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1640 Meeting Street Road, Suite 202
Charleston, SC, 29405
United States



2016 Library Journal Fall Design Institute

Mez Joseph

Angie Brose and Jennifer Charzewski represented Liollio Architecture at the 2016 Fall Design Institute hosted by Library Journal in Charleston SC. This semi-annual event provides an opportunity for public and academic librarians and staff to come together and “start planning the library of the future today.”  The group of about 100 toured 21st century facilities, discussed opportunities for renovating and retrofitting spaces large and small as well as planning for future projects, and explored the real-life design challenges faced by libraries through workshops and “speed sessions.” Liollio Architecture and Margaret Sullivan Studio worked with Dorchester County Public Library to provide an interactive workshop session related to activity-based programming for 21st century library services based on community needs. We may be biased, but we think we had the most creative groups and the outcomes were truly inspiring!  We also enjoyed getting to know our great architectural colleagues from across the country who love library design as much as we do!