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1640 Meeting Street Road, Suite 202
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Mez Joseph

#Studiollio - In the Fall of 2019, Liollio Principals Andy Clark and Jennifer Charzewski co-taught a firm design studio as lecturers for Clemson University’s School of Architecture at the Clemson Architecture Center in Charleston. Students experienced an academic design studio through the lens of a professional teaching studio.  The studio explored the City of Charleston and it’s grappling with change due to climate, technology, population, economics and mobility. Students investigated critical issues with a focus on how design can improve resiliency and cultural connectivity within a city.

A vibrant city is a living, breathing organism, and the civic infrastructure and architecture connect the identity, aspirations, and human story of the occupants to each other and to the past, present, and future. Architecture is intrinsically linked to landscape architecture and site in a hybrid conversation, rather than two separate entities. Similarly, the infrastructure that connects and moves people should participate in this hybrid conversation, and can reveal the opportunities that exist to grow in healthy ways.

Programmatically, Charleston is also confronting a tenuous balance between the tourism industry which undergirds the city’s economy, and the desire to be a livable city for all residents. Whereas development in housing, retail, food service, and offices is booming, it is often the cultural institutions and public parks that really bring a city to life and give it depth and a voice to residents.

Charleston is home to many preeminent programs and buildings for the visual and performing arts, and includes an aquarium, a history museum, and a children’s museum. However, there is a notable absence of a museum or center for nature and science –which are both integral to life in the Lowcountry and to supporting workforce development and STEM education.

The design projects provided the students with an opportunity to investigate these ideas and opportunities, further refine their critical and strategic approach in an iterative design process across a variety of scales, and develop requisite design and presentation communication skills. As a firm-led studio, the unique perspective of a practicing firm provided opportunities to intersect the academy with practice, including connecting students to professional mentors and enriching the firm with academic investigation.

Spotlight On: Lance Eubanks

Mez Joseph

Liollio is pleased to welcome Lance Eubanks, Associate AIA, LEED AP, to our design studio! A native of Mississippi, Lance completed his Bachelor of Architecture at Mississippi State University. Prior to joining Liollio, Lance worked as a Project Manager and Project Architect with ZGF Architects in Washington DC. After giving Lance a bit of time to settle in, we sat down for a little Q&A with our newest Spotlight On feature.

How long have you lived in Charleston?
A little over two months.

Where did you grow up?
About five miles outside of Lucedale, Mississippi – a tiny town near the Gulf Coast.

Are you married? Children?
Not married, but I moved here with my partner, Justin.

What is your favorite nonliving thing in your home?
I have a cedar chest that was originally my Great Aunt’s dowry chest from around 1930. It somehow made its way to me. It’s moved with me everywhere I’ve been since college, and I would probably try to carry it out if my house caught on fire.

What do you like to do when you have free time?
Social distancing has taught me that I need more hobbies. I try to spend as much time outside as possible. Virtual game nights and cooking keep me going while I’m stuck in the house.

Do you have any pets? If so, tell us a bit about them.
We have a dog named Bee. She’s an eight year old Beagle mix, and she will literally never turn down an offer for someone to pet her. She’ll let you go for three hours straight if you’re up for it.

What architect or architecture firm most influenced you as a student?
I have always loved Tadao Ando’s work. What he does with natural light in his projects, in the simplest way possible, has always amazed me. 

What is your favorite place you have traveled to and why?
Florence, Italy has to be my favorite. Ankara, Turkey is probably the most interesting place I’ve been.

What is your favorite thing about working at Liollio?
When I was moving to Charleston and looking for a job, I read a few of the Spotlight On posts on the Liollio website. Everyone said that their favorite thing about working here is the people. Well, they were right. I have been blown away at how many awesome people I get to work with. 

What inspires you most?
People. All of them. Everyone has an interesting perspective to offer to the world.

What is your favorite restaurant?
So far, Leon’s on King Street is my favorite Charleston spot, but there are so many more places to try.

What’s your favorite place in Charleston?
The beach at Sullivan’s Island at sunset has been my happy place so far.

What is your favorite food?
I could eat seafood every day for the rest of my life. Let’s hope I don’t get mercury poisoning.

What is your least favorite food?
I’ll eat almost anything, but the sight of blue cheese is sickening to me.

Do you play any instruments?
I was in the band in high school, and I played the trombone. It’s been a really long time since I’ve played though.

Who or what is your favorite musical artist or genre?
So, I like a lot of musicians, but Dolly Parton definitely has the number one spot. She’s a great songwriter, and she has this warm and positive personality that is infectious.

Favorite television show?
Law & Order (original) is always on the DVR. The Sopranos was fantastic. Right now, we’re watching The Crown, Schitt’s Creek, and Grace and Frankie.

Last book you read?
Educated by Tara Westover.

Last movie you watched?
The Irishman

Favorite movie or genre?
The Godfather is a classic.

Are you messy or organized?
The kitchen is spotless. Sometimes the closet overflows.

Do you have a favorite newspaper, blog or website?
I love local news. I got a subscription to the Post and Courier before I moved here. I also really enjoy reading CityLab online.

If you could interview one person (dead or alive) who would it be?
Betty White

If you could witness any historical event, what would you want to see?
The March on Washington in 1963 must have been a truly amazing sight.

What would the book or movie about your life be called?
Life of a Klutz: How to Get Back Up Again

What’s your astrological sign?
I’m a Capricorn. I don’t think it matters, but I’ll still read a horoscope every now and again.

What is your personal philosophy?
Treat others well.

What’s one thing you couldn’t live without?
My people. I’ve always thought this, but recent events have completely reinforced that for me.

What does true leadership mean to you? 
Empowering the people around you to be their best self and do their best at whatever they are doing.

If you could do another job for just one day, what would it be?
It’s a toss-up between a chef and a retirement home activity director.

How do you define success?
Being happy, healthy, and engaged.

USCB Hilton Head Hospitality Management Campus Featured in Local Life Magazine

Mez Joseph

LOCAL Life is about living well in the Lowcountry. Stories are everywhere: intriguing people and places, food and fashion, culture and creativity, homes and health. These stories embody our local style and sophistication with a southern twist. Eloquently written words and stunning photography capture the local essence in a way that educates, entertains and engages locals who are inspired and want more.

LOCAL Life Magazine, a publication celebrating the stories, culture, and people that make Hilton Head, Beaufort & Bluffton SC unique, showcases the University of South Carolina-Beaufort's Hilton head Hospitality Management Campus as a backdrop to a fashion shoot, while providing details on the building’s design. Visit for more.


Mez Joseph

As 2019 comes to a close, we take a look back at all of the wonderful people, places and events that made this year special. Thank you to all who’ve made 2019 a year to remember! Here is a look back at some of the events that helped shape our year. Comment, share and enjoy!

LIOLLIO PETS! Meet Our Four-Legged Family Members

Mez Joseph

Scroll through and meet some of our biggest fans. Have some fun and match a pet to it’s Liollio family member., comment — tell us which images are your favorite, or share a photo of your own furry family member with us! Enjoy!

2019 Charleston Reindeer Run

Mez Joseph

Liollio team members, Aaron Bowman and David Herrero recently participated in Charleston’s 2019 Reindeer Run. Presented by Half-Moon Outfitters, the annual Reindeer Run is a family-oriented, pet-friendly 5k run/walk through the lower peninsula of downtown Charleston SC. The event has grown significantly over the years; from only a few hundred participants to record attendance of over 3,500 runners.

Throughout the history of the event, the Charitable Society of Charleston (CSC) has donated over $1M to MUSC Children’s Hospital. Proceeds from the Reindeer Run are split between the campaign for the MUSC Shawn Jenkins Children’s Hospital and the Charitable Society of Charleston endowment. This endowment provides grants and donations to local non-profit organizations which benefit both children and elderly residents of the Lowcountry.

If you would like to donate to the cause, please click here or visit the event website here.

2019 Trident United Way Day of Caring

Mez Joseph

The 19th Annual Trident United Way Day of Caring is the largest single day of community service in the area. Trident United Way matches nonprofit agencies and schools with volunteer teams that help advance their mission and build capacity — all while fostering community engagement. Additionally, this day serves as a catalyst for year-round volunteer engagement as teams see the impact they can make in one day when they build partnerships within the community.

A group of Liollio volunteers joined thousands of volunteers from companies across the Tri-County to make the 2019 Day of Caring one to remember. More than 5,500 participants from 139 companies completed approximately 264 projects at 152 sites.

Contact to sign up for TUW’s email list to receive more information and learn how you can be part of next year’s Day of Caring.

SCPRT Fort Mill Welcome Center - AIA Charleston Juror Comments

Mez Joseph

The plan of this center organized a tricky access problem, and balanced the need to have a front door presence with the nighttime access in a way that we thought was very hospitable. The exterior materials were wonderfully varied and had a compelling origin story. The roofline, daylight and detailing illustrated craft and care....and the porch swing looks like just the ticket! We appreciated the subtlety of the steel detailing as well as the spacious uplifting feel of the interior.
— AIA Charleston Design + Service Awards Juror

James Island PSD Groundbreaking Ceremony

Mez Joseph

James Island PSD Fire Station 1 Headquarters Groundbreaking Ceremony was held Monday morning. The new fire station has officially begun construction and will relocate current Fire Station 1, built in 1961. The new Fire Station 1 Headquarters site will provide better fire coverage on the Island and an updated workspace for crews. Liollio would like to thank everyone who came out to celebrate, including the dedicated and hardworking project team - James Island Public Service District, SouthCon Building Group, 4se Engineering, ADC Engineering, RMF Engineering, and G. Robert George & Associates. Thanks to all for such a wonderful event! Visit our website and the James Island Public Service District's site for more info and updates:

Jury Comments: 2019 AIA South Carolina Design Awards

Mez Joseph

(Clockwise from top left) James Island Town Hall, An Outdoor Room: Department of Veterans Affairs, and Richland Library St. Andrews.

The American Institute of Architects, SC Chapter announced the 2019 AIASC Design Chapter Awards on September 26 in Columbia SC. Liollio was honored with three awards; Honor Award in New Construction - James Island Town Hall, Merit Award in New Construction - Richland Library St. Andrews, and Citation Award in New Construction - An Outdoor Room: Department of Veterans Affairs.

Jury comments:
“This small project is like a beautiful piece of modern jewelry that says – quite clearly – that these veterans deserve the investment in the healing power of the outdoors AND of good design.”
− An Outdoor Room: Department of Veterans Affairs

“The idea of “build less” is such powerful stewardship of the community’s resources. This design leverages a small addition for great impact and a successful response to the client’s goals.”
− Richland Library St. Andrews

“Simple, elegant orchestration of the two buildings provides excellent zoning, clear sense of public and semi-public spaces and a strong potential for public engagement.”
− James Island Town Hall

Liollio celebrates our clients, Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center, Richland Library and the Town of James Island! View the SCA Magazine for this year’s winning projects:

Liollio Principal Jennifer Charzewski Delivers AIA South Carolina Equity in Architecture Update

Mez Joseph

As Chair of the AIA South Carolina Equity in Architecture Committee, Liollio Principal, Jennifer Charzewski, AIA, LEED AP, provided a state-wide update following the Keynote address by Gabrielle Bullock, FAIA, NOMA, IIDA, LEED AP, who is the Director of Global Diversity for Perkins & Will. The Equity Committee has worked through the year to develop a strategic plan and Jennifer shared the draft Vision, Mission, and Strategic Goals. We look forward to continuing our work with the committee! Liollio’s Sarah Glass and Liz Corr also participated in the strategic planning retreat, along with committee representatives from across the State, representing multiple firms.

Liollio Principal Andy Clark featured in USCB Hilton Head Newsletter

Mez Joseph

Read USCB Hilton Head Hospitality Management’s current newsletter by clicking on the image above or following this link:

Want to make sure you receive our future newsletters? Get on the list:


Mez Joseph

The American Institute of Architects, South Carolina Chapter (AIASC) recently announced the 2019 recipients of the annual AIASC Design and Chapter Awards, which encourages and recognizes design excellence throughout South Carolina, and promotes public awareness of the role architects play in shaping the quality of life in their communities. Awards were presented on Thursday, September 26, 2019 in Columbia SC. This year’s design awards were given in New Construction, Residential Design, Adaptive Reuse, Historic Preservation and Interior Architecture to projects located in communities throughout the state. 

Other chapter awards presented this year included:
The Community Collaboration Award – bestowed upon programs, institutions, or individuals who advance the public understanding and appreciation of design in the built environment, or for a project exhibiting exceptional engagement of the community in the design process.
The Patron Award – bestowed upon elected officials, public administrators, or community leaders who contribute to the development of laws, regulations, or policies that affect architecture, or the public’s perception of architecture, as an important part of our environment, life-style, and heritage.
The Social Justice Award – given to an individual or group that has demonstrated the power of a participatory design process to eliminate inequities in the built environment and for distinguished work embodying social responsibility to actively address relevant issues.

Liollio would like to congratulate Richland Library on being awarded with both The Patron Award and The Social Justice Award! We would also like to join in celebrating with our clients, the Town of James Island SC, Richland Library, and the Department of Veterans Affairs, for being awarded an Honor Award in New Construction for James Island Town Hall, a Merit Award in New Construction for Richland Library St. Andrews, and a Citation Award in New Construction for An Outdoor Room: Department of Veterans Affairs.

Liollio is honored for the recognition of our work and collaboration with outstanding clients and project teams. Congratulations to all of this year’s award winners and design teams for their exceptional project submissions! View the SCA Magazine for this year’s winning projects: view the SCA Magazine.

Charleston Chamber West "Business in Your Backyard" Event Features Louis Waring, Jr. Senior Center

Mez Joseph

Liollio Health & Wellness Leader, Michael Edwards, was the featured speaker at the September Business in Your Backyard, a Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce Presentation Series. Michael shared how the public-private partnership between the City of Charleston and Roper St. Francis Healthcare, paired with Liollio Architecture’s community engagement and design process, created the Louis Waring, Jr. Senior Center that serves as a hub, empowering Charleston’s senior community. Held in the newly opened facility on the campus of Bon Secours St. Francis Hospital in West Ashley, guests heard from panelists who shared how the idea for the facility materialized and how it functions today. Panelists included former City of Charleston Council Member, Aubry Alexander, Director of Senior Services with Roper Healthcare, Elizabeth Bernat, and City of Charleston Department of Parks Project Manager, Beth Brownlee. Tours of the facility followed the presentation.

Visti to view the presentation Public-Private Partnership Design to Re-Vitalize Community & Empower Seniors.