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1640 Meeting Street Road, Suite 202
Charleston, SC, 29405
United States




Spotlight On: Lance Eubanks

Mez Joseph

Liollio is pleased to welcome Lance Eubanks, Associate AIA, LEED AP, to our design studio! A native of Mississippi, Lance completed his Bachelor of Architecture at Mississippi State University. Prior to joining Liollio, Lance worked as a Project Manager and Project Architect with ZGF Architects in Washington DC. After giving Lance a bit of time to settle in, we sat down for a little Q&A with our newest Spotlight On feature.

How long have you lived in Charleston?
A little over two months.

Where did you grow up?
About five miles outside of Lucedale, Mississippi – a tiny town near the Gulf Coast.

Are you married? Children?
Not married, but I moved here with my partner, Justin.

What is your favorite nonliving thing in your home?
I have a cedar chest that was originally my Great Aunt’s dowry chest from around 1930. It somehow made its way to me. It’s moved with me everywhere I’ve been since college, and I would probably try to carry it out if my house caught on fire.

What do you like to do when you have free time?
Social distancing has taught me that I need more hobbies. I try to spend as much time outside as possible. Virtual game nights and cooking keep me going while I’m stuck in the house.

Do you have any pets? If so, tell us a bit about them.
We have a dog named Bee. She’s an eight year old Beagle mix, and she will literally never turn down an offer for someone to pet her. She’ll let you go for three hours straight if you’re up for it.

What architect or architecture firm most influenced you as a student?
I have always loved Tadao Ando’s work. What he does with natural light in his projects, in the simplest way possible, has always amazed me. 

What is your favorite place you have traveled to and why?
Florence, Italy has to be my favorite. Ankara, Turkey is probably the most interesting place I’ve been.

What is your favorite thing about working at Liollio?
When I was moving to Charleston and looking for a job, I read a few of the Spotlight On posts on the Liollio website. Everyone said that their favorite thing about working here is the people. Well, they were right. I have been blown away at how many awesome people I get to work with. 

What inspires you most?
People. All of them. Everyone has an interesting perspective to offer to the world.

What is your favorite restaurant?
So far, Leon’s on King Street is my favorite Charleston spot, but there are so many more places to try.

What’s your favorite place in Charleston?
The beach at Sullivan’s Island at sunset has been my happy place so far.

What is your favorite food?
I could eat seafood every day for the rest of my life. Let’s hope I don’t get mercury poisoning.

What is your least favorite food?
I’ll eat almost anything, but the sight of blue cheese is sickening to me.

Do you play any instruments?
I was in the band in high school, and I played the trombone. It’s been a really long time since I’ve played though.

Who or what is your favorite musical artist or genre?
So, I like a lot of musicians, but Dolly Parton definitely has the number one spot. She’s a great songwriter, and she has this warm and positive personality that is infectious.

Favorite television show?
Law & Order (original) is always on the DVR. The Sopranos was fantastic. Right now, we’re watching The Crown, Schitt’s Creek, and Grace and Frankie.

Last book you read?
Educated by Tara Westover.

Last movie you watched?
The Irishman

Favorite movie or genre?
The Godfather is a classic.

Are you messy or organized?
The kitchen is spotless. Sometimes the closet overflows.

Do you have a favorite newspaper, blog or website?
I love local news. I got a subscription to the Post and Courier before I moved here. I also really enjoy reading CityLab online.

If you could interview one person (dead or alive) who would it be?
Betty White

If you could witness any historical event, what would you want to see?
The March on Washington in 1963 must have been a truly amazing sight.

What would the book or movie about your life be called?
Life of a Klutz: How to Get Back Up Again

What’s your astrological sign?
I’m a Capricorn. I don’t think it matters, but I’ll still read a horoscope every now and again.

What is your personal philosophy?
Treat others well.

What’s one thing you couldn’t live without?
My people. I’ve always thought this, but recent events have completely reinforced that for me.

What does true leadership mean to you? 
Empowering the people around you to be their best self and do their best at whatever they are doing.

If you could do another job for just one day, what would it be?
It’s a toss-up between a chef and a retirement home activity director.

How do you define success?
Being happy, healthy, and engaged.

Liollio Zoom Happy Hour

Mez Joseph

In the midst of challenging times, it’s been wonderful to see our team remain connected and full of energy and positivity. Our studio has been blessed to be able to work remotely - and in the spirit of connectivity, we all joined together for a Zoom Happy Hour. We hope you and your loved ones remain healthy and happy!

Water Mission Virtual Walk for Water

Mez Joseph

The Liollio team is proud to have participated in this year's virtual Water Mission Charleston Walk for Water. The virtual walk took place in multiple locations and participants united by a common purpose. We walked a 3-mile route in our neighborhoods and local communities, considering those who make that walk daily to retrieve water for their family. Learn how you can help generate awareness for the global water crisis and help make a difference by visiting! #2020VirtualWalkCHS

USCB Hilton Head Hospitality Management Campus Featured in Local Life Magazine

Mez Joseph

LOCAL Life is about living well in the Lowcountry. Stories are everywhere: intriguing people and places, food and fashion, culture and creativity, homes and health. These stories embody our local style and sophistication with a southern twist. Eloquently written words and stunning photography capture the local essence in a way that educates, entertains and engages locals who are inspired and want more.

LOCAL Life Magazine, a publication celebrating the stories, culture, and people that make Hilton Head, Beaufort & Bluffton SC unique, showcases the University of South Carolina-Beaufort's Hilton head Hospitality Management Campus as a backdrop to a fashion shoot, while providing details on the building’s design. Visit for more.

2020 Liollio Team Oyster Roast

Mez Joseph

Thank you to Liollio’s Alison Dawson and her husband, Calvin, for hosting their annual oyster roast for our Liollio team and their families! Everyone had a wonderful time, as usual!

Liollio Toasts Team Member Aaron Bowman

Mez Joseph

The Liollio team celebrated Aaron Bowman, AIA, with a toast to commemorate his American Institute of Architects (AIA) National 2020 Young Architect Award. Congratulations to Aaron and all of this years recipients!

Liollio’s Joshua Putnam Achieves Architectural Licensure

Mez Joseph

Liollio Architecture is pleased to congratulate Joshua Putnam, AIA, for earning his architectural licensure and becoming a member of the American Institute of Architects (AIA), a professional organization for architects in the United States. A registered architect must complete an internship and pass a rigorous series of examinations offered by official architectural registration boards in the United States and Canada. The Liollio team celebrates Joshua and his achievement.

A native of North Carolina, Joshua completed his Bachelor of Architecture and his Bachelor of Environmental Design in Architecture at North Carolina State University. He also studied Industrial Drafting & Design at Appalachian State University. Prior to joining Liollio, Joshua worked as a Project Designer with Craig Dean Architecture in Raleigh NC and honed his skills as a woodworker across the United States.


Mez Joseph

Thank you CSI Charleston Chapter of the Construction Specifications Institute for hosting a great evening! The Founders Round Table honored the women trailblazers whose leadership has shaped and inspired the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction Community of the Lowcountry. Round Table Speakers included Gretchen Penney, Whitney Powers, Nina Marshtein, Beth Crutchfield, Nina Fair, and Cherie Liollio.


Mez Joseph

The Charleston Chapter of the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) requests the pleasure of your company on January 15, 2020 at the Founders Round Table. Please help us honor the Women Trailblazers whose leadership has shaped and inspired the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction Community of the Lowcountry. Liollio Principal, Cherie Liollio, will be one of several distinguished guests on the panel. For event info:


Mez Joseph

Each and every day is unique and special when we make it that way.
— The Liberators International

Winter Monday morning blues instantly dissolved in Perth, Australia as an entire carriage of passengers spontaneously joined in singing Somewhere Over the Rainbow on their way to work.

Peter, the founder of the social movement enters the 7:51am express train to Perth and starts off by contributing a beautifully uplifting message. The intent behind this was to allow people to feel recognised for the work they do and to demonstrate how simple it can be to uplift each other when we come together through positive shared experience. It can be easy to feel unappreciated, disconnected and isolated from our community in a world that constantly desires exponential growth, busy-ness and expansion. Thankfully, we’ve discovered our shared humanity exists just cm’s beneath the surface of a seemingly ghost like public places. We decided to create this moment as a humanitarian check-point; a brief moment in time to see that beyond our differences there is love and humanity.

What happens next is quite incredible to say the least. Pete hands out the lyrics to the song whilst a young Ukulele player brings out a vintage uke and starts to hum out an angelic version of Somewhere Over the Rainbow. Within seconds other members of the public decide to join in on this outpouring of community joy.

“We had a few of the Liberators help get the ball rolling, however more than 60% of the passengers who sung along were complete strangers. We sung the entire song, progressively gaining confidence and participants as we went. When we finished an uproar of positive emotion, claps, cheers and smiles came streaming from the people.” Said Michelle, one of the Liberators who helped in the morning.

The Liberators are no strangers to these public participatory experiences having created multiple examples of freedom & human connection in Perth including the Perth Train Party which gained more than 40 million views online. The Liberators create these moments for the world to no longer be fearful of respectful self-expression in public. We expose an element of our own vulnerability as a way to give strength to those who are unable to do so yet. This is where the idea of Liberation comes in to the picture.

The next step for this Perth-based international social movement is taking their concepts of love and human connection through 5 capital cities in Europe to see if these acts of spontaneous joy are universally well received or if it’s just in Perth. Assist the Liberators in sharing the love to a global audience by supporting their crowdfunding campaign at


Mez Joseph

As 2019 comes to a close, we take a look back at all of the wonderful people, places and events that made this year special. Thank you to all who’ve made 2019 a year to remember! Here is a look back at some of the events that helped shape our year. Comment, share and enjoy!

LIOLLIO PETS! Meet Our Four-Legged Family Members

Mez Joseph

Scroll through and meet some of our biggest fans. Have some fun and match a pet to it’s Liollio family member., comment — tell us which images are your favorite, or share a photo of your own furry family member with us! Enjoy!

Matilda F. Dunston Elementary Dedication Ceremony

Mez Joseph

This building is the future. It’s the future for our children, it’s the future for our community and for our parents.
— Cheryl Savage, Matilda F. Dunston Elementary Principal

A dedication ceremony took place on Wednesday, December 18, 2019 for the new Matilda F. Dunston Elementary School. The school’s new campus is located at the same site as the former building on Remount Road in North Charleston. The school opened back in August, but Wednesday was the first time staff and students were able to showcase the new state-of-the-art building to the community. Some of the elementary school’s new features include larger classrooms, two computer labs, and a media room.

The principal of Matilda F. Dunston Elementary, Cheryl Savage, says staff always wanted a bigger campus for the students. “This building is the future. It’s the future for our children, it’s the future for our community and for our parents. We can now have a lot more events here,” Savage said. “We can have community members come in and do more with our children.”

She says none of this would be possible without the help from staff and parents. “We are growing every day with our numbers. We have children that are moving into this area I think because they want to come to Dunston,” Savage said. “We have a good reputation for how much we care about our children…we really love our children and we want them here.”

City of North Charleston Mayor, Keith Summey, and Charleston County School District Superintendent, Gerrita Postlewait, spoke at Wednesday’s dedication ceremony alongside other elected officials and school faculty.

Matilda F. Dunston Elementary Celebrates New Building with Dedication Ceremony - Live 5 News Coverage

Mez Joseph

By Lillian Donahue | December 18, 2019

After four years of planning and construction, the Charleston County School District is holding a dedication ceremony for the new Matilda F. Dunston Elementary school building Wednesday.

The new 77,000 square-foot building brings more space for students.

It also includes two computer labs so students can use computers while others may be testing.

Principal Cheryl Savage said she's excited for how the space can be utilized in new ways.

"This building is the future,” Savage said. “It's the future for the community and for our parents. We can now have a lot more events here. We can have community members come in and do a lot more with our children."

This year the school is housing Kindergarten through 4th grade. Next year, those students will make up the 5th-grade class.

During construction, Savage said the project would not have been completed so smoothly without the patience of teachers and staff.

"They never complained when there was something that wasn't working in their classroom because it wasn't ready or it wasn't put in their classroom yet,” Savage said. “they work so hard for the children and everybody here is like family and I think the staff is what makes this school what it is."

Around 100 community members and city leaders are expected at Wednesday’s dedication ceremony at 10 a.m.

Liollio Elevates Elissa Bostain, AIA, & Greg Broadwater to Associate

Mez Joseph

Liollio Architecture is pleased to announce the elevation of Elissa Bostain, AIA, and Greg Broadwater to Associate. The Liollio team celebrates Greg and Elissa and looks forward to their continued leadership.

Elissa joined the Liollio team in 2012 after receiving her Master of Architecture and Bachelor of the Arts in Architecture from Clemson University. Elissa leads in Liollio’s design studio as a project manager and architect on a variety of project types, including Community, Higher Education, Historic Preservation and Healthcare.

Greg joined the Liollio team in 2008 and has contributed significant construction and site division management across multiple markets. His project delivery experience ranges from traditional Design-Bid-Build to Prequalified General Contractors, CMa and CM@R. 

2019 Charleston Reindeer Run

Mez Joseph

Liollio team members, Aaron Bowman and David Herrero recently participated in Charleston’s 2019 Reindeer Run. Presented by Half-Moon Outfitters, the annual Reindeer Run is a family-oriented, pet-friendly 5k run/walk through the lower peninsula of downtown Charleston SC. The event has grown significantly over the years; from only a few hundred participants to record attendance of over 3,500 runners.

Throughout the history of the event, the Charitable Society of Charleston (CSC) has donated over $1M to MUSC Children’s Hospital. Proceeds from the Reindeer Run are split between the campaign for the MUSC Shawn Jenkins Children’s Hospital and the Charitable Society of Charleston endowment. This endowment provides grants and donations to local non-profit organizations which benefit both children and elderly residents of the Lowcountry.

If you would like to donate to the cause, please click here or visit the event website here.