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Filtering by Category: Awards


Mez Joseph

As 2019 comes to a close, we take a look back at all of the wonderful people, places and events that made this year special. Thank you to all who’ve made 2019 a year to remember! Here is a look back at some of the events that helped shape our year. Comment, share and enjoy!

James Island Town Hall - AIA Charleston Juror Comments

Mez Joseph

The lovely scale and cohesive materiality and great detailing contribute to this beautiful project. It definitely contributes the right character to the corner it occupies. The strong simplicity of this project conveys a clear sense of welcoming stability for the community. The single shutter and stacked window composition was a delightful and playful reference to history; the familiarity of vernacular indicates comfort for the community and individual user regardless of its public forum.
— AIA Charleston Design + Service Awards Juror

Richland Library St. Andrews - AIA Charleston Juror Comments

Mez Joseph

From a sustainability standpoint, this project made great use of modest shell. The jury appreciated the use of natural daylight and integration of landscape. The design incorporates smart and simple moves that transformed the previous building, creating an engaging and inviting solution.
— AIA Charleston Design + Service Awards Juror

Hampton Health Clinic - AIA Charleston Juror Comments

Mez Joseph

We hope that this building sets a trend for the neighborhood. It definitely makes the most of the site and we appreciate the circulation, daylight and overall plan of this modest building. The exterior detailing also makes the most of the material palette and budget. We appreciated the strength conveyed by the design, creating a sense of safety and comfort.
— AIA Charleston Design + Service Awards Juror

SCPRT Fort Mill Welcome Center - AIA Charleston Juror Comments

Mez Joseph

The plan of this center organized a tricky access problem, and balanced the need to have a front door presence with the nighttime access in a way that we thought was very hospitable. The exterior materials were wonderfully varied and had a compelling origin story. The roofline, daylight and detailing illustrated craft and care....and the porch swing looks like just the ticket! We appreciated the subtlety of the steel detailing as well as the spacious uplifting feel of the interior.
— AIA Charleston Design + Service Awards Juror

Jury Comments: 2019 AIA South Carolina Design Awards

Mez Joseph

(Clockwise from top left) James Island Town Hall, An Outdoor Room: Department of Veterans Affairs, and Richland Library St. Andrews.

The American Institute of Architects, SC Chapter announced the 2019 AIASC Design Chapter Awards on September 26 in Columbia SC. Liollio was honored with three awards; Honor Award in New Construction - James Island Town Hall, Merit Award in New Construction - Richland Library St. Andrews, and Citation Award in New Construction - An Outdoor Room: Department of Veterans Affairs.

Jury comments:
“This small project is like a beautiful piece of modern jewelry that says – quite clearly – that these veterans deserve the investment in the healing power of the outdoors AND of good design.”
− An Outdoor Room: Department of Veterans Affairs

“The idea of “build less” is such powerful stewardship of the community’s resources. This design leverages a small addition for great impact and a successful response to the client’s goals.”
− Richland Library St. Andrews

“Simple, elegant orchestration of the two buildings provides excellent zoning, clear sense of public and semi-public spaces and a strong potential for public engagement.”
− James Island Town Hall

Liollio celebrates our clients, Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center, Richland Library and the Town of James Island! View the SCA Magazine for this year’s winning projects:

Liollio Principal Jennifer Charzewski Delivers AIA South Carolina Equity in Architecture Update

Mez Joseph

As Chair of the AIA South Carolina Equity in Architecture Committee, Liollio Principal, Jennifer Charzewski, AIA, LEED AP, provided a state-wide update following the Keynote address by Gabrielle Bullock, FAIA, NOMA, IIDA, LEED AP, who is the Director of Global Diversity for Perkins & Will. The Equity Committee has worked through the year to develop a strategic plan and Jennifer shared the draft Vision, Mission, and Strategic Goals. We look forward to continuing our work with the committee! Liollio’s Sarah Glass and Liz Corr also participated in the strategic planning retreat, along with committee representatives from across the State, representing multiple firms.

Liollio Principal Andy Clark featured in USCB Hilton Head Newsletter

Mez Joseph

Read USCB Hilton Head Hospitality Management’s current newsletter by clicking on the image above or following this link:

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Mez Joseph

The American Institute of Architects, South Carolina Chapter (AIASC) recently announced the 2019 recipients of the annual AIASC Design and Chapter Awards, which encourages and recognizes design excellence throughout South Carolina, and promotes public awareness of the role architects play in shaping the quality of life in their communities. Awards were presented on Thursday, September 26, 2019 in Columbia SC. This year’s design awards were given in New Construction, Residential Design, Adaptive Reuse, Historic Preservation and Interior Architecture to projects located in communities throughout the state. 

Other chapter awards presented this year included:
The Community Collaboration Award – bestowed upon programs, institutions, or individuals who advance the public understanding and appreciation of design in the built environment, or for a project exhibiting exceptional engagement of the community in the design process.
The Patron Award – bestowed upon elected officials, public administrators, or community leaders who contribute to the development of laws, regulations, or policies that affect architecture, or the public’s perception of architecture, as an important part of our environment, life-style, and heritage.
The Social Justice Award – given to an individual or group that has demonstrated the power of a participatory design process to eliminate inequities in the built environment and for distinguished work embodying social responsibility to actively address relevant issues.

Liollio would like to congratulate Richland Library on being awarded with both The Patron Award and The Social Justice Award! We would also like to join in celebrating with our clients, the Town of James Island SC, Richland Library, and the Department of Veterans Affairs, for being awarded an Honor Award in New Construction for James Island Town Hall, a Merit Award in New Construction for Richland Library St. Andrews, and a Citation Award in New Construction for An Outdoor Room: Department of Veterans Affairs.

Liollio is honored for the recognition of our work and collaboration with outstanding clients and project teams. Congratulations to all of this year’s award winners and design teams for their exceptional project submissions! View the SCA Magazine for this year’s winning projects: view the SCA Magazine.

USCB Hilton Head Island Hospitality Management Campus Awarded Two Green Globes

Mez Joseph

Liollio Principal & Higher Education Design Leader, Andy Clark, AIA, LEED AP, was recently invited by Campus Dean Dr. Charlie Calvert to give a lecture to his students on the sustainable design principles utilized for the new University of South Carolina Beaufort, Hilton Head Island Hospitality Management Campus. In 2018, the Liollio project was awarded two Green Globes for New Construction, certified by the Green Building Initiative as demonstrating excellent progress in reduction to environmental impacts. Kudos to the students on a great discussion about sustainable design practices and being good stewards of the environment. Liollio was honored to formally present USCB with the Green Globes plaque in recognition of their commitment to sustainability. For more information regarding GBI, visit

Liollio Awarded Multiple 2019 Design Awards by AIA South Atlantic Region

Mez Joseph

Liollio Architecture is honored to announce that the 2019 American Institute of Architects South Atlantic Region (AIA SAR) has recognized Liollio projects with three Regional Design Awards. Hampton Health Clinic in Varnville, SC received a New Construction/Substantial Renovation Honor Award. Brighton Park Swim Club in Summerville, SC and James Island Town Hall in James Island, SC both received New Construction/Substantial Renovation Merit Awards. Because these projects were the result of team work and collaboration with clients, Liollio would like to extend sincere gratitude to Hampton County, SC, WestRock and The Town of James Island, SC, along with their project team partners.

Jury Comments:
James Island Town Hall
“This quotation of a simple regional form creates a warm community expression.”
Brighton Park Swim Club “This project was admirable for its modesty and directness.”
Hampton Health Clinic “This modest quiet clinic is designed with great sensitivity to patients and to creating a new warm and comfortable community asset.”

The AIA South Atlantic Region is comprised of three state chapters: GA, NC and SC and is home to more than 5,500 members. Events surrounding the 2019 AIA SAR Annual Design Conference, themed the ASPIRE Experience, took place in Asheville, NC over the course of three days, April 14 to April 16. A new type of collaborative conference, ASPIRE brought together the design and construction community to share stories and influence designers to create a better future. Breaking the mold of the traditional event and taking full advantage of the location, AIA SAR utilized the architecture, community and surroundings of Asheville to create this immersive environment of inspiration and design celebration.

Register Now for ASPIRE Experience

Mez Joseph

The ASPIRE EXPERIENCE is a new type of collaborative conference, bringing together the design and construction community to share stories and influence designers to create the future. We’re breaking the mold of the traditional event, and will take full advantage of the location, using the architecture, community, and surroundings of Asheville to create this immersive environment in three days of inspiration and design celebration. REGISTER NOW for ASPIRE Experience in Asheville NC, April 14-16 2019! Visit:

SC Welcome Center at Fort Mill Nationally Honored with 2018 Brick in Architecture Best in Class Award

Mez Joseph

Uploaded by Brick Industry Association on 2018-07-25.

​​​​​​​Fired-clay brick offers unlimited aesthetic flexibility, and is an integral part of any sustainable, low maintenance building strategy.
— Ray Leonhard, BIA’s President & CEO

The 2018 Brick in Architecture Awards honor 19 winners for outstanding design that incorporates clay brick. Judged by a jury of independent design professionals, the Brick Industry Association’s (BIA) preeminent design competition awarded five Best in Class, five Gold, five Silver and four Bronze awards from 88 total entries.

Liollio is honored to receive a 2018 Brick in Architecture Best in Class (Commercial) Award for the new SC Welcome Center at Fort Mill! Five Best in Class projects were awarded among the 19 winners. Congratulations to all who made the SC Fort Mill Welcome Center project a success - and all award recipients!

All competition entries will be featured in the Brick Gallery on Brick in Architecture's website. The National Brick in Architecture Awards showcases the best work in clay face and paving brick from architects across the country in the following categories: Commercial, Education - K-12, Education - Colleges & Universities (Higher Education), Residential – Single Family, Residential – Multi-Family, Paving & Landscape Projects, and Renovations. Best in Class winners receive national recognition through a special Brick in Architecture insert in the December 2018 issue of Architect Magazine. All entrants are featured on BIA’s online Brick Photo Gallery here.

Liollio would like to extend a special thank you to this year's Judges: Bill Bonstra, FAIA, LEED AP - Bonstra | Haresign ARCHITECTS John W. Bryant, AIA, LEED AP - Sweet Sparkman Architects Ralph Cunningham, FAIA - Cunningham | Quill Architect PLLC P. Justin Detwiler - John Milner Architects, Inc. Charles Rose, FAIA - Charles Rose Architects Inc Gee-ghid Tse, AIA, LEED AP - Michael Maltzan Architecture, Inc.

Congratulations to the entire project team: SCPRT, SCDOT, J.M. Cope, ADC, RMF, 4SE, Johnson and McCalla, and Meridian Brick

About Brick in Architecture: Founded in 1934, BIA is the nationally recognized authority on clay brick construction representing the nation’s distributors and manufacturers of clay brick and suppliers of related products. Website:

Vote for Liollio in Post & Courier's 2018 Charleston's Choice Awards!

Mez Joseph

Voting has begun for Post & Courier’s 2018 Charleston's Choice Awards and Liollio has been nominated for Architecture Firm under the Professional Services category! Cast your votes in a wide array of categories now through July 25th. Please support Liollio with your vote by visiting and scrolling down to the Architecture Firm category. Thank you in advance for your support! #CharlestonsChoice #Architecture #Culture #Context #Collaboration

Liollio’s Alison Dawson Awarded 2018 AIA South Carolina Presidential Citation

Mez Joseph

Liollio is pleased to announce that the 2018 American Institute of Architects South Carolina Chapter has recognized Alison Dawson, AIA, with the 2018 Presidential Citation.

This prestigious award, presented annually by the AIA SC President, is given to members who have provided exemplary service to the membership in advancing the profession. Alison was awarded this Citation in recognition of her leadership and initiative to organize the mobile art classroom community service project team through the 2018 AIASC Leadership Academy.

A native of Charleston, Alison earned her Bachelor of Arts in Architecture at Clemson University and Bachelor of Architecture at North Carolina State University, graduating with honors. Alison’s work at Liollio has varied, strengthening her design, attention to detail, communication and collaborative skills. Her recent work includes University of South Carolina historic preservation, Charleston International Airport TRIP and preservation/renovation to Charleston’s Old City Jail. Alison was honored as one of Charleston Regional Business Journal’s 2016 Forty Under 40 recipients.

Liollio Architecture Awarded Multiple 2018 AIA South Carolina Awards

Mez Joseph

Liollio Architecture is honored to announce that the 2018 American Institute of Architects South Carolina Chapter has recognized three Liollio projects with four State Design Awards. Richland Library Ballentine, in Irmo SC, received a New Construction Honor Award and an Interior Architecture Merit Award. Hampton County Health Clinic, in Varnville SC, received a New Construction Merit Award. South Carolina Welcome Center at Fort Mill, in York SC, received a New Construction Citation Award. Because these projects were the result of deep collaboration with clients, Liollio would like to extend special thanks to South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation & Tourism, South Carolina Department of Health & Environmental Control, Hampton County and Richland Library.

Events surrounding the AIASC Annual Design Conference took place in Lake City SC over the course of three days, from Wednesday, April 18 to Friday, April 20. This year, AIASC partnered with Lake City’s annual community-wide arts festival and competition known as ArtFields, This year's theme was Community: By Design and focused on the power of art and design in creative placemaking. The Design Awards program and many other sessions were open to the community. Speakers included Michael Ford, Associate AIA, Emilie Taylor Welty, Dan Pitera, FAIA, and Trey Trahan, FAIA. The awards were juried by New Orleans LA-based juries and presented at a Design Awards Celebration held on Thursday, April 19 at The Bean Market during the AIASC Design Conference.

Finlay Park Receives Honor Award for Analysis & Planning from ASLA Southeast Regional Conference

Mez Joseph

The American Society of Landscape Architecture (ASLA) recently held their Southeast Regional Conference in June where they announced the 2017 design award winners. Finlay Park Master Plan in Columbia, South Carolina won an Honor Award in the Analysis and Planning Category – among the top awards for the program. The City of Columbia and the design team, which includes Stantec, Civitas, Liollio Architecture, HR&A Advisors, Cox & Dinkins, Chao & Associates, Cumming, Comprehensive Business Consultants, and Georgia Harrison received the award.

Directly across from the Governor’s Mansion, Finlay Park is an 19-acre urban park offering some of the most dramatic vistas of Columbia’s skyline. Once a thriving urban park, the city has seen Finlay decline over the years which can be attributed, in part, to structural failures in walls, leaking water features, non-compliance with building codes leading to risk and safety concerns, and accessibility. Created through a process of analysis, public involvement and meaningful design, the following goals guided the master plan:

  • Accessibility
  • Unique destination playground
  • Increase safety and visibility
  • Rebuild the walls and leaking water features
  • Projection of sound

The plan balances the introduction of new elements with the unique forms and charm of the original park. Iconic elements within the park are to be refurbished, such as the spiral fountain which is much loved and holds the historic character of the park.

Stantec led the design team, and facilitated focus group and public meetings to gain consensus from community and business leaders, city staff, and emergency responders. Through these meetings, Stantec gathered information on park programming, revenue resources, safety, maintenance, access, and community needs. Ultimately, the design team established design principles and goals to guide the final master plan. The project will move into construction once funding is secured.

The regional ASLA Awards is an annual design competition that recognizes the best in landscape architecture. The program is administered by North Carolina, Georgia, and South Carolina ASLA Chapters. The jury was from outside of the Southeast Region and the entry is anonymous. Liollio is proud to be part of the Stantec design team for this award-winning project. Congratulations to all on the team!

Charleston Airport Lauded by Peers for Terminal Improvement Work

Mez Joseph

Liollio is proud to be part of the Fentress Architect design team for the award-winning Charleston International Airport Redevelopment.

Charleston International's peer airports across the Southeast recently lauded the gateway to the Lowcountry for outstanding architectural renovation following the $200 million terminal improvement project.

The Southeast Chapter of the American Association of Airport Executives presented the best Commercial Service Airport – Architectural Project award to Charleston during its conference in Knoxville in April. The group represents more than 550 members and 88 airports in the southeastern U.S.

“This award is a testament to the hundreds of people who worked on what is a total transformation of Charleston International Airport, from the architects and designers to the construction crews to the Aviation Authority staff that oversaw the day-to-day planning and progress,” said Paul Campbell, executive director and CEO of Charleston County Aviation Authority, which oversees the airport.

Read the full Post & Courier article here.

ACE Mentors of Charleston End of Year Banquet & Project Showcase

Mez Joseph

May 18, 2017/in Burke HS, Featured, Liollio Architecture, LS3P, Partnership, Personalized Learning, R. B. Stall HS, St. Johns HS, STEM, Work-based Learning, Workforce Development /by Chad Vail

Charleston, SC – May 17, 2017 – A group of local architects, contractors, and engineering professionals are doing their part to ensure the next generation is ready for the critical infrastructure and development related jobs in Charleston, and throughout the nation.

ACE Mentors of Charleston connects professionals with local classrooms for project-based learning and relationship building. Students work in teams on various aspects of large scale, multifaceted construction projects. The students choose the projects and all the elements to bring the design to a workable set of plans, and even a scale model in some cases.

Each year, to celebrate the students’ success and the investment of time by the many volunteers, a special banquet is held to allow each team to share a presentation on their chosen project.

The 2017 ACE Banquet was held at the Wolf Street Playhouse again, and Home Team BBQ was served, complete with cole slaw, mac & cheese, and iced tea.

This year, 3 CCSD schools participated in the ACE Mentoring program: Burke HS, St. Johns HS, and R. B. Stall HS.

Dinos Liollio, a 40 year veteran of the industry, provided the key note speech, and his chosen topic was timely for the students waiting to deliver their own presentations. Mr. Liollo spoke on the impact of non-verbal communication. He used many pictures and a movie clip to illustrate his points, and ended the presentation with a video of the dramatic pre-game ritual performed by the All Blacks Rugby Team from New Zealand. He encouraged the students to be aware of what was being communicated by the position of their arms and legs, their facial expressions, and their eye contact during conversations.

After the keynote presentation concluded, each school was invited to the stage to present their class project.

Mr. Roy Kemp, PLTW Engineering Instructor and CTE Department Chair from Burke High School provided the following account of his experience at the ACE Mentors’ Banquet:

"Last night at the presentation banquet for ACE, a student mentoring program with Architects, Contractors and Engineers, outstanding young people from Burke High SchoolSt. Johns High School and R. B. Stall High School made presentations of commercial projects that they had designed and worked on over the past school term under the mentorship of professionals from the three aforementioned tiers of the construction industry."

The class projects presented included: A pavilion for the International African American Museum complete with sketches, CAD drawings and a scale model by Burke HS students;

a wrestling facility complete with engineering drawings, construction budgets and support materials by St. Johns HS students;

and a regional recycling center with the “world’s biggest recycled water bottle” fountain along with all the other documentations by R. B. Stall HS students.

The projects were ambitious, well planned with acute attention to details, and served their functions within our extended community amazingly well. The presentations were complete with every step of the planning and development process for these projects, and the students were articulate, at ease and presented to the room of some 100 attendees as well as most professionals. I was proud of the efforts, and realized that the ACE Mentoring Program, along with select educators from the CTE department of Charleston County Schools working with them was helping to develop our community’s future through solving real world development problems. They even gave three $1,000.00 scholarships to deserving students!"

Congratulations to Julio Solis, Ignacio Lopez, and Adrian Santiago on their scholarship awards! All three are graduating seniors from R. B. Stall High School.

Thanks to the school faculty and parents for attending to celebrate these students’ achievements. Thanks to Dinos Liollio for delivering an excellent keynote. Thanks to Rob Turner, Chairman of the ACE Mentors of Greater Charleston Board and all the volunteers and supporters of this terrific program for their investment of time and talent, and for a wonderful celebration for all involved to end the year!

Florida Polytechnic Science, Innovation & Technology Campus Visit

Mez Joseph

During their stay in Orlando for the 2017 AIA National Conference, Principals Jay White and Jennifer Charzewski, accompanied by Allie Beck, visited the Florida Polytechnic Science, Innovation and Technology Campus by Calatrava. Visit the Florida Polytechnic Science, Innovation & Technology website at #FLPoly