cobb County Fire Department in Georgia with close to 100 people in attendance and Captain Doug Miller of the Atlanta Fire Department (who later became Chief of the Atlanta Fire Department) spoke about PPE selection. F.I.E.R.O. continued to meet throughout the Southeast with Captain Dart Kendall (Cobb County Fire Department) serving as the first President and Battalion Chief Brenda Nishiyama Willis ("Nish") of the Atlanta Fire Department serving as the first treasurer.

With the emergence of the Internet and email, communications about product problems spread through the industry very quickly and F.I.E.R.O. re-invented itself. The board realized there were other areas where the fire service needed to learn more about and create stronger connections in. In 2000, F.I.E.R.O. hosted the first-of-its-kind, and F.I.E.R.O.'s first (what would become annual) Fire Station Design Symposium in Charlotte. Through the symposium, F.I.E.R.O. provided fire station design education and exposure to experts in fire station design to the fire service. Through 2018, F.I.E.R.O. has hosted 17 Fire Station Design Symposiums in both Charlotte and Raleigh. In 2009, again recognizing an unmet need, F.I.E.R.O. hosted the first-ever Fire PPE Symposium, also in Charlotte. This symposium focuses on disseminating the results of research and scientific studies, creating a better understanding of the performance requirements set for firefighting PPE, and the limitations of firefighting PPE. In March 2019, the seventh biennial PPE Symposium will be held in Raleigh. Attendance at these symposiums increases for every event, illustrating the broad reach F.I.E.R.O. has in the fire service. In 2014, to broaden that educational reach, F.I.E.R.O. conducted its first Regional Fire PPE Workshop at the DFW Fire Research & Training Facility in Texas. The focus of these smaller workshops is the selection, care and maintenance of PPE.

Fore more information, please visit

Richland Library Ballentine Awarded AIA Charleston Merit Award

Mez Joseph

Liollio is excited to announce that Richland Library Ballentine received an American Institute of Architects (AIA) Charleston Merit Award for New Construction at the 2022 AIA Charleston Design + Service Awards last month. Congratulations to our clients and friends at Richland Library!

Richland Library Ballentine is a suburban public library that creates a wooded escape to support an active local community of artists and craftspeople. The library provides a connection to the outdoors that includes an artist’s corner for quiet, meditative work surrounded by nature. The central public space is seen as a living room, a linear space which is oriented away from civilization and culminates in a framed view of an undeveloped woodscape. The living room is punctuated by three public art works, including a wisteria tree which drapes playfully over a children’s reading area, crocheted by library patrons.

Ashley River Park Event Pavilion Honored With AIA South Atlantic Region & AIA Charleston Awards

Mez Joseph

Liollio is excited to announce that the Dorchester County Ashley River Park Event Pavilion received an American Institute of Architects (AIA) South Atlantic Region Merit Award for New Construction at the 2022 ASPIRE Conference in Asheville NC. The award-winning project also received an Honor Award for New Construction at the 2022 AIA Charleston Design + Service Awards last month. Congratulations to our clients and friends at Dorchester County Parks and Recreation, as well as, our Ashley River Park partners, SeamonWhiteside!

Liollio, in association with SeamonWhiteside, developed the new Ashley River Park for Dorchester County SC. The new 85-acre park features many amenities, including walking trails, fishing pier, dog park, interactive play foundation, playgrounds, open lawn, gatehouse, picnic shelters, event pavilion, restroom building and outfitters center. The event pavilion was designed for a wide variety of events, including family reunions, corporate events, weddings, music venue, etc. The outfitters building includes the park offices, tenant space for the future ropes course company, large conference room, a screen porch for school group programming and public restrooms. The team worked together to integrate the buildings and landscape. The Park has been warmly embraced by the community since its grand opening in March 2022.

2022 Aspire Design Awards Winners Winners were revealed at ASPIRE in Asheville NC in September. To view the awards gallery, click on the award image above.

Charleston County Public Library Support Center Receives 2022 AIA South Atlantic Region Merit Award

Mez Joseph

Liollio is excited to share that the Charleston County Public Library Support Center received an American Institute of Architects (AIA) South Atlantic Region Merit Award for Adaptive Reuse at the 2022 ASPIRE Conference in Asheville NC. Congratulations to our clients and friends at Charleston County Public Library!

As part of the Charleston County Public Library’s referendum for 21st-century libraries, the Support Center relocated the CCPL Administration, training and conference facilities, and central Automated Materials Handling to a consolidated facility. A renovation and interior upfit to an existing industrial commerce facility, this project included administrative offices, training classrooms, conference rooms, employee support areas, central IT, library cataloging and acquisitions, central supply storage, Automated Materials Handling, and distribution to all branches. The renovation also provided innovative solutions to dry floodproofing, daylighting, and upgrades to the existing building.

2022 Aspire Design Awards Winners Winners were revealed at ASPIRE in Asheville NC in September. To view the awards gallery, click on the award image above.

Library Journal Features Award-Winning Charlotte Mecklenburg South County Regional Library

Mez Joseph

Liollio Architecture’s partnership with Charlotte Mecklenburg Library and Mecklenburg County NC is featured in the latest Library Journal article “Future-Proofing Libraries Through Flexible Design” by Jessica Levine. Be sure to check out the coverage of South County Regional Library!

We are also excited to share that South County Library received an American Institute of Architects (AIA) South Atlantic Region Merit Award for Interior Architecture at the 2022 ASPIRE Conference in Asheville NC. Congratulations to our visionary clients!

As a civic building, a library should support a community’s needs and also represent that community’s identity, aspirations, or unique sense of place.
— Jennifer Charzewski, Liollio Principal & Community Market Leader

2022 Aspire Design Awards Winners Winners were revealed at ASPIRE in Asheville NC in September. To view the awards gallery, click on the award image above.

Trident United Way's Days of Caring 2022

Mez Joseph

Thank you to the Children’s Museum of the Lowcountry for hosting the Liollio team and allowing us to help revitalize the Museum’s garden space for this year’s Trident United Way Day of Caring. We loved helping out!

For over 20 years, Trident United Way has hosted the largest single day of community service in the Tri-County area on Day of Caring thanks to employers, teams and neighbors coming together to make a difference. Now they have tripled the impact from Day to Days of Caring in an effort to engage more volunteers, provide more flexibility for completing projects and deliver more impact to our Tri-County! For more information on how you can help support their efforts, please visit

Liollio Principal, Jennifer Charzewski & Others Present at Pecha Kucha 40

Mez Joseph

Liollio Principal Jennifer Charzewski Presents at Pecha Kucha Charleston

PechaKucha, which means the sound of conversation in Japanese, was first conceived by Tokyo architects Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham, who were seeking a way to encourage student presenters to use PowerPoint in a more organized and succinct manner. PechaKucha has spread to over 135 cities around the world as an informal forum for creative people to meet, network and show their work in public. Each presenter is allowed 20 images, each shown for just 20 seconds, giving 6 minutes 40 seconds of fame before the next presenter is up. This keeps presentations concise, the interest level up, and gives more people the chance to show.

PechaKucha 40 took place at Charleston Music Hall on Thursday, September 15, 2022 and featured presenters Candace Patterson, Will Kiser, Bintou N’Daw, Kalyn Oyer, Chase Quinn, and many others, including Liollio Principal Jennifer Charzewski. Check out all the presentations on Charleston Music Hall’s Youtube page.

Water Mission Virtual Walk for Water

Mez Joseph

The Liollio team is proud to have participated in this year's virtual Water Mission Charleston Walk for Water. The virtual walk took place in multiple locations and participants united by a common purpose. We walked a 3-mile route in our neighborhoods and local communities, considering those who make that walk daily to retrieve water for their family. Learn how you can help generate awareness for the global water crisis and help make a difference by visiting! #2020VirtualWalkCHS

James Island Town Hall - AIA Charleston Juror Comments

Mez Joseph

The lovely scale and cohesive materiality and great detailing contribute to this beautiful project. It definitely contributes the right character to the corner it occupies. The strong simplicity of this project conveys a clear sense of welcoming stability for the community. The single shutter and stacked window composition was a delightful and playful reference to history; the familiarity of vernacular indicates comfort for the community and individual user regardless of its public forum.
— AIA Charleston Design + Service Awards Juror

James Island PSD Groundbreaking Ceremony

Mez Joseph

James Island PSD Fire Station 1 Headquarters Groundbreaking Ceremony was held Monday morning. The new fire station has officially begun construction and will relocate current Fire Station 1, built in 1961. The new Fire Station 1 Headquarters site will provide better fire coverage on the Island and an updated workspace for crews. Liollio would like to thank everyone who came out to celebrate, including the dedicated and hardworking project team - James Island Public Service District, SouthCon Building Group, 4se Engineering, ADC Engineering, RMF Engineering, and G. Robert George & Associates. Thanks to all for such a wonderful event! Visit our website and the James Island Public Service District's site for more info and updates:

Charleston Chamber West "Business in Your Backyard" Event Features Louis Waring, Jr. Senior Center

Mez Joseph

Liollio Health & Wellness Leader, Michael Edwards, was the featured speaker at the September Business in Your Backyard, a Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce Presentation Series. Michael shared how the public-private partnership between the City of Charleston and Roper St. Francis Healthcare, paired with Liollio Architecture’s community engagement and design process, created the Louis Waring, Jr. Senior Center that serves as a hub, empowering Charleston’s senior community. Held in the newly opened facility on the campus of Bon Secours St. Francis Hospital in West Ashley, guests heard from panelists who shared how the idea for the facility materialized and how it functions today. Panelists included former City of Charleston Council Member, Aubry Alexander, Director of Senior Services with Roper Healthcare, Elizabeth Bernat, and City of Charleston Department of Parks Project Manager, Beth Brownlee. Tours of the facility followed the presentation.

Visti to view the presentation Public-Private Partnership Design to Re-Vitalize Community & Empower Seniors.


Mez Joseph

PUBLIC CHARETTE! Monday, July 22, 6:00 – 7:30pm, James Island Town Hall – 1122 Dills Buff Rd.

Come join the Town of James Island as we gather information and explore various possible uses for the current Camp Road Library building located at 1248 Camp Rd. Various Community groups and Organizations
will be on-hand to participate in the discussion, including theChildren's Museum of the Lowcountry, the James Island History Commission, the James Island Arts Committee, the Neighborhood Council, James Island Pride and the James Island Children’s Commission.

To submit suggestions online, email comments to