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Filtering by Tag: richlandballentine

Richland Library Ballentine Awarded AIA Charleston Merit Award

Mez Joseph

Liollio is excited to announce that Richland Library Ballentine received an American Institute of Architects (AIA) Charleston Merit Award for New Construction at the 2022 AIA Charleston Design + Service Awards last month. Congratulations to our clients and friends at Richland Library!

Richland Library Ballentine is a suburban public library that creates a wooded escape to support an active local community of artists and craftspeople. The library provides a connection to the outdoors that includes an artist’s corner for quiet, meditative work surrounded by nature. The central public space is seen as a living room, a linear space which is oriented away from civilization and culminates in a framed view of an undeveloped woodscape. The living room is punctuated by three public art works, including a wisteria tree which drapes playfully over a children’s reading area, crocheted by library patrons.

National Library Week 2021: Welcome to Your Library

Mez Joseph

Happy National Library Week 2021! Typically the second week of April (April 4 - 10, 2021) is a time to celebrate our nation's libraries, library workers' contributions and promote library use and support.  The theme for National Library Week 2021 is "Welcome to Your Library." 

During the pandemic, library workers continue to exceed their communities' demands and adapt resources and services to meet their users' needs during these challenging times. Whether people visit in person or virtually, libraries offer endless opportunities to transform lives through education and lifelong learning.

First sponsored in 1958, National Library Week is sponsored by the American Library Association (ALA) and observed in libraries across the country each April. All types of libraries - school, public, academic and special - participate.

View. Liollio’s recent Library work here.
Learn more about National Library Week and the American Library Association here.