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Mez Joseph
Liollio is looking for a #ProjectArchitect to join our family! We emphasize studio & community collaboration. If this is also you, email a resume & work samples to
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Filtering by Tag: liollioarchitecture
Liollio is looking for a #ProjectArchitect to join our family! We emphasize studio & community collaboration. If this is also you, email a resume & work samples to
“It’s an honor to be part of a talented and dedicated team of design professionals that take pride in their work and make even the most challenging days fun and rewarding.”
Liollio Architecture is pleased to announce the elevation of Andy Clark, AIA, LEED AP, to Principal. Liollio celebrates Andy’s accomplishments and is proud to have him as a firm leader!
Andy is passionate about design and the value it brings to our clients through successful collaborations. As part of Liollio's third generation of ownership, Andy leads the educational market and has a diverse portfolio spanning educational, municipal, commercial and healthcare. “It’s an honor to be part of a talented and dedicated team of design professionals that take pride in their work and make even the most challenging days fun and rewarding.” A graduate of Clemson University, with a Master of Architecture and Bachelor of Science in Design, Andy is currently serving as the State President of AIA South Carolina, where he organized the Community: by design Conference in conjunction with ArtFields in Lake City. He has served on the Clemson Architectural Foundation Board, volunteers as a student mentor, and is a Past President of AIA Charleston, where he co-founded a free public lecture series to elevate the design dialogue in our community.
Thank you to Liollio's Angie Brose, Associate, or hosting our recent Liollio Supper Club! It was a remarkable, cultural and delicious potluck. We are blessed to work with an amazing group of talented and dedicated individuals.
Tim Flach
The new Richland County library in the Ballentine area will be more than a place for children to read. The facility at 1200 Dutch Fork Road, which opens Tuesday, includes a tree house and puppet stage for play and other activities as well as perusing books, watching videos and scanning the internet.
At 13,000 square feet, the $5 million library is four times larger than the former storefront it replaces. The facility on the north side of Lake Murray is the second new library built through a $59 million bond issue approved by Richland County voters in 2013.
The expanded Blythewood branch reopens June 22.
Watch The State Newspaper video coverage and read full article here.
Liollio Architecture Principals Rick Bousquet, AIA and Jennifer Charzewski, AIA presented at the 14th annual Urban Design Conference in Raleigh NC in March. Presented by the North Carolina State University College of Design in collaboration with the City of Raleigh Urban Design Center, the theme of the conference was “Designing Beyond Downtown: The Future of the Suburbs.” Rick presented a case study on an urban/suburban food desert. Jennifer’s case study presentation focused on placemaking and design in civic buildings, and shared Liollio’s work on the Richland Library St. Andrews Branch and City of Charleston Fire Station #11.
Congrats to Matilda F. Dunston Primary School for winning first prize in the Charleston County Parks & Recreation Festival of Lights Greeting Card Competition!! Liollio is honored to be working on a design for a new school to help this dedicated and talented faculty and staff educate the next generation of students for our community. "Be a rainbow in someone else's cloud." - Maya Angelou
Angie Brose and Jennifer Charzewski represented Liollio Architecture at the 2016 Fall Design Institute hosted by Library Journal in Charleston SC. This semi-annual event provides an opportunity for public and academic librarians and staff to come together and “start planning the library of the future today.” The group of about 100 toured 21st century facilities, discussed opportunities for renovating and retrofitting spaces large and small as well as planning for future projects, and explored the real-life design challenges faced by libraries through workshops and “speed sessions.” Liollio Architecture and Margaret Sullivan Studio worked with Dorchester County Public Library to provide an interactive workshop session related to activity-based programming for 21st century library services based on community needs. We may be biased, but we think we had the most creative groups and the outcomes were truly inspiring! We also enjoyed getting to know our great architectural colleagues from across the country who love library design as much as we do!