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1640 Meeting Street Road, Suite 202
Charleston, SC, 29405
United States




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Discovery Place Celebrates Topping Out Milestone of Charlotte Museum of Nature

Mez Joseph

We recently had the honor of attending the Discovery Place Charlotte Museum of Nature Topping Out Ceremony. We are excited to see this impactful space take its next steps with this milestone! The building taking shape is thoughtfully designed to serve as a threshold, connecting public spaces such as the new Gathering Grove, Little Sugar Creek Greenway, and Freedom Park to the immersive and magical forest floor experience. This landscape-driven design approach reflects our goal to inspire museum visitors to move from observing nature to actively participating in the natural world around us.

We are grateful to our design, engineering, and construction partners: Hood Design Studio, Stimmel, Stewart, Optima, Wildlands Engineering, and Rodgers Builders. A special thanks to Discovery Place and Mecklenburg County for giving us the opportunity to help bring this meaningful vision to life!