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Spotlight On: McKenzie Betfort, Associate AIA

Mez Joseph

A native of Charleston, McKenzie quickly found her passion in the built and natural environment surrounding architecture. She recently graduated from Clemson University with a Bachelor of Arts in Architecture and a minor in Sustainability. McKenzie looks forward to learning more about practical uses of sustainable techniques and implementing them into real design solutions. After giving her time to settle in, we sat down for a little Q&A with our newest Spotlight On feature.

Where did you grow up?
Right here in Charleston! I went to Charleston County School of the Arts for Dance actually.

Are you married? Do you have children?
HA! No, and the world isn’t ready for more of me.

What is your favorite thing in your house?
The refrigerator? I’m still looking for a special little place to call my own.

What do you like to do when you have free time?
Oh right, I have some of that now…kinda. I love getting together with friends and trying out a new place to eat, watching Clemson Football, going to the beach, concerts and playing pick-up soccer out at Patriots Point. I’ve also picked up painting recently, but nothing to hang on the fridge just yet. I’ll keep you updated.

Do you have any pets? If so, tell us a bit about them.
I’ve always been a big dog lover, but I currently have one cat named Adeline (Adi). She’s the clumsiest and silliest kitten of them all. I adopted her at 4 months and have been training her like a puppy ever since.

What accomplishment are you most proud of?
My graduation from Clemson. I know it’s just the first step in my route to licensure, but there were plenty of moments where I was reminded that nothing is a sure thing. I truly fought for my degree and I think it means more to me because of that.

What building have you visited that most impressed you?
I got to visit so many wonderful places and buildings thanks to Clemson’s study abroad program, including the Brion Cemetery by Carlo Scarpa, the Guggenheim in Bilbao, Spain and a few Palladian villas. That being said, the one that sticks out to me is the Renzo Piano Building Workshop’s work in Trento's Le Albere district, a riverside site that was originally a Michelin tire factory. They have redone the district with multi-use buildings and a new park with a wonderful museum. It’s a testament to sustainable design and a beautiful meeting point between the industrial history of Trento and the mountains that surround it. You should check it out.

What is your favorite thing about working at Liollio?
The people. A visitor to the office the other day said something that struck me, paraphrasing here, “A [group or an Organization] is only as powerful, influential and good as the individuals who make it up.” I haven’t been here long but I already know that I am very fortunate to be on the same team as these people. Can’t imagine a more talented group to learn from and collaborate with.

What inspires you most?
Visual inspiration is at the ready everyday on social media which is a wonderful thing, but what really provokes me is the way our actions and designs affect the wellness of our community. Serving people and helping them drive their personal narratives and achieve their goals through a well thought out and well-designed built environment.

What is the hardest part about your job?
Getting the glue off my hands at the end of the day, everything else is a much welcomed challenge.

What style of architecture most impresses you or is your favorite?
I’m not sure I have a single favorite style. I think that every style has its place and, if done well, offers something to be learned.

Favorite book?
At the moment its Wild by Cheryl Strayed

Favorite place in Charleston?
Being out on the water or at the beach. These days, it’s harder to find a quiet spot, but once you do, it can’t be beat.

Favorite food?
Either Fried Green Tomatoes from Page’s Okra, Sloppy Smoke Sandwich from Smoke BBQ, Pesto, or Mexican food.

What is your least favorite food?
Milk. Specifically the kind from cows.

If you could be an animal, what would you be and why?
River Otter. They just always look like they’re having so much fun together. Plus they’re so cute!

Do you play any instruments?
I have played piano, violin, ukulele, guitar, recorder, harmonica, the finger harp, and once got a semi-acceptable noise out of a clarinet. Guitar is the only one I still have and play around with on occasion.

What song is at the top of your most played list (be honest)?
Billie Elish’s entire don’t smile at me album.

Favorite musical artist or genre?
My favorite musical artist is easily Frank Ocean. He is an artist that really doesn’t have one genre to label him.

Favorite artist?
My youngest sister, Erin

Favorite television show?
Game of Thrones, Parks and Recreation, Criminal Minds, or Stranger Things… OR Queer Eye. Definitely one of those.

Last book you read?
The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd

Last movie you watched?
Forrest Gump

Favorite movie or genre?
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy

Guilty pleasure?
Cheese - on anything and everything

Where is your favorite place you’ve traveled to and why?
Ireland is my favorite country I’ve travelled to, but my favorite place is the Cinque Terra in Italy. Beyond just the raw beauty of the towns (and the food and wine), it was the first time I got to travel outside of our school groups with a very dear friend. I immediately felt at home and at peace totally immersed in those mountains and cultures. It was by far and large the best trip of my life so far.

What would the book or movie about your life be called?
It’s Not for Lack of Trying

Who would play you in a movie about your life?
A mixture of Zendaya, Blake Lively and Amy Poehler. Just blend them together.

What’s your astrological sign?

What three traits define you?

What’s one thing you couldn’t live without?
My best friends. I truly have the best in the world. SHOUT OUT TO RANDI, LAUREN & MIKE (and queso).

What is the greatest challenge you have had to overcome in your life thus far?
This will probably come as a surprise even though I’ve only been here a short time, but I’ve had a lifelong struggle with anxiety and depression. I won’t say I’ve overcome it just yet, but I try to bring my best self forward every day and treat every day as a chance to start over- a new opportunity.

What is your greatest fear?

If you could do another job for just one day, what would it be?
Either an actor in a Marvel Superhero movie, a character at Disney World or a History/ English teacher.

What would you most like to tell yourself at age 13?
Have more fun. Do the things you aren’t sure about, and everything will work itself out in time.

How do you define success?

Liollio Architecture's Sarah Glass Achieves Architectural Licensure

Mez Joseph

Liollio Architecture is pleased to congratulate Sarah Glass, AIA, for earning her architectural licensure and becoming a member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA), a professional organization for architects in the United States. A registered architect must complete an internship and pass a rigorous series of examinations offered by official architectural registration boards in the United States and Canada. The Liollio team celebrates Sarah and her achievement.

A Charleston native and Masters of Architecture graduate at Clemson University, Sarah returned to Charleston in 2016 to join the Liollio team as Project Designer. Since then, her project work has ranged in size and scope, strengthening her design, attention to detail, communication and collaborative skills. Her recent work includes the new Matilda F. Dunston Elementary, Old Town Creek Park and James Island Public Service District’s Fire Station #1.

Resilience by DESIGN: From the Blue Ridge to the Coast - Conference 9/21

Mez Joseph

Don't miss Resilience by DESIGN: From the Blue Ridge to the Coast - Friday, September 21, 2018. Register today: Click HERE! Interested in becoming a Resilience Partner? Contact Tracey Waltz.

AIA South Carolina is pleased to announce Resilience by DESIGN: from the Blue Ridge to the Coast, its second biennial conference on Resiliency, to be held in downtown Greenville at the Clemson One space. This year's theme will emphasize the importance of Resilient planning across South Carolina and beyond coastal communities. Conference sessions will focus on Resilient Design issues affecting all regions in the state, including climate change adaptation, wild fires, tornadoes and other wind hazards.

Keynote speaker Laura Lesniewski, a Principal at BNIM, will discuss her firm's approach to "creating beautiful, integrated, living environments that inspire change and enhance the human condition." The 2011 AIA Firm Award winner, BNIM is a Kansas City based interdisciplinary practice that is shaping the national and global agenda for progressive planning, responsible architecture and design excellence.

We hope you'll join us for a one day "mini-conference" where members of the design and construction industry from across the state and region will gather, learn, and discuss the vital role they play in both the design and recovery of more Resilient Buildings and Communities.

Richland Library St. Andrews Featured in 2018 Library Design Showcase

Mez Joseph

Richland Library St. Andrews was featured in the 2018 Library Design Showcase, American Libraries Magazine’s annual celebration of new and renovated libraries. These shining examples of innovative architectural feats address user needs in unique, interesting and effective ways. Renovations and expansions continued to dominate submissions, showing how communities are finding novel ways to conserve and honor existing spaces while moving them well into the 21st century. View the showcase here.

Kiawah Guardrail Mock-up Install

Mez Joseph

The Preserve, a Kiawah Island Community, asked Liollio to design and replace a guardrail system for a few docks, bridge and an observation tower that exist along a series of nature trails in the community. The inspiration of the design came from the dynamic natural beauty of Kiawah - a play of light, shadow and movement.

City of Charleston Breaks Ground on Fire Station 11

Mez Joseph

Charleston, S.C.—At a ceremony last week, the city of Charleston officially broke ground on Fire Station 11, which is being built at 1835 Savannah Highway adjacent to Charleston 9 Memorial Park. When completed, the 14,500 square foot building will include a command training center, three bay apparatus area, living quarters and department offices. The location for the new station was selected to improve service delivery in West Ashley and will house Engine 11 and the 15 firefighters assigned to that company. The design, which features nine vertical windows in the apparatus bay overlooking the Charleston 9 memorial site, was finalized through a public engagement process that involved several opportunities for community feedback.

Representatives from Liollio Architecture, Forsberg Engineering and Stantec guided the design process in coordination with the city’s Parks Department. NBM Construction Company has been contracted to construct the building, which is estimated to take roughly a year and a half pending weather delays. The cost of construction, including demolition of the existing building, placing electrical wires underground and construction of the new facility, is expected to be approximately $6.5 million. Charleston Fire Chief Daniel Curia said, “The new Fire Station 11 demonstrates the city’s commitment to improving service delivery to residents of West Ashley, provides a tremendous improvement for our Fire Department team and, most importantly, represents another step forward in our desire to continue to enhance the Charleston 9 Memorial Park. The design team has done a remarkable job ensuring that this station will complement the park while providing a lasting tribute to the sacrifices made by the members of this department.”

Media Contact: Jack O’Toole, Director of Communications Media Relations/Public InformationCity of Charleston
(843) 724-3746

AIA Charleston Building Tour of Louis Waring, Jr. Senior Center

Mez Joseph

Liollio's Michael Edwards, Associate and Health & Wellness Leader, led an AIA Charleston building tour of the Louis Waring, Jr. Senior Center recently. As a follow-up to his tour of the Center in the Fall of 2017, attendees were given an insider’s look at project progress, lessons learned and finish installation as the project nears completion this Fall. The Senior Center is a City of Charleston project in partnership with Roper St. Francis Healthcare constructed on the campus of the Bon Secours St. Francis Hospital in West Ashley. The new 16,000 SF center is nestled in the woods, providing active adults a community retreat from their daily lives to an oasis engaged in nature. 

James Island Officials Move Into New Town Hall

Mez Joseph

By Alissa Holmes, Reporter/MMJ/Live5 News

Town of James Island officials have moved into the new Town Hall and we are excited to attend the Grand Opening Celebration -coming soon - Thursday, August 30, 2018 from 6 - 8pm at 1122 Dills Bluff Road. Join us for an evening of fun! Watch the Live5 News coverage here or by clicking on the image above.

James Island PSD Fire Department Donates to Sea Island Habitat for Humanity in Preparation for New Fire Station 1

Mez Joseph

James Island Public Service District Fire Department crews assisted Sea Island Habitat for Humanity in reclaiming windows, doors and HVAC units from two properties that the JIPSD recently purchased. The residences, along with a vacant lot, will be transformed into a new fire station that is being built to relocate our current Station 1. The new site provides for better fire coverage on the Island for crews, and will provide an updated work area from the current station it will replace, having been built in 1961. The JIPSD contacted Habitat for Humanity to offer the donation of anything in the buildings that they felt would be salvageable, and crews worked with members of Habitat for Humanity to remove those elements. Visit the James Island Public Service District's site for more info and updates:

Sea Island Habitat for Humanity, the third-oldest Habitat for Humanity affiliate in the world, is an independent, nonprofit, ecumenical, Christian housing ministry that has served its community as an affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International since 1978 and has provided housing for over 320 local families. Visit to learn more.


Mez Joseph

Groundbreaking Ceremony to be held at 1835 Savannah Highway on August 24, 2018 @11 AM.

Please join Mayor John Tecklenburg, Charleston Fire Chief Daniel Curia, members of City Council and other invited guests at a groundbreaking ceremony for Fire Station 11. Parking at the site is limited and attendees are encouraged to carpool. Spaces at the adjacent Charleston 9 Memorial Site (1807 Savannah Highway) will be reserved for dignitaries, members of the media and special guests. A limited number of spaces will be available to attendees off of Wappoo Road adjacent to the bike trail.

Liollio Architecture’s Liz Corr in Leadership Charleston’s Class of 2019

Mez Joseph

Liollio Architecture is pleased to congratulate Liz Corr, AIA, for being accepted into Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce’s Leadership Charleston Class of 2019 program. Leadership Charleston is a highly sought-after professional development opportunity established in 1974. The Liollio team celebrates Liz and all 60 participants in this 45th Leadership Charleston class.

For more than 44 years, the Chamber has offered Leadership Charleston, a 10-month program of community immersion and interactions with diverse leaders. The program’s mission is to identify and motivate emerging leaders and to develop their leadership potential by introducing them to the realities, opportunities and challenges of our civic and business communities. Participants are selected via an application process.

The 45th Leadership Charleston class will experience the power of working with other community leaders and organizations for positive growth and advancement of the region. Upon graduating in May 2019, class members will become Leadership Charleston Alumni, a distinguished group of leaders that includes Chamber Board of Directors, elected officials and prominent local leaders.

Visit the Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce's Leadership Charleston site here for more information.

The Library You Need to See in Every State & D.C.

Mez Joseph

St. Helena Island Branch Library Chosen as South Carolina's Must See Library.

By Kari Huus

Even in the digital age, there is a brick-and-mortar library at the center of nearly every U.S. community. Across the country, there are hundreds — some steeped in history, some filled with rare manuscripts, while others boast top-flight modern architecture. What follows is a compilation of the top pick in every state (in alphabetical order). You don’t have to be a big reader to make these destinations worth checking out. While you’re traveling, put them on your agenda.

South Carolina's St. Helena Island Branch Library, built in 2012, was featured as the must see library in South Carolina. View all of the libraries here or by clicking the image above.

Renovation Progressing on Former Lagunitas Building

Mez Joseph

Lagunitas Brewing Co. vacated the building last year and building owner Heights Equities is giving the property a total renovation. (Photo/Patrick Hoff)

By Patrick Hoff

Plans to renovate the building at 161 East Bay Street, formerly home of a Lagunitas Brewing Co. brewery and taproom, are coming together, according to one of the owners.

Brenden Maloof, a principal at New Jersey-based commercial real estate firm Heights Equities Inc., said right now he’s working on interior demolition to bring it “back to its original warehouse roots, brick to brick walls,” before Heights Equities launches into renovations.

“It’s had basically 100 years of just unfettered people putting one thing on top of another thing,” Maloof said. “There’s four or five different electrical systems and nothing really works anymore and it’s just time to clean up the building and get it back to what it was.”

Lagunitas began repairs on the building last year, but the brewery vacated the property when it became clear that the building needed more work than they were willing to put into it. Heights Equities, which purchased the building in 2013, took over the repairs from there.

Maloof said he’s working with Liollio Architecture to design the new interior space, with the building’s first floor remaining restaurant space and turning the second and third floor into an event space. Maloof said there isn’t a tenant for the restaurant space yet, and he predicted it would be another year before demolition and construction are complete.

“We’re still in the midst of getting our partnership together and doing what we’ve got to do,” he said. “But that plan is pretty solid.”

To finance the project, Maloof is using money from the $4.5 million sale of Terrace Plaza on James Island, which was purchased by a group that includes Paul Brown, the owner of the plaza’s Terrace Theater.

Heights Equities bought the shopping center in 2016 for $3.7 million because the company liked the neighborhood and liked the theater, Maloof said.

But the center ended up not fitting with the Heights Equities portfolio, he said. All of the firm’s other commercial properties are triple-net —meaning the tenant pays taxes, insurance and common area maintenance, among other costs — but Terrace Plaza wasn’t, requiring Maloof to be a more hands-on landlord.

Also, Maloof said, “there was a lot of deferred maintenance issues, so we had to go through and deal with a lot of that. So the property wasn’t quite as profitable as we had originally thought because of the deferred maintenance; and the parking’s always an issue there, which is not to say that it can’t be fixed, but it’s a big problem. ... We didn’t really want to go through that.”

Heights Equities owns several other properties in the Charleston area, including beach rental houses on Sullivan’s Island, a Red Lobster in North Charleston, and a historic residential property on South Battery.

Spotlight On: Camilla Atkinson

Mez Joseph

A native of Richmond Virginia, Camilla relocated to Charleston to join the Liollio team in April. She gained valuable office management experience working the past 13 years as an Operations Coordinator for building supply company, Mid South, in Richmond. Camilla joined our team, leading Liollio's front door focus as our Office Assistant. We are excited to welcome Camilla to the team and happy to have her on board. After giving her time to settle in, we sat down for a little Q&A with our new August Spotlight On feature.

How long have you lived in Charleston?
I have lived in Charleston for 4 months.

Where did you grow up?
Richmond VA

Are you married?
Not married, however, I am in a committed relationship.

Do you have children?
No children but I have a 4-year-old niece that I adore.

What do you like to do when you have free time?
When I have free time I enjoy going to listen to live music and meeting up with friends and family for dinner and drinks.

Do you have any pets? If so, tell us a bit about them.
I have 2 cats. Madison is a calico and is very sassy. Brooklyn is a tuxedo cat and has a sweet and loving demeanor.

What building have you visited that most impressed you?
The Palace of Versailles. It’s an architectural and artistic wonder dripping with gold.

What is your favorite country you have traveled to and why?
Italy. The culture & atmosphere is so beautiful. Taking in all of the architectural details, breathtaking landscapes, friendly people, fashion, wine and delicious cuisine is unforgettable!

What is your favorite restaurant?
Layla’s on King St. I love Lebanese/Mediterranean food.

What’s your favorite place in Charleston?
My favorite place in Charleston is Sullivan’s Island

What is your favorite food?
My favorite food would have to be Crab cakes.

If you could be an animal, what would you be and why?
I would be a dolphin because they are playful and friendly.

Who is your favorite musical artist or genre?
My favorite musical genre is Classic Rock. The Eagles and Fleetwood Mac are my favorite bands of all time.

Favorite television show?
My favorite TV shows are The Queen and Versailles.

Guilty pleasure?
My guilty pleasure consists of Cake and tabloid/fashion magazines.

Where is your favorite place you’ve traveled to and why?
Venice, I fell in love with the city's unique charm. It is magical exploring the little streets and getting lost in the city.

What’s your astrological sign?

What is your personal philosophy?
My personal philosophy is to treat others the way you would want to be treated.

What’s one thing you couldn’t live without?
My family

What is the best advice you’ve ever received?
Trust the process. Don’t force it and trust that it will all work out the way it is intended to.

Happy 62nd Anniversary Liollio!

Mez Joseph

Happy 62nd Anniversary Liollio Architecture! It was this day, August 1, 1956, in which our founder Demetrios Jimmy Constantine Liollio opened the doors to his own Charleston-based architectural practice, which still thrives today as Liollio Architecture. Notable projects for which he was involved include the Blessed Sacrament Church, Bank in the Oaks on James Island, and the Folly Beach Ocean Plaza.

Like today, August 1, 1956 also fell on a Wednesday and was the 214th day of the year. The next time you can reuse your old 1956 calendar will be in the year 2040. Both calendars will be exactly the same! This is excluding the dates for Easter and other irregular holidays that are based on a lunisolar calendar.

The year 1956 in architecture involved some significant events:

Buildings Opened
Price Tower, Bartlesville OK, United States, Frank Lloyd Wright
Theater Münster, Germany, Werner Ruhnau, Harald Deilmann, Max von Hausen & Ortwin Rave
Council House, Bristol, England, Vincent Harris
Torre Latinoamericana, Mexico, Augusto H. Alvarez
Luzhniki Stadium, Moscow, Russia

Buildings Completed
Capitol Records Building, Hollywood CA, World's 1st round office building, Welton Becket
S. R. Crown Hall, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Mies van der Rohe
General Motors Technical Center, Warren MI, Eero Saarinen
Latvian Academy of Sciences, Riga, Latvia, designed by Lev Rudnev
Maisons Jaoul, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France, Le Corbusier
Mausoleum of Genghis Khan, Inner Mongolia, People's Republic of China
Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore, India, Kengal Hanumanthaiah
Bank of England Printing Works at Loughton, Howard Robertson
Rødovre Town Hall, Denmark, Arne Jacobsen
St Mark's Church, Stockholm, Sweden, Sigurd Lewerentz
Faculty of Letters Building - University of Reading, England, Howard Robertson

SC Welcome Center at Fort Mill Nationally Honored with 2018 Brick in Architecture Best in Class Award

Mez Joseph

Uploaded by Brick Industry Association on 2018-07-25.

​​​​​​​Fired-clay brick offers unlimited aesthetic flexibility, and is an integral part of any sustainable, low maintenance building strategy.
— Ray Leonhard, BIA’s President & CEO

The 2018 Brick in Architecture Awards honor 19 winners for outstanding design that incorporates clay brick. Judged by a jury of independent design professionals, the Brick Industry Association’s (BIA) preeminent design competition awarded five Best in Class, five Gold, five Silver and four Bronze awards from 88 total entries.

Liollio is honored to receive a 2018 Brick in Architecture Best in Class (Commercial) Award for the new SC Welcome Center at Fort Mill! Five Best in Class projects were awarded among the 19 winners. Congratulations to all who made the SC Fort Mill Welcome Center project a success - and all award recipients!

All competition entries will be featured in the Brick Gallery on Brick in Architecture's website. The National Brick in Architecture Awards showcases the best work in clay face and paving brick from architects across the country in the following categories: Commercial, Education - K-12, Education - Colleges & Universities (Higher Education), Residential – Single Family, Residential – Multi-Family, Paving & Landscape Projects, and Renovations. Best in Class winners receive national recognition through a special Brick in Architecture insert in the December 2018 issue of Architect Magazine. All entrants are featured on BIA’s online Brick Photo Gallery here.

Liollio would like to extend a special thank you to this year's Judges: Bill Bonstra, FAIA, LEED AP - Bonstra | Haresign ARCHITECTS John W. Bryant, AIA, LEED AP - Sweet Sparkman Architects Ralph Cunningham, FAIA - Cunningham | Quill Architect PLLC P. Justin Detwiler - John Milner Architects, Inc. Charles Rose, FAIA - Charles Rose Architects Inc Gee-ghid Tse, AIA, LEED AP - Michael Maltzan Architecture, Inc.

Congratulations to the entire project team: SCPRT, SCDOT, J.M. Cope, ADC, RMF, 4SE, Johnson and McCalla, and Meridian Brick

About Brick in Architecture: Founded in 1934, BIA is the nationally recognized authority on clay brick construction representing the nation’s distributors and manufacturers of clay brick and suppliers of related products. Website:

Meeting with Molly Spearman, SC State Superintendent of Education

Mez Joseph

(From left to right) Scott Powell, AIA, Adrienne Montare, FAIA, Mary Beth Branham, AIA, Todd Sease, AIA & Andy Clark, AIA with Supt. Spearman (center)

AIA South Carolina leaders with K-12 experience met with Molly Spearman, State Superintendent of Education, to discuss how architects can help the state ensure that all South Carolina students have access to a safe, secure and rich learning environment. As a follow-up to the meeting, AIA SC will be compiling resources for Ms. Spearman on safe school design and the potential pitfalls of prototype plans, and forming a committee to interface with her team.  Please contact for more information or to help with data collection.

Vote for Liollio in Post & Courier's 2018 Charleston's Choice Awards!

Mez Joseph

Voting has begun for Post & Courier’s 2018 Charleston's Choice Awards and Liollio has been nominated for Architecture Firm under the Professional Services category! Cast your votes in a wide array of categories now through July 25th. Please support Liollio with your vote by visiting and scrolling down to the Architecture Firm category. Thank you in advance for your support! #CharlestonsChoice #Architecture #Culture #Context #Collaboration