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1640 Meeting Street Road, Suite 202
Charleston, SC, 29405
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Filtering by Tag: Groundbreaking

City of Charleston Fire Station #23 Groundbreaking

Mez Joseph

This week, Liollio joined the City of Charleston and Charleston Fire Department for the City of Charleston Fire Station #23 groundbreaking on Johns Island. Designed to meet the growing needs of Johns Island, this new station will provide enhanced coverage. We are proud to contribute to a project that strengthens resilience and meets future needs. 

MUSC Breaks Ground on New College of Medicine & Administrative Building

Mez Joseph

Liollio Architecture, in collaboration with [tag The S/L/A/M Collaborative (SLAM)], is proud to be part of the journey to redefine medical education in South Carolina. The new Medical University of South Carolina College of Medicine & Administrative Building will provide a space for students, staff, and faculty to support innovation and progress in medicine, education, and research. We celebrate MUSC’s leadership in education and their commitment to excellence as they break ground on this facility. Congratulations to the MUSC community on this milestone! Take a sneak peek at the new MUSC College of Medicine below.