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Celebrating Black History Month 2025: Reflecting on Wilmot J. Fraser Elementary

Mez Joseph

This Black History Month, we honor Wilmot J. Fraser Elementary and its namesake. Originally built in 1957 as Columbus Street Elementary, the school was part of South Carolina’s Equalization Program, built for African American students. The school became a vital hub for the Eastside community, a gathering place during pivotal historical moments, including the aftermath of Hurricane Hugo, Civil Rights rallies and the assassination of John F. Kennedy, as recounted by the Eastside Community Development Corporation board.

The Columbus Street school was later renamed in honor of Wilmot J. Fraser, a dedicated African American educator, and continued to shape young minds and benefit the community. Fraser served not only as Principal of Columbus Street Elementary, but also East Bay Elementary, and the Archer School among others. He went on to act as the supervisor for all African American schools in Charleston and later assistant director of elementary schools for the entire county.

Throughout his career, Fraser was committed to uplifting students and ensuring that schools served as centers for both education and community support. As one of the initial organizers, president, and board member of the Elementary Principal Association within the South Carolina Palmetto Education Association (PEA), he worked to strengthen teacher development and mentor the next generation of educators. His efforts laid the groundwork for lasting change in Charleston’s education system.

Now, through community engagement sessions, the next chapter of this historic site is being written. Early College High School will preserve the stories of the past while creating future opportunities for students in one of South Carolina’s most historically significant neighborhoods. 

By weaving together history, resilience, education and community, this project ensures that Wilmot J. Fraser’s legacy continues—providing a stable foundation for the future to take root.


Mez Joseph

Liollio Architecture hosted students and mentors from the St. John’s High School ACE Program at our office on Tuesday. The students spent the morning getting a first-hand look into the day to day workings of an architecture office. They participated in a project-based learning exercise that guided them through sketching three dimensional objects in plan, section and elevation. They then continued work on their semester project to design a new wrestling facility for their school. Thank you to everyone involved for it a fun and memorable day!