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Filtering by Category: Education

Florida Polytechnic Science, Innovation & Technology Campus Visit

Mez Joseph

During their stay in Orlando for the 2017 AIA National Conference, Principals Jay White and Jennifer Charzewski, accompanied by Allie Beck, visited the Florida Polytechnic Science, Innovation and Technology Campus by Calatrava. Visit the Florida Polytechnic Science, Innovation & Technology website at #FLPoly


Mez Joseph


"What Architects
Need to Know
About Disasters
& Risk Reduction"

Why do buildings fail during natural disasters and what will the future of architecture look like in the face of increasing risk? After 10 years of disaster response and recovery nationwide, the AIA Disaster Assistance Program shared emerging research and personal lessons from the third edition of the AIA Handbook for Disaster Assistance.

This seminar focused on why buildings fail, how risk is increasing, the impacts of land use and building codes, and more. Stories from the field explored the impact of natural hazards and the pitfalls and opportunities in practice and community engagement.

Liollio's Aaron Bowman, AIA, (pictured above) was one of the speakers discussing Disaster Preparedness at the 2017 AIA National Convention last month in Orlando FL.

USCB Hilton Head Hospitality Management Facility Groundbreaking

Mez Joseph

A few more images from the USCB Hilton Head Hospitality Management Facility Groundbreaking that took place February 10. Principal Jay White & Associate Principal Andy Clark were in attendance.


Mez Joseph

Liollio Architecture hosted students and mentors from the St. John’s High School ACE Program at our office on Tuesday. The students spent the morning getting a first-hand look into the day to day workings of an architecture office. They participated in a project-based learning exercise that guided them through sketching three dimensional objects in plan, section and elevation. They then continued work on their semester project to design a new wrestling facility for their school. Thank you to everyone involved for it a fun and memorable day!