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1640 Meeting Street Road, Suite 202
Charleston, SC, 29405
United States


Liollio Architecture’s Liz Corr in Leadership Charleston’s Class of 2019


Liollio Architecture’s Liz Corr in Leadership Charleston’s Class of 2019

Mez Joseph

Liollio Architecture is pleased to congratulate Liz Corr, AIA, for being accepted into Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce’s Leadership Charleston Class of 2019 program. Leadership Charleston is a highly sought-after professional development opportunity established in 1974. The Liollio team celebrates Liz and all 60 participants in this 45th Leadership Charleston class.

For more than 44 years, the Chamber has offered Leadership Charleston, a 10-month program of community immersion and interactions with diverse leaders. The program’s mission is to identify and motivate emerging leaders and to develop their leadership potential by introducing them to the realities, opportunities and challenges of our civic and business communities. Participants are selected via an application process.

The 45th Leadership Charleston class will experience the power of working with other community leaders and organizations for positive growth and advancement of the region. Upon graduating in May 2019, class members will become Leadership Charleston Alumni, a distinguished group of leaders that includes Chamber Board of Directors, elected officials and prominent local leaders.

Visit the Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce's Leadership Charleston site here for more information.