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Post & Courier: SC Welcome Centers Getting Some Overdue Attention to Impress Travelers

Mez Joseph

By Dave Munday
Jun 23, 2018

When it comes to tourism, never underestimate the importance of a restroom. Providing public restrooms and making them easier for visitors to find has been the topic of much discussion in Charleston.

Public facilities with innovative designs can be a visitor attraction in themselves, as noted by the annual International Toilet Tourism Awards. The awards by were created "to show the close link between innovative, clean toilets with great design and a successful local tourism economy — or as we like to call it the trickle down effect."

For example, a public restroom in Lucas, Kan., called Toilet Bowl Plaza, is noted as a big visitor draw. The building itself was designed in the shape of a toilet, and the inside is covered with mosaics and quirky creations by local artists.

The public restrooms at the welcome centers along the major arteries leading into South Carolina have been a prime focus lately of state tourism officials. The nine official welcome centers play a key role in the state's economic development, according to Duane Parrish, director of the S.C. Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism.

"Over 80 percent of visitors to South Carolina come by car," Parrish said. "First impressions mean everything." Eight welcome centers ring the Palmetto State, capturing visitors coming from every direction. The other one is near the middle. When Parrish took over PRT seven years ago, he said, the welcome centers were pretty shoddy and unimpressive — restrooms, vending machines, a small space to pick up some brochures or ask a question. They were only open five days a week, closed Mondays and Tuesdays to save money.

The Department of Transportation turned over maintenance to PRT in July 2014. The tourism agency got about $4.5 million from DOT to maintain the centers this year, according to DOT's budget report. The restrooms were cleaned up, landscaping and flowers added. That was just the beginning.

There are no plans to make the restrooms worthy of a Toilet Award, but the centers themselves are being overhauled. Two have been completely rebuilt in the last two years, costing about $4.5 million each. One is at Hardeeville on Interstate 95 just north of the South Carolina-Georgia state line, replacing a center that opened in 1978. The other is at Fort Mill on I-77 south of the North Carolina border, replacing one that opened in 1981.

The new Hardeeville welcome center, on I-95 just over the border from Georgia, is much more spacious and high-tech than the old one, and the exterior reflects the colors of Lowcountry sandy soil and beach sand. Provided/SCPRT/Perry Baker

The exterior of the rebuilt Fort Mill welcome center, on I-77 south of the North Carolina border, was designed to resemble the clay color variances of the Catawba pottery native to the area. Provided/Paul Warchol/Liollio Architecture

Construction on a new Dillon welcome center in the Pee Dee region, on I-95 just south of the North Carolina border, is set to start later this year. The current Dillon center opened in 1973.

The newer centers are more spacious and modern than their predecessors. Rather than just racks of brochures advertising the state's attractions, high-definition screens on the walls stream live webcams from around the state. The exteriors are designed to reflect the local culture. For instance, the new Dillon center looks like a farm house typical of the rural, tobacco areas of the Pee Dee.

The new Dillon welcome center, on I-95 south of the North Carolina border, will resemble a farm house typical of the rural, tobacco areas of the Pee Dee. Provided rendering/Jeff Lewis Architect

Parrish said the goal is not only to let travelers know about the state's attractions but to give them the impression that South Carolina is on the cutting edge. "It's not only important for tourism but also for economic development," he said. "We don't want them to look dated."

About 3.5 million visitors a year step inside the welcome centers, according to PRT. The agency spends about $1.5 million a year to staff them with trained travel counselors versed in South Carolina history and culture.

The counselors welcome visitors, answer questions, give out coupons and occasionally make reservations. The department says its counselors made about $2 million in hotel reservations last year, even though the centers are equipped with wireless Internet service so travelers can do it themselves over their phones. “It’s a chance for us to have that personal touch," Parrish said. "No matter how great technology gets, nothing will ever replace the 'human touch.'

"Businesses that cater to tourists can put their brochures in the center for free. PRT reports about $88,000 a year from selling spaces for bigger ads.

For instance, the Santee welcome center — the one near the center of the state on I-95 south, near I-26 — is the closest to Charleston, and also one of the smallest. The town of Mount Pleasant has a poster on the glass front door. It says, "Where Rush Hour is a pleasant surprise, but still leaves you speechless." There's a photo of some dolphins a driver might see while crawling over the Ravenel Bridge or Shem Creek.

Around the corner, on the path leading to the women's restroom, Drayton Hall advertises its new visitors center. Inside, a wall panel advertising North Charleston has a photo of the boardwalk at Riverfront Park with the slogan “always take the scenic route.”

The tourism department doesn't get any money from the vending machines. Those are reserved for entrepreneurs through the S.C. Commission for the Blind's Business Enterprise program, which includes hiring drivers for those who can't see well enough to drive. The policy is a federal mandate under the Randolph-Sheppard Act.

It would seem the state could make some extra money selling T-shirts or other souvenirs, but that's not allowed along interstate highways under the 2012 Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act.

Reach Dave Munday at 843-937-5553.

Michael Edwards & Elizabeth Bernat Lead Roundtable at 2018 NANASP/NCOA Conference

Mez Joseph

Liollio's Michael Edwards, Associate and Health & Wellness Leader, along with Elizabeth Bernat, Director of Senior Services at Roper Saint Francis Healthcare, led a series of roundtable discussions at the National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs (NANASP) -  National Council on Aging (NCOA) 2018 Conference in Charleston this month. The roundtables focused on the design and community engagement process for the Louis Waring, Jr. Senior Center, a Public/Private partnership between the City of Charleston and Roper Saint Francis Healthcare, to open this Fall.

The NANSP/NCOA Conference is an annual conference hosted by the National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs (NANSP) and the National Council on Aging (NCOA) National Institute of Senior Centers (NISC). The conference brings together leaders from senior center and aging organizations as well as officials from the SC Department of Aging and Disabilities, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the AARP Foundation.

Michael Edwards is the Liollio Project Manager of the Louis Waring, Jr. Senior Center located in West Ashley. Elizabeth Bernat is the Executive Director of the Lowcountry Senior Center and future Louis Waring, Jr. Senior Center. For more information about the Louis Waring, Jr. Senior Center, visit Liollio on ISSUU or view the Designing for Senior Community & Wellness Brochure.

Wharton Esherick Museum

Mez Joseph

Liollio's Liz Corr and husband, Brian Leounis, visited the Wharton Esherick Museum during a recent trip to visit family in Pennsylvania. The tour of his home included his early studio, loft living space and many pieces of furniture and art.

Wharton Esherick began his career as a painter but soon realized his talents as a wood worker. He created unique sculptures and furniture throughout his career. He worked primarily in wood, especially applying the principles of sculpture to common utilitarian objects. Consequently, he is best known for his sculptural furniture and furnishings. Esherick was recognized in his lifetime by his peers as the dean of American craftsmen for his leadership in developing non-traditional designs, and encouraging and inspiring artists/craftspeople by example. Esherick’s influence continues to be seen in the work of current artisans. 

His home and studio, in Malvern PA, were his largest piece of art. Especially interesting are the curved stairs to his loft living space, which were once disassembled for display at the New York World’s Fair. The buildings evolved over forty years, as Esherick lived and worked there. He continued working on the studio until his death in 1970. In 1972 the studio was converted into the Wharton Esherick Museum. The property was declared a National Historic Landmark in 1993.

For more information about the museum, visit

Designing for Senior Community & Wellness: Louis Waring, Jr. Senior Center

Mez Joseph

This City of Charleston & Roper St. Francis Healthcare project is scheduled for completion in late 2018. The scope of this project was to design a new 16,000 SF health & wellness center to be constructed on the campus of the Bon Secours Saint Francis Hospital in West Ashley. The new center will be nestled in the woods, providing the community a retreat from their daily lives to an oasis engaged with nature. The facility will provide adults age 50+ the opportunity to exercise, socialize, and engage through a variety of activities and events focused on active lifestyles, well-being and growth. Meeting the vision of the community and its users has been key to this project. As one user stated, “We want a living center, not a nursing home. We have a lot more life to live. The building should reflect that.”

Click here or on image above to see our process.

Congratulations Brighton Park Swim Club!

Mez Joseph

We're thrilled to share that Brighton Park Swim Club was awarded a PRISM for Best Outdoor Amenity by the Charleston Home Builder's Association (CHBA). Every year, the CHBA recognizes the best in real estate from marketing and design to builders and real estate agents.

The residents-only Swim Club has been a gathering place for fun and friendship. As Nexton's first resident amenity, the Swim Club boasts a junior Olympic-size pool with 6 swim lanes, an interactive splash pad for kiddos, two wading areas for a more leisurely dip, and a huge pool deck with relaxing, Caribbean-style cabanas to catch a little break from the sun.

The grassy lawn is perfect for volleyball games, family picnics or just spending time with a good book. The beautiful pavilion, complete with modern permanent picnic tables, seating and GigaFi access, is the perfect venue for a rain-proof BBQ or birthday party.

Isle of Palms Front Beach Restrooms & Boardwalk Renovation

Mez Joseph

The City of Isle of Palms selected Liollio to complete the design for renovations of their front beach restroom facility and associated boardwalk to the beach access. The prime consideration for the renovations of the restrooms was to create ventilated open-air spaces taking advantage of the continuous ocean breeze. The exterior gable ends of the facility were opened up with a lattice like system increasing the flow of the natural breeze through the building. The previously closed ceilings were opened by using a slatted system allowing better ventilation and natural lighting into all of the spaces of the restrooms. The exterior walls were strategically opened with a slatted Ipe wood system to also help increase the ventilation. New lighting and ceiling fans added to the overall finish of the restrooms. The deteriorated wooden boardwalk used for beach access was replaced with a widened boardwalk, meeting accessibility slope requirements. The boardwalk and the new adjacent shower area was designed with Ipe wood for low maintenance and longevity.

Liollio’s Alison Dawson Awarded 2018 AIA South Carolina Presidential Citation

Mez Joseph

Liollio is pleased to announce that the 2018 American Institute of Architects South Carolina Chapter has recognized Alison Dawson, AIA, with the 2018 Presidential Citation.

This prestigious award, presented annually by the AIA SC President, is given to members who have provided exemplary service to the membership in advancing the profession. Alison was awarded this Citation in recognition of her leadership and initiative to organize the mobile art classroom community service project team through the 2018 AIASC Leadership Academy.

A native of Charleston, Alison earned her Bachelor of Arts in Architecture at Clemson University and Bachelor of Architecture at North Carolina State University, graduating with honors. Alison’s work at Liollio has varied, strengthening her design, attention to detail, communication and collaborative skills. Her recent work includes University of South Carolina historic preservation, Charleston International Airport TRIP and preservation/renovation to Charleston’s Old City Jail. Alison was honored as one of Charleston Regional Business Journal’s 2016 Forty Under 40 recipients.

Spotlight On: Pat Ogle

Mez Joseph

A native of Ohio, Pat relocated to Charleston 14 years ago. For the past 13 years, Pat has led Liollio's front door focus as our Office Manager. Though we knew it would happen eventually, we were sad to celebrate her retirement as Office Manager this month. Although we know she loved us and the beach, Pat recently returned to Ohio to be closer to family and friends. Our Liollio team will truly miss her personality and presence. Before she left, we sat down for a little Q&A with our new Spotlight On feature.

How long have you lived in Charleston?
14 years

Where did you grow up?
Marietta Ohio

Do you have children?
Yes, 2 - Stacey & Jesse

What do you like to do when you have free time?
Going to the beach.

Do you have any pets?
No, but I have grandpuppies

What was your favorite thing about working at Liollio?
The family atmosphere.

What are your plans after retiring?
Working part time and being around family & friends.

What’s your favorite place in Charleston?
Folly Beach

What is your favorite food?
Shrimp & grits

What is your least favorite food?
Anything involving raw/rare meat - yuck!

What song is at the top of your most played list or what song, if you had to choose one, is your favorite (be honest)?
Garth Brooks Friends in Low Places (Pat - we know you're not talking about us!?)

Who are your favorite musical artists?
Garth Brooks & Vince Gill

Favorite television show?

What’s your astrological sign?

Guilty pleasure?
Anything chocolate

Where is your favorite destination you’ve traveled to and why?
Key West - beautiful views & fabulous sunsets.

What is your greatest fear?

If you could do another job for just one day, what would it be?
Sail a sail boat around Charleston Harbor - scary thought isn’t it?

What are your three most overused words/phrases?
Sorry, those can’t be repeated in public. :)

What is the best advice you’ve ever received?
Work hard but enjoy life.

What will you miss the most about living in Charleston?
The beautiful views & scenery.

What will you miss the most about being at Liollio?
The kind people that work there.

Liollio Architecture Awarded Multiple 2018 AIA South Carolina Awards

Mez Joseph

Liollio Architecture is honored to announce that the 2018 American Institute of Architects South Carolina Chapter has recognized three Liollio projects with four State Design Awards. Richland Library Ballentine, in Irmo SC, received a New Construction Honor Award and an Interior Architecture Merit Award. Hampton County Health Clinic, in Varnville SC, received a New Construction Merit Award. South Carolina Welcome Center at Fort Mill, in York SC, received a New Construction Citation Award. Because these projects were the result of deep collaboration with clients, Liollio would like to extend special thanks to South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism, South Carolina Department of Health & Environmental Control, Hampton County and Richland Library.

Events surrounding the AIASC Annual Design Conference took place in Lake City SC over the course of three days, from Wednesday, April 18 to Friday, April 20. This year, AIASC partnered with Lake City’s annual community-wide arts festival and competition known as ArtFields, This year's theme was Community: By Design and focused on the power of art and design in creative placemaking. The Design Awards program and many other sessions were open to the community. Speakers included Michael Ford, Associate AIA, Emilie Taylor Welty, Dan Pitera, FAIA, and Trey Trahan, FAIA. The awards were juried by New Orleans LA-based juries and presented at a Design Awards Celebration held on Thursday, April 19 at The Bean Market during the AIASC Design Conference.

Liollio Architecture Elevates Andy Clark, AIA, to Principal

Mez Joseph

Andy Clark, AIA, LEED AP, Principal

It’s an honor to be part of a talented and dedicated team of design professionals that take pride in their work and make even the most challenging days fun and rewarding.
— Andy Clark, AIA, LEED AP, Principal

Liollio Architecture is pleased to announce the elevation of Andy Clark, AIA, LEED AP, to Principal. Liollio celebrates Andy’s accomplishments and is proud to have him as a firm leader!

Andy is passionate about design and the value it brings to our clients through successful collaborations. As part of Liollio's third generation of ownership, Andy leads the educational market and has a diverse portfolio spanning educational, municipal, commercial and healthcare. “It’s an honor to be part of a talented and dedicated team of design professionals that take pride in their work and make even the most challenging days fun and rewarding.” A graduate of Clemson University, with a Master of Architecture and Bachelor of Science in Design, Andy is currently serving as the State President of AIA South Carolina, where he organized the Community: by design Conference in conjunction with ArtFields in Lake City. He has served on the Clemson Architectural Foundation Board, volunteers as a student mentor, and is a Past President of AIA Charleston, where he co-founded a free public lecture series to elevate the design dialogue in our community.

In Loving Memory of Caliope "Cally" Moraitakis Liollio

Mez Joseph

Demetrios Jimmy Constantine Liollio & Caliope Cally M. Liollio

Our office will be closed Friday, April 13 2018 in observance of the passing of Mrs. L, Caliope Cally Moraitakis Liollio.

Caliope Cally Moraitakis Liollio, 95, of Charleston fell asleep in our Lord on April 10, 2018, surrounded by her loving family. The relatives and friends of Caliope M. Liollio are invited to attend her Funeral Service at 11AM on Saturday, April 14, 2018, at The Greek Orthodox Church of the Holy Trinity. The family will receive friends from 5 – 7PM on Friday, April 13, at the James A. McAlister Funeral Home, 1620 Savannah Highway. The Trisagion Service will begin at 5PM. Cally was born in the small town of Cordele, Georgia on December 6, 1922, in the family home. She was the daughter of Stephanos and Eleni Moraitakis, formerly of Atlanta GA. As a young and newly married couple, Cally’s parents immigrated to the United States from Greece. They came to America seeking new opportunities and to start a family that would define their legacy. They brought with them their proud Greek heritage upon which they built the foundation to begin their new life. Cally was their first child…a miracle in truth, as she was the first live birth after two devastating loses. In very short time, Cally was joined by a sister Anna and four brothers George, Michael, Angelo, and Victor. She had a competitive nature and a strong will to succeed. She could out run, out-hit, out-climb and out-smart her siblings, who held her to high standards. She became quite the Tomboy but soon blossomed into one of the most beautiful young women who attended Cordele High School − and could she dance! She mastered the Jitterbug as well as all the traditional Greek dances. Upon her graduation, Cally left home to attend Georgia State Women’s College, currently known as Valdosta State University, in Valdosta GA. With the on-set of World War II, her father, who was strong, loving and protective, called her home to return to the safety of the family, now living in Atlanta. Over the next several years, all four of Cally’s brothers served in the military from the European Theatre to Korea. In the meantime, Cally began new pursuits and took a job working as a teller in a bank in Atlanta, and very soon was promoted to Supervisor. She and her siblings had many Aunts, Uncles and first cousins living in Atlanta. They were all heavily involved in the Greek community with the Greek Orthodox Church at its nucleus. Many a young man tried to catch her eye, but her heart was stolen by a handsome young Army Air Force Veteran, originally from the beautiful island of Skopelos, Greece, who was attending Alabama Polytechnic Institute, now known as Auburn University. Cally and Demetrios Jimmy Constantine Liollio first met on August 28, 1946, at the wedding of one of her cousins. By November of the following year they were engaged, and married on December 21, 1947 in Atlanta. They celebrated 67 years together and were only departed by Jimmy’s passing on February 28, 2015. Upon Jimmy’s graduation from API, they moved east and finally in 1952 settled in Charleston, drawn here by the ocean and the community of the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church. They made many wonderful life-long friends serving in the church together. They had two wonderful children, Andrea Mache Larkin (Raymond) and C. Dinos Liollio (Cherie), five grandchildren; Melanie Shay Jager (Sean), Stephanie Dawn Smith (Ian) and Chryse Nye Jackson (Josh), Demetrios Alexandre Liollio and Zachary Paul Liollio; and 7 great grandchildren; Michael and Gabriel Jager, Thomas and Andromache Smith, and David, Cally and Alexandra Jackson. Cally was pre-deceased by her sister Anna Cheokas and three brothers George, Angelo and Victor. In addition to her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, Cally is survived by her brother Michael Moraitakis (Chris) of Atlanta and his family and many nieces and nephews. Cally was a devoted wife, working side by side with Jimmy as he built his architectural firm. She had an extraordinary ability to make the people she met feel special. She was gracious and kind with a passionate spirit to serve others. Cally was a member of numerous organizations, including past District Governor of La Sertoma and 50 years of committed service to the Charleston Philoptochos Society. Her family was the focus of her life. Nothing brought her and Jimmy more joy than spending time with their beloved grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Her hobbies included anything Jimmy pursued. She was his partner in gardening, first mate in sailing and biggest fan in fishing. As a wife and mother, she was a woman of strength, always supportive, loving and compassionate, with a heart that knew no boundaries. As a grandmother and great grandmother, she was the best friend that we would ever know - a role model of grace, humbleness and always genuine. She had a wonderful sense of humor and a sharp wit. No amount of awareness ever prepares a family of the magnitude of loss her passing will create and the huge void that will result. We mourn her loss but celebrate her memory and the many lives she touched. Our family wishes to express eternal gratitude to our mother’s dedicated caretakers, Josephine, Deidre and Charlene, and also to Palladium Hospice, with heartfelt thanks to Gena. We will always be grateful. Memorial donations may be made to the Greek Orthodox Church of the Holy Trinity Building Fund at 30 Race Street, Charleston SC 29403. Visit the guestbook at

Annual AIASC Design Conference “Community: By Design” to Take Place in Lake City, Brings Famed Hip Hop Architect, Michael Ford to SC

Mez Joseph

Design is not limited to large metropolitan areas. There are great communities all across our state that have historic architectural inventory that can be restored and repurposed for contemporary use through the power of creative design and community engagement.
— Andy Clark, AIA, 2018 AIA SC President

The American Institute of Architects’ South Carolina Chapter (AIASC) is excited to share that this year’s Annual Design Conference will take place in conjunction with renowned nine-day art competition, ArtFields. Held in the small town of Lake City SC, the conference will begin on Wednesday, April 18 and end Friday, April 20 with a gift to the community.

This year’s theme, Community: By Design, focuses on the power of art and design in creative placemaking. As part of this year’s focus on the community, AIASC will open several conference sessions to the public.

“Design is not limited to large metropolitan areas,” states Andy Clark, AIA, 2018 President of AIA South Carolina. There are great communities all across our state that have historic architectural inventory that can be restored and repurposed for contemporary use through the power of creative design and community engagement.”

The goal of this year’s conference is to help export the success Lake City has seen over the last decade. By collaborating with ArtFields, artists and architects, AIASC can better achieve the vision of both the organization and the conference by directly connecting communities with industry professionals interested in learning more about the powerful effect art and design can have on the community.

“Restoring main streets, spurring new contemporary and sustainable development strategies, and reviving a collective community spirit across the state is often the driving force behind why artists and architects, much like myself, are drawn to the field,” continued Clark. “The power of place coupled with the ability to create spaces for the community to enjoy, is what fuels us – which is the driving force behind this year’s design conference.”

Speakers for the Community: By Design conference include, The Hip Hop Architect, Michael Ford, Assoc. AIA; Emilie Taylor Welty, AIA, director of Design+Build at Tulane’s Small Center; Dan Pitera, FAIA, director of the Detroit Collaborative Design Center; and keynote speaker Trey Trahan, FAIA of Trahan Architects.

“We are extremely excited about the opportunity to engage the Lake City community at this year’s event,” said Claire Bowman, AIA, conference chair and Lake City native. “Being able to highlight the power that architecture and art can have in transforming our South Carolina communities, especially cities similar to Lake City, is why we believe this year’s conference is so unique. Our members are thrilled to engage this vibrant rural community, and really every community throughout South Carolina, in a dialogue regarding the importance of, and potential for, art and design, especially as a catalyst for growth and economic development.”

For more information on the AIASC annual design conference, Community: By Design, visit


Michael Ford, Associate AIA | The Hip Hop Architect
Affectionally known as “The Hip Hop Architect,” Michael Ford, Associate AIA, is the founder of a national initiative that explores architecture and urban planning through the culture of hip hop. Ford, the founder of The Hip Hop Architecture Camp, an international award-winning youth camp that uses hip hop culture as a catalyst to increase the number of underrepresented communities in architecture, urban planning and design. To date, his camp, which has been featured on The Today Show, ESPN, VIBE, and Architect Magazine, is working with hip hop legends like Kurtis Blow to implement and lead the programming and development of The Universal Hip Hop Museum, located in The Bronx.

Cathryn Zommer | Enough Pie
Cathryn is the Executive Director of Enough Pie, a non-profit organization that uses creativity to connect and empower Charleston’s Upper Peninsula community. Beginning her career on The Charlie Rose Show, Cathryn spent more than a decade in global marketing before returning home to South Carolina in 2012. A documentary filmmaker and dancer, Cathryn directs the efforts of Enough Pie through artistic installations and partnerships that form stronger community relationships and joyful civic engagement.

Matt Mardell | Colleton Museum
Matt is a native of the United Kingdom, a graduate of the University Of Portsmouth School Of Architecture and the executive director of the Colleton Museum, Farmers Market and Commercial Kitchen. With an avid interest in environmental design and sustainability, the Colleton Museum and Farmers Market model always intrigued him for its role in sustainability and in the community. Matt serves on regional boards and advisory committees for health, the arts and economic development.

Emilie Taylor Welty, AIA | Tulane School of Architecture
Emilie is a Professor of Practice and Interim Director of the Albert and Tina Small Center for Collaborative Design at the Tulane School of Architecture. A leader in the design/build field, Emilie focuses on educating students to become better designers, makers and citizens. In addition, Emilie is a partner at Colectivo, a design firm based in New Orleans and known for creating a transformative community-based built culture.

Dan Pitera, FAIA | Detroit Collaborative Design Center
Dan is the Executive Director of the Detroit Mercy School of Architecture’s Collaborative Design Center, recipient of the 2017 National AIA’s Whitney M. Young Jr. Award. Included in the 2017 Curry Stone Social Design Circle, the Detroit Collaborative Design Center’s engagement process has been included in the Smithsonian’s Cooper Hewitt Design Museum’s exhibition, “By The People.” A Harvard University Loeb Fellow, Dan is also the co-author of the book, Activist Architecture.

Trey Trahan, FAIA | 2018 “Community: By Design” Keynote Speaker
Founder and CEO of Trahan Architects, Victor is this year’s “Community: By Design” keynote speaker. Driven by a strong personal belief in conservation and philanthropy, Trey’s life work is guided by his deep commitment to the development of sustainable environments. His firm has won more than 75 national, regional and local awards and is known for their creative and innovative use of materials and intense connection history, place and culture.


Thursday, April 19, 2018 – Day 1
*Session 1 | Michael Ford; Cathryn Zommer; Matt Mardell 10:00 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
*Session 2 | Emilie Taylor Welty, 1.25 LUs/HSW 2:15 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
*Session 3 | Dan Pitera, FAIA, 1.25 LUs/HSW 3:45 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
*Design Celebration & Keynote: 6:30 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Trey Trahan, FAIA, 1.0 LU/HSW

Friday, April 20, 2018 – Day 2
*Lake City Sketching Tour with Lynn Craig, FAIA, 3 LUs 9:00 a.m. – Noon
Design-Build/Community Service Project Installation 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
ArtWalk/ArtFields Opening Ceremony 6:00 p.m.
*Session open to the public. Tickets are available at


Raising the design standard for more than 100 years, the South Carolina Chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIASC) is an association dedicated to providing its members with opportunities to gain knowledge through continuing education, public health advocacy, safety and welfare, and becoming more involved in the community. For more information visit:


Mez Joseph

Liollio's Andy Clark & Aaron Bowman were recently guest lecturers at the National Community Built Association (CBA) Conference held in Charleston at the Clemson Design Center in the historic Cigar Factory. Their presentation, Community: by design, presented case studies from their leadership roles within AIA South Carolina & AIA Charleston, as well as Liollio case studies of how community engagement efforts have strengthened our design solutions. The presentation focused on building community through: education, dialogue, design, equity, service and practice. Attendees left inspired and excited to apply new methods to improve designs to better serve the communities we work within. Liollio is always exploring new ways to engage the community to extract their story and vision, and translate that vision into a design language.

Open for Business: The Citadel Produces Military Leaders, Yes, But Even More Pursue Civilian Careers

Mez Joseph

Construction of Bastin Hall, future home of The Citadel's business school, is set to start in June.

By Dave Munday
The Post & Courier Mar 25, 2018

The Citadel’s mission to produce ethical business leaders is paying off, as the department is in the midst of a major makeover.

The expansion includes:
• A new name. The department was renamed The Tommy and Victoria Baker School of Business last year after a major donation from Baker, a 1972 business school graduate who founded the Baker Motor Co., automotive empire.
• A new home. The department is preparing to move from Bond Hall, where it shares space with administration and biology classes, to a new building called Bastin Hall, in the fall of 2019.
• A new dean. Michael Weeks, dean of the Dunham School of Business at Houston Baptist University, a former Air Force pilot and an accomplished violinist whose specialty is strategic innovation, will take over the helm at The Citadel on July 1.
• New specialties. This year, the Citadel began offering new programs focusing on finance, entrepreneurship and the supply chain.

About one-third of the graduates from the Charleston military college go into the military; the rest pursue civilian careers. The school has produced a long list of outstanding business leaders in its 175-year history, going back to James Coker, an 1856 graduate who founded Carolina Fiber Co., Sonoco Products and Coker College in Hartsville.

Baker is one of the more visible contemporary graduates in the Charleston area. He declined to reveal the amount of his donation last year, but it’s been called the largest in the history of the business school.

Bastin Hall is named after Rick Bastin, a 1965 business school graduate whose Florida car dealerships included the largest Mercedes-Benz dealership on the East Coast.

He donated $6 million to get the building started in September 2016. Work is expected to start this summer, near the Holliday Alumni Center across from Johnson Hagood Stadium.

All cadets — whether heading for military or business careers — are drilled in the school’s core values of honor, duty and respect. That’s a selling point in today business world, according to Iordanis Karagiannidis — often called "Dr. K" around campus — the business school’s associate dean.

"I think that is a strong selling point, when you look at the news, the lack of ethics in different businesses," Karagiannidis said.

The new dean agrees.

"The primary attraction of the position for me was The Citadel's commitment to its mission of developing leaders with core values of duty, honor and respect," Weeks said. "One only needs a quick scan of the current headlines to see that our community and nation require leaders of character at every level."

Out of 551 cadets who graduated in 2017, 191 — or 34 percent — were business majors, according to a report from the school.

A number of prominent business leaders also have earned their master's degrees at The Citadel, which allowed MBA candidates to complete the program entirely online two years ago.

Liollio Architecture, in association with ikon.5 architects, is currently working with The Citadel to complete the Bastin Hall project.

The Citadel's 175th Anniversary Luncheon

Mez Joseph

The 2017-2018 academic year marks the 175 Year Anniversary of The Citadel and, in a special partnership, The Post and Courier will commemorate this incredible milestone throughout the year with a series of events. You may have already noticed a key point of this partnership: the “Today in History” highlighting significant moments in Citadel history published daily on page 2 of The Post and Courier. The Post and Courier published a commemorative special publication on Sunday, March 25, 2018. The special publication included a historical overview of the past 175 years.

As part of this celebration, The Post and Courier also hosted the 175 Year Anniversary Luncheon on March 22 following the Greater Issues speech during Corps Day. Liollio Principals, Dinos Liollio, Cherie Liollio, Jay White, and Associate Principal, Andy Clark, joined in celebrating the military college of South Carolina and their extraordinary path to 175 years of excellence last Thursday at The Citadel’s Holliday Alumni Center.. The luncheon featured speakers including Lieutenant General John W. Rosa, USAF (Ret.), and Colonel Randy Bresnik, USMC (Ret,).

Rebel Girls Charleston Event at the Children's Museum of the Lowcountry

Mez Joseph

There was a great turnout last Saturday, and all the Rebel Girls (and boys!) in the community learned about being an architect. They learned that architects use their creativity and ideas to make drawings, which they then use to construct buildings. Our Rebel Architects drew their ideas for the new Children’s Museum on cards and used their drawings to construct a tower. The kids not only learned about architecture, but helped to design their own Children’s Museum!

We are proud to be Rebel Girls because we are ambitious and creative problem solvers. Architecture is about designing the spaces that you live, work, and (most importantly) play in. At Liollio, we focus on designs that bring people together and strengthen a community.  Think about your house, your school, your library: we led the design teams that bring those projects to life. We help shape the world around us!

Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls is a book that reinvents fairy tales and inspires girls and boys with the stories of 100 extraordinary women, from Elizabeth I to Serena Williams. We’re celebrating Women’s History Month with a celebration of our own “rebel girls.” 

Liollio is proud to have been apart of such an important, fun  and extraordinary event. Thank you to all who participated!

Calling All Photographers!

Mez Joseph

“Give us Your Best Shot!" As we prepare for the grand opening of the new James Island Town Hall, the Town of James Island is launching a photo contest to help personalize this new community space. Up to a dozen photos will be selected and displayed at the new Town Hall. Images could be of landscapes, buildings, or vistas around James Island, past or present. Photos must be high quality digital images accompanied with a release to print for the public’s enjoyment. Please submit only one image per person to be considered.

Please submit your photos to Frances Simmons, Town Clerk, by April 30, 2018. Winners will be recognized at the Grand Opening, coming early this summer.

Rebel Girls Celebration at Children's Museum of the Lowcountry

Mez Joseph

There was a great turnout last Saturday, and all the Rebel Girls (and boys!) in the community learned about being an architect. They learned that architects use their creativity and ideas to make drawings, which they then use to construct buildings. Our Rebel Architects drew their ideas for the new Children’s Museum on cards and used their drawings to construct a tower. The kids not only learned about architecture, but helped to design their own Children’s Museum!

We are proud to be Rebel Girls because we are ambitious and creative problem solvers. Architecture is about designing the spaces that you live, work, and (most importantly) play in. At Liollio, we focus on designs that bring people together and strengthen a community.  Think about your house, your school, your library: we led the design teams that bring those projects to life. We help shape the world around us!

Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls is a book that reinvents fairy tales and inspires girls and boys with the stories of 100 extraordinary women, from Elizabeth I to Serena Williams. We’re celebrating Women’s History Month with a celebration of our own “rebel girls.” 

Liollio is proud to have been apart of such an important, fun  and extraordinary event. Thank you to all who participated!

Growing Home | Design Institute Design Challenges

Mez Joseph


By Meredith Schwartz

Librarians from around the country convened on October 20 in Washington State, at Fort Vancouver Regional Library’s (FVRL) Vancouver Community Library (VCL). The building, a 2015 LJ New Landmark Library (NLL), serves as gathering place and convener for the midsize city (population about 175,000 as of 2016) that is also the largest suburb of neighboring Portland, OR, just across the river. Designed to evolve with changing community needs, the building exemplifies the day’s themes from start to finish.


The first panel, Community Engagement 360°, took a deep dive into how to engage all of a library’s many stakeholders in the process of planning a new or renovated library (something FVRL engaged in with VCL), bringing along even skeptics, and how to translate that input into the design. Panelists Jennifer Charzewski, principal at Liollio Architecture, and Dennis Humphries, principal at Humphries Poli Architects, were led by moderator Amy Lee, FVRL public services director.

The panelists suggested the first step is to start not with the existing building but with how the library wants to be seen in the community—as a leader, enabler, dreamer, or disrupter. Charzewski took the concept a step further, advising libraries to “develop a brand or identity as the result of the story of who they are and have it be inseparable from the community.”

While community conversations and focus groups are important, both noted the use of alternative methods to ensure that all voices get heard. Charzewski drew on her experience working on the St. Helena Branch Library, Beaufort County, SC, another 2015 NLL, to recommend passing out cameras for community members to take pictures of things that are important to them and holding an open mic night to collect stories (with a ringer or two in the audience to get things going). One man brought a picture of his grand­father sewing a net, a dying craft, which ultimately informed the woven nautilus feature of the final design; another told a story of community sing-a-longs, with stomping on the wood floor. When the library opened, a resident who had attended the meeting hit her cane on the floor, which was elevated so it resonated, and said, “Wow, you guys listened.”

(l.-r.): The setting was FVRL’s Vancouver Community Library; public art of verbs defining what patrons can do at the library literally lined the walls inside; where challenges were chosen. Photos by Kevin Henegan

Humphries prescribed taking locals “on an adventure to look at library and nonlibrary spaces so they don’t stick with what is familiar. Focus on what is unique to them, but think outside the box.” He also advocated documenting on Post-its “so everyone has the same voice instead of having some speakers dominate,” then reading them back so they feel heard.

Charzewski urged librarians to include their design team in the feedback-gathering process and to go where the community is, since often the power users who attend forums don’t “represent the broad spectrum of [patrons]” let alone, as Lee pointed out, community members who don’t yet use the library, a demographic Lee said FVRL tried hard to reach during the design process.

Setting up a booth at a farmer’s market and using dot voting and Sharpie markup of images from other spaces, said Charzewski, garnered a broader range of input, as did reaching out to neighborhood associations and review boards to gather info and create a sense of ownership. Other tools included giant question dice and directed storytelling—have a toolkit with a variety of options for engaging community members, she advised. She also proposed keeping the documentation to show later to politicians.

Despite the diversity of opinions gathered through such a process, Charzewski reassured attendees that common themes do rise to the top, such as “cabin in the woods” for one library she worked on and “revitalizing a blighted neighborhood,” for another. “Stories…become the guiding lights for the project.” Local materials, too, can serve as touchstones.

Humphries offered an example: the phrase “the planes and the plains” to describe what was special about a particular community arose through the public input process for a library on which he worked. A constituent made a call and was able to get the cockpit of a 737 donated to the library, and though it is in the kids section, it has become the library’s most popular feature for adults as well.

He also reminded attendees to seek local input not only about what to change but what to keep the same, particularly in cases of renovating a beloved iconic facility. For instance, he said, when renovating a building designed by ­Michael Graves, he sought to “find out what people cherished” about the existing structure—and found it was not what he expected. Humphries also urged librarians to include homeless patrons in these conversations and to remember that small ideas are as important as big ones.

1. FVRL executive director Amelia Shelley (l.) welcomed librarians. 2. Amy Lee (r.) moderated a panel on translating deep community engagement into design with Humphries Poli’s Dennis Humphries (l.) and Liollio’s Jennifer Charzewski. Photos by Kevin Henegan

An audience member asked how to resolve the disconnect between features that residents like in theory but don’t use in practice, such as whiteboards. Both architects recommended rapid prototyping. In one example Humphries cited, a library built its service desk out of plywood and kept changing it as it was used until a design that was sure to work was reached.


Another major theme of the day was sustainability, as befitted VCL’s Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) Gold–certified setting. Patti Southard, program manager for the “GreenTools” building program in King County, WA, delivered a keynote on transforming our environment through regenerative design. Southard emphasized connecting environmental considerations to equity and social justice, citing King County’s strategic plan, impact review tool, training, and scorecard and its partnership with Miller Hull to develop equity training for architects. She laughingly commiserated with attendees about this new item on an already ambitious agenda: “in addition to everything else you have to do, you now have to combat fascism.” But, she said, it’s important and, in collaboration, achievable. “We’re in it together, y’all.”

She also spoke on the Living Building Challenge, saying “it’s an advocacy tool and it really is a challenge” to push past minimal damage or even zero damage goals to aim for buildings that make things better. Southard said the water and energy components of the challenge are reachable; “the biggest challenge is finding materials that are toxin free.” But, she said, we must “balance easy wins with pushing the envelope” because the role of libraries as examples for others to follow is important for the good of all.

Following Southard’s inspirational presentation, Amelia Shelley, FVRL executive director, led a panel on Smart Sustainability featuring Jeff Davis, principal, Arch Nexus, and Chris Noll, principal, Noll & Tam Architects. The primary focus was on people—specifically staff and patrons who will use the building.

1. Tech Logic’s Anthony Frey answered questions about automatic materials handling and offered a case study. 2. Panels and presentations took center stage in the Columbia Room. Photos by Kevin Henegan

Davis suggested Inhabit, a tool that trains those in the building on how their behaviors impact energy usage. There are also tools that help with energy conservation, such as lights that let staff know when to override the HVAC and open the windows. Noll emphasized the importance of training a broad range of staff, not just a few key facilities point people, saying the latter are usually “pretty forward thinking and willing to buy in; the problem comes at the back end.”

Davis also said solar panels are a good return on investment as costs are coming down and suggested focusing on the areas around the windows and where the roof meets the wall—libraries can even implement “envelope commissioning” to see how those spaces are performing.

Davis and Noll both emphasized the importance of daylighting. “Not just sticking a skylight in anywhere and calling it daylighting but thinking it through to maximize light and minimize heat” through complex modeling computer programs, said Noll. Water conservation is a tougher sell because it doesn’t save libraries much off the bottom line, he added, but at least in drought-prone places such as California, consciousness has been raised. Davis concurred. “If you think about the costs of conveying it to your building and away, those are huge costs. It gives the community a return on investment,” he said, even if it doesn’t show up in the library budget specifically. However, some green features don’t deliver a good ROI, even though they help a building qualify for LEED status. Davis recommended skipping electric car charging stations. “Nobody uses them,” he said. Noll said the same of employee showers (which count as sustainable because, in theory, they encourage employees to walk, run, or bike to work rather than drive).

1. Keynote speaker Patti Southard from Washington State’s King County GreenTools shared thoughts on regenerative design. 2. Lunch was served at Fort Vancouver’s nearby historic Red Cross Building. 3. Attendees carved out a separate space for teens during Puyallup PL’s challenge session. Photos by Kevin Henegan


The final panel of the day addressed how libraries can create buildings that can change with the times, how to implement change to even recently constructed buildings—and how to sell stakeholders on the necessity of such changes without fostering the perception that the original plan was a mistake. Meredith Schwartz, executive editor, LJ, moderated a panel featuring Ruth Baleiko, partner, Miller Hull Partnership; David Schnee, principal, Group 4 Architecture, Research + Planning; and David Wark, principal, Hennebery Eddy Architects.

“A building is not something you finish but something you start,” said Wark. Within a building, each system has its own life span, leading to short- and long-term alterations. In addition, he said, buildings must respond to external factors, such as the continued expansion of tech and, particularly in the Northwest, sheer population growth.

Baleiko added, “It’s not if your building will be renovated but when.” She cited Bruce Ziegman, former FVRL director, who built VCL, as saying, “This has to be a 100-year building—the most flexible chassis to change after we’ve gone.”

Specifically, Baleiko suggested fewer columns, better sight lines, and raised floors as gifts to librarians’ successors to allow easy relocation of shelving, power, and lighting. “Embrace the idea that people after you need to be nimble” and respond to users.” And what are those users likely to ask for? According to Schnee, the basics: “more power, more data, more seats.”

1. Discussing adaptable design were Hennebery Eddy Architects’ David Wark, Group 4 Architecture’s David Schnee, and Miller Hull’s Ruth Baleiko. 2. Chris Noll from Noll & Tam (l.) and Jeff Davis from Arch Nexus talked smart sustainability. 3. Charzewski shared her expertise during the speed sessions. Photos by Kevin Henegan

Community needs are constantly evolving, and by the time a new building comes to fruition, “new behaviors are starting to manifest,” Baleiko said. “That’s how the tweens [area] came about [at VCL]. We had to retool and carve out a space. The idea that any update means we failed is wrong. Change is more rapid now, and it’s a good thing.”

Schnee cited the Santa Clara Central Park Library, CA, as an example of a relatively recently remodeled library in need of an update. Its reading room, finished almost 20 years ago, featured a reference desk and periodicals collection. So, said Schnee, “we brought in drawing tables to replace the reference desk and got rid of the periodicals collections and put in a virtual reality gallery instead.”

Schnee urged attendees to “take lessons from the hospitality and retail worlds. The public expects things to change. We have to tell them there’s a price tag for that."

To adapt to the evolving needs of their own users, attendees applied the lessons of the day in breakout design sessions (see p. 38ff.) and brought their own challenges to the architects through speed sessions. For those who want to know more, join us at the next Design Institute, in Salt Lake City, April 26–27.