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1640 Meeting Street Road, Suite 202
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Liollio Architecture Welcomes Cameron Foster 

Mez Joseph

Cameron Foster Associate AIA

Cameron Foster Associate AIA

Liollio Architecture is pleased to welcome Cameron Foster to its design studio. Originally from Richland WA, Cameron enlisted in the United States Marine Corps in 2010. After his service in the military, he fulfilled his aspiration of studying architecture and went on to obtain his Bachelor of Science in Architecture at Portland State University and his Master of Architecture at Clemson University.

Cameron is passionate about community-based, sustainable, and innovative design and the influences of academia on architecture. He has a strong appreciation for architecture that is restored or re-used in order to facilitate progressive cultivation of community, while maintaining historic and cultural value. Upon joining the Liollio team, Cameron’s work has consisted of Community and Healthcare projects. Cameron enjoys the beach, traveling, sports, and spending time with his wife and dogs. The Liollio team celebrates Cameron’s achievements and welcomes him to its studio.