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1640 Meeting Street Road, Suite 202
Charleston, SC, 29405
United States


The Library You Need to See in Every State & D.C.


The Library You Need to See in Every State & D.C.

Mez Joseph

St. Helena Island Branch Library Chosen as South Carolina's Must See Library.

By Kari Huus

Even in the digital age, there is a brick-and-mortar library at the center of nearly every U.S. community. Across the country, there are hundreds — some steeped in history, some filled with rare manuscripts, while others boast top-flight modern architecture. What follows is a compilation of the top pick in every state (in alphabetical order). You don’t have to be a big reader to make these destinations worth checking out. While you’re traveling, put them on your agenda.

South Carolina's St. Helena Island Branch Library, built in 2012, was featured as the must see library in South Carolina. View all of the libraries here or by clicking the image above.