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USCB Hilton Head Island Hospitality Management Campus Awarded Two Green Globes

Mez Joseph

Liollio Principal & Higher Education Design Leader, Andy Clark, AIA, LEED AP, was recently invited by Campus Dean Dr. Charlie Calvert to give a lecture to his students on the sustainable design principles utilized for the new University of South Carolina Beaufort, Hilton Head Island Hospitality Management Campus. In 2018, the Liollio project was awarded two Green Globes for New Construction, certified by the Green Building Initiative as demonstrating excellent progress in reduction to environmental impacts. Kudos to the students on a great discussion about sustainable design practices and being good stewards of the environment. Liollio was honored to formally present USCB with the Green Globes plaque in recognition of their commitment to sustainability. For more information regarding GBI, visit


Mez Joseph

Clemson University Wood Utilization + Design Institute​ South Carolina’s Innovative Wood Buildings - Wood is the most sustainable and environmentally sound building material. To show how innovative, versatile and beautiful wood is, Clemson University​ is featuring wood buildings that have been built in our state over the past ten years. Check out the map.

College of Charleston set to embark on a $50M renovation of major campus building

Mez Joseph

The College of Charleston’s Albert Simons Center for the Arts will undergo extensive renovations beginning in the spring of 2020. Brad Nettles/Staff - Brad Nettles

By Adam Parker
The Post & Courier
Aug 18, 2019

The College of Charleston’s Albert Simons Center, home to the School of the Arts, will undergo a $50 million makeover next year.

What will the final product look like? No one knows. 

The team at Liollio Architecture has been reconceiving the interior of the 80,000-square-foot Simons Center for a few years now, but no clear exterior designs have been produced yet “because there’s no agreement on what outside should look like,” said Valerie Morris, dean of the School of the Arts.

A few broad concepts are clear: The building needs a better main entrance and lobby; it needs to complement the adjacent Marion and Wayland H. Cato Jr. Center for the Arts, which opened in 2010; and it needs to fit into the campus aesthetic.

Incoming freshmen at the College of Charleston visit the Albert Simons Center for the Arts on Monday, August 12, 2019. The building, located on St. Philips Street, soon will be getting a makeover. Brad Nettles/Staff - Brad Nettles

The modern red brick building on St. Philips Street sits at the end of a campus thoroughfare and is highly visible. The new design should acknowledge the need to create a welcoming front door and public space, and to connect with adjacent buildings, said Liollio lead architect Jennifer Charzewski.

“We want a design that celebrates the creativity of the arts,” she said.

When the College of Charleston’s Albert Simons Center was built 40 years ago, around 800 students made use of the building. Today, that number is more like 5,000.

The availability of the building’s performance venues helped convince Gian Carlo Menotti in the mid-1970s to locate Spoleto Festival USA in Charleston. As a result, the Simons Center quickly became “one of the primary places the public interacts with the college,” Charzewski said.

The building’s renovation has been a long time in the making. 

In 1994, the college introduced plans to upgrade the School of the Arts facilities and engaged architect Robert Stern to oversee the effort.

He conceived a neoclassical structure to match Randolph Hall across the street, but the Board of Architectural Review wanted something more modern, recalled Morris, the school’s dean. Then, residents of the neighborhood and others insisted on Stern’s approach. In the end, the college engaged Stevens & Wilkinson, which operated out of Columbia, to complete the $27 million project.

By then costs had gone up, so officials divided the School of the Arts renovation effort into two projects. The Simons Center would have to wait for the completion of another big renovation project: the $80 million Rita Liddy Hollings Science Center and Physicians Auditorium.

But all’s well that ends well, Morris said. The Joint Bond Review Committee late last month approved the plan to finance the renovation project with $45 million in proceeds from the issuance of academic and Administrative Facilities bonds. Another $5 million will come from nonrecurring state appropriations, revenues from college fees and, mostly, capital project institutional funds.

A woman makes her way down the second floor hallway of the College of Charleston’s Albert Simons Center for the Arts on Monday, August 12, 2019. Brad Nettles/Staff - Brad Nettles

Student fees and tuition are not expected to go up because of the project, according to the college, although the Capital Improvement Fee, which is derived from a portion of tuition, has been increased three times in the last five years, from $781 per student per semester to $878 per student per semester.

Morris said she expects to move out of the Simons Center next summer and use the Harbor Walk buildings near the S.C. Aquarium for administrative offices, classrooms and more. The Chapel Theatre on Calhoun Street, Sottile Theatre on George Street and local church sanctuaries will provide performance space while the three Simons Center venues are shut down.

(Meanwhile, the Sottile Theatre is also undergoing renovation. It closed in February for $4.7 million in stage upgrades, and is slated to reopen in time for the 2020 Spoleto Festival.)

The revised interior of the Simons Center will include a new black box theater, state-of-the-art classrooms and upgraded infrastructure components such as bathrooms, HVAC and power stations. Heating and cooling problems will be resolved, along with the mold issue, Morris said.

Charzewski said the project also will upgrade mechanical and electrical systems while incorporating sustainable energy and flood protection. 

The renovation, she said, will change the face of the St. Philip Street corridor. Liollio is partnering on the renovation with Minneapolis-based HGA Architects, which specializes in arts, education and civic projects.

The courtyard at the College of Charleston’s Albert Simons Center for the Arts fronts St. Philip Street and likely will be transformed by the upcoming renovation project led by Liollio Architects. Brad Nettles/Staff - Brad Nettles

Rodney Lee Rogers, an adjunct theater professor, said the new black box theater — a small, square performance space — will provide welcomed flexibility. The smaller, malleable venue will enable students to rehearse more easily, to experiment and to stage their own plays, Rogers said. 

“I think a black box for training is the most versatile kind of set-up you can have,” he said. “You can do a lot of things quickly ... and it’s more about performance.”

It’s great to have the Sottile Theatre and access to other big stages in town, but that’s not what students need most, Rogers said.

“For most actors, they’re going to be cutting their teeth in more adaptive smaller spaces, because they’re not going to get into the bigger spaces for a while.”

Currently, the Simons Center is about 80,000 square feet, Charzewski said. The project team will renovate 65,000 square feet, rebuild 15,000 square feet and add 10,000 square feet.

The third and final state-level review conducted by the State Fiscal and Accountability Authority on Aug. 13 was the last hurdle cleared, she said. The city’s Board of Architectural Review will have a chance to scrutinize the plans.

The work likely will begin in the summer of 2020 with the temporary relocation of the art school, followed by a groundbreaking in the fall of 2020, according to Paul Patrick, chief of staff to the president. School officials hope the project will be finished in time for the 2022-23 academic year.

Meanwhile, the College of Charleston will consider other pressing capital projects, President Andrew Hsu said. A campus that’s 250 years old needs constant attention, he noted.


Mez Joseph

Benjamin Ward, AIA, EDAC, LEED AP, of Grace Hebert Curtis Architects & Liollio’s Aaron Bowman, AIA, SEED, LEED AP, coauthored an article about Resilience and AIA South Carolina’s Disaster Assistance Program that was published in YAF Connection, the AIA Young Architect Forum’s bimonthly publication. READ ARTICLE HERE or by following the link above.

Liollio Awarded Multiple 2019 Design Awards by AIA South Atlantic Region

Mez Joseph

Liollio Architecture is honored to announce that the 2019 American Institute of Architects South Atlantic Region (AIA SAR) has recognized Liollio projects with three Regional Design Awards. Hampton Health Clinic in Varnville, SC received a New Construction/Substantial Renovation Honor Award. Brighton Park Swim Club in Summerville, SC and James Island Town Hall in James Island, SC both received New Construction/Substantial Renovation Merit Awards. Because these projects were the result of team work and collaboration with clients, Liollio would like to extend sincere gratitude to Hampton County, SC, WestRock and The Town of James Island, SC, along with their project team partners.

Jury Comments:
James Island Town Hall
“This quotation of a simple regional form creates a warm community expression.”
Brighton Park Swim Club “This project was admirable for its modesty and directness.”
Hampton Health Clinic “This modest quiet clinic is designed with great sensitivity to patients and to creating a new warm and comfortable community asset.”

The AIA South Atlantic Region is comprised of three state chapters: GA, NC and SC and is home to more than 5,500 members. Events surrounding the 2019 AIA SAR Annual Design Conference, themed the ASPIRE Experience, took place in Asheville, NC over the course of three days, April 14 to April 16. A new type of collaborative conference, ASPIRE brought together the design and construction community to share stories and influence designers to create a better future. Breaking the mold of the traditional event and taking full advantage of the location, AIA SAR utilized the architecture, community and surroundings of Asheville to create this immersive environment of inspiration and design celebration.


Mez Joseph

We are proud of our 2019 42nd Annual Cooper River Bridge Run Liollio Team! Cheers to an awesome group! Congratulations to all who participated in this year's race! For a look at this year’s official winners, visit

2019 Annual Meeting for the Friends of South Carolina Libraries

Mez Joseph

Liollio’s Jennifer Charzewski and Jane Thompson enjoyed attending the 2019 Annual Meeting for the Friends of South Carolina Libraries at the impressive Florence SC Main Library last week. Jennifer participated in a joint panel discussion with Tina Gills from Richland Library that highlighted the pre-planning and design approach to St. Andrews Library and Ballentine Library, as featured in the 2018 Library Design Showcase. The main theme of the panel discussion was how a collaborative team effort between library, community, and designers can result in creative solutions (large or small) that address the unique cultural aspects of each library and can help create destination features – rooted in the identity of each community.

Louis Waring, Jr. Senior Center Grand Opening & Ribbon Cutting

Mez Joseph

Don't miss the Louis Waring, Jr. Senior Center Grand Opening & Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on March 5. Mayor John J. Tecklenburg, City Council of Charleston and Roper St. Francis Healthcare invite you to attend the Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the Louis Waring, Jr. Senior Center on Tuesday, March 5, 2019, 12:30 p.m. at 2001 Henry Tecklenburg Drive, Charleston SC. Tours of the facility and open house activities will follow the ribbon cutting. For more info visit here.

USCB's Hilton Head Campus Allows Students to Study Hospitality Management in a World-Class Setting

Mez Joseph

With world-class golf, tennis, boating and accommodation facilities, beaches, creeks and marshes, excellent dining and nightlife, arts and cultural centers, and environmental and historical educational sites and programs, the Hilton Head region offers the ideal learning laboratory for hospitality studies and for enjoying your time at the University. Graduates of the Hospitality Management Program will be prepared to build successful careers in the booming tourism industry.

The 40,000 SF campus on the south end of the island is equipped with a production kitchen, beverage lab, tiered classroom design and high-tech offices. The campus will provide education and hands-on experience to students, allowing them to join the workforce while they study, and then stay for a career.

"Hilton Head is a superior environment for hospitality education," said USCB's Hospitality Management Dean Charles Calvert. "So for students to be able to come to our school, to study but also apply that theory to practice in the work environment is transformative for their educational careers."

Liollio Architecture is honored to have been part of this important and amazing project in association with our friends at Bialosky Cleveland and Fraser Construction. We would like to thank all on the team who made this possible. Browse images of the new University of South Carolina-Beaufort Hilton Head Hospitality Management Campus above - Photography by Richard Leo Johnson of Atlantic Archives.

Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center Prepares to Open New Emergency Department

Mez Joseph

Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center’s fully renovated and expanded Emergency Department will be open to Veterans next week. This project more than tripled the square footage in their Emergency Department, adding nine new bays, an additional nurses station, a workroom for staff and privacy for our Veterans. Liollio is proud to have been part of the team on this important , helping the VA to expand access to care for Veterans in their new space.

Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center’s fully renovated and expanded Emergency Department will be open to Veterans next week. This project more than tripled the square footage in their Emergency Department, adding nine new bays, an additional nurses station, a workroom for staff and privacy for our Veterans. Liollio is proud to have been part of the team on this important , helping the VA to expand access to care for Veterans in their new space.

Roper St. Francis Opens First Medical Office Building in Berkeley County

Mez Joseph

By Rob Way | November 30, 2018 at 7:06 AM EST - Updated November 30 at 7:24 AM

BERKELEY COUNTY, SC (WCSC) - For the first time, Roper St. Francis is expanding its medical reach to Berkeley County.

On Friday, the healthcare provider is opening its new medical office building in Summerville. Until now, they only had an urgent care center in the area.

The grand opening event is from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Friday. The offices are at 300 Callen Boulevard in Summerville behind all the major construction right near where 176 meets 17-A. Those who stop by can tour the building, grab some free food, and even pop in to a free health fair.

This state-of-the-art, three-story building will house a variety of specialists, including breast surgeons, orthopedic surgeons and OB/GYN physicians. Medical services here will range from dermatology to cardiology.

Jennifer Crawford will be the Chief Nursing Officer at the future Roper St. Francis Berkeley Hospital. She says this new medical office building was designed with the patients in mind.

"We've looked at all the attributes down to the color scheme matching the natural environment, because there’s proof that’s therapeutic in the healing process,” Crawford said. “We’ve added three elevators. One at every proximity to the building, so there's no long walking distances."

The medical offices are set to start seeing patients on Monday, Dec. 10. The healthcare provider is also building a hospital next door which is set to open in October 2019.

Copyright 2018 WCSC. All rights reserved.

James Island Town Hall Open House

Mez Joseph

James Island Town Hall Officials made the new location at 1122 Dills Bluff Road their home on July 30th. One month later, on Thursday, August 30th, they invited the public to join them in celebrating their new space with an Open House. Music, food and refreshments were provided free of charge to all guests. Smoky Oak, Dave ‘N’ Dubs Hot Dogs and Pelican’s SnoBalls were a few of the vendors who contributed to making the evening such a special event. View the gallery of images above to see the amazing turnout and the fun had by all. A special thank you to Diana Deaver for her eye in capturing the event on film, and to the Town of James Island Officials for hosting such a wonderful event!

Resilience by DESIGN: From the Blue Ridge to the Coast - Conference 9/21

Mez Joseph

Don't miss Resilience by DESIGN: From the Blue Ridge to the Coast - Friday, September 21, 2018. Register today: Click HERE! Interested in becoming a Resilience Partner? Contact Tracey Waltz.

AIA South Carolina is pleased to announce Resilience by DESIGN: from the Blue Ridge to the Coast, its second biennial conference on Resiliency, to be held in downtown Greenville at the Clemson One space. This year's theme will emphasize the importance of Resilient planning across South Carolina and beyond coastal communities. Conference sessions will focus on Resilient Design issues affecting all regions in the state, including climate change adaptation, wild fires, tornadoes and other wind hazards.

Keynote speaker Laura Lesniewski, a Principal at BNIM, will discuss her firm's approach to "creating beautiful, integrated, living environments that inspire change and enhance the human condition." The 2011 AIA Firm Award winner, BNIM is a Kansas City based interdisciplinary practice that is shaping the national and global agenda for progressive planning, responsible architecture and design excellence.

We hope you'll join us for a one day "mini-conference" where members of the design and construction industry from across the state and region will gather, learn, and discuss the vital role they play in both the design and recovery of more Resilient Buildings and Communities.

AIA Charleston Building Tour of Louis Waring, Jr. Senior Center

Mez Joseph

Liollio's Michael Edwards, Associate and Health & Wellness Leader, led an AIA Charleston building tour of the Louis Waring, Jr. Senior Center recently. As a follow-up to his tour of the Center in the Fall of 2017, attendees were given an insider’s look at project progress, lessons learned and finish installation as the project nears completion this Fall. The Senior Center is a City of Charleston project in partnership with Roper St. Francis Healthcare constructed on the campus of the Bon Secours St. Francis Hospital in West Ashley. The new 16,000 SF center is nestled in the woods, providing active adults a community retreat from their daily lives to an oasis engaged in nature. 

James Island Officials Move Into New Town Hall

Mez Joseph

By Alissa Holmes, Reporter/MMJ/Live5 News

Town of James Island officials have moved into the new Town Hall and we are excited to attend the Grand Opening Celebration -coming soon - Thursday, August 30, 2018 from 6 - 8pm at 1122 Dills Bluff Road. Join us for an evening of fun! Watch the Live5 News coverage here or by clicking on the image above.

James Island PSD Fire Department Donates to Sea Island Habitat for Humanity in Preparation for New Fire Station 1

Mez Joseph

James Island Public Service District Fire Department crews assisted Sea Island Habitat for Humanity in reclaiming windows, doors and HVAC units from two properties that the JIPSD recently purchased. The residences, along with a vacant lot, will be transformed into a new fire station that is being built to relocate our current Station 1. The new site provides for better fire coverage on the Island for crews, and will provide an updated work area from the current station it will replace, having been built in 1961. The JIPSD contacted Habitat for Humanity to offer the donation of anything in the buildings that they felt would be salvageable, and crews worked with members of Habitat for Humanity to remove those elements. Visit the James Island Public Service District's site for more info and updates:

Sea Island Habitat for Humanity, the third-oldest Habitat for Humanity affiliate in the world, is an independent, nonprofit, ecumenical, Christian housing ministry that has served its community as an affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International since 1978 and has provided housing for over 320 local families. Visit to learn more.

Vote for Liollio in Post & Courier's 2018 Charleston's Choice Awards!

Mez Joseph

Voting has begun for Post & Courier’s 2018 Charleston's Choice Awards and Liollio has been nominated for Architecture Firm under the Professional Services category! Cast your votes in a wide array of categories now through July 25th. Please support Liollio with your vote by visiting and scrolling down to the Architecture Firm category. Thank you in advance for your support! #CharlestonsChoice #Architecture #Culture #Context #Collaboration

Michael Edwards & Elizabeth Bernat Lead Roundtable at 2018 NANASP/NCOA Conference

Mez Joseph

Liollio's Michael Edwards, Associate and Health & Wellness Leader, along with Elizabeth Bernat, Director of Senior Services at Roper Saint Francis Healthcare, led a series of roundtable discussions at the National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs (NANASP) -  National Council on Aging (NCOA) 2018 Conference in Charleston this month. The roundtables focused on the design and community engagement process for the Louis Waring, Jr. Senior Center, a Public/Private partnership between the City of Charleston and Roper Saint Francis Healthcare, to open this Fall.

The NANSP/NCOA Conference is an annual conference hosted by the National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs (NANSP) and the National Council on Aging (NCOA) National Institute of Senior Centers (NISC). The conference brings together leaders from senior center and aging organizations as well as officials from the SC Department of Aging and Disabilities, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the AARP Foundation.

Michael Edwards is the Liollio Project Manager of the Louis Waring, Jr. Senior Center located in West Ashley. Elizabeth Bernat is the Executive Director of the Lowcountry Senior Center and future Louis Waring, Jr. Senior Center. For more information about the Louis Waring, Jr. Senior Center, visit Liollio on ISSUU or view the Designing for Senior Community & Wellness Brochure.

Designing for Senior Community & Wellness: Louis Waring, Jr. Senior Center

Mez Joseph

This City of Charleston & Roper St. Francis Healthcare project is scheduled for completion in late 2018. The scope of this project was to design a new 16,000 SF health & wellness center to be constructed on the campus of the Bon Secours Saint Francis Hospital in West Ashley. The new center will be nestled in the woods, providing the community a retreat from their daily lives to an oasis engaged with nature. The facility will provide adults age 50+ the opportunity to exercise, socialize, and engage through a variety of activities and events focused on active lifestyles, well-being and growth. Meeting the vision of the community and its users has been key to this project. As one user stated, “We want a living center, not a nursing home. We have a lot more life to live. The building should reflect that.”

Click here or on image above to see our process.

Isle of Palms Front Beach Restrooms & Boardwalk Renovation

Mez Joseph

The City of Isle of Palms selected Liollio to complete the design for renovations of their front beach restroom facility and associated boardwalk to the beach access. The prime consideration for the renovations of the restrooms was to create ventilated open-air spaces taking advantage of the continuous ocean breeze. The exterior gable ends of the facility were opened up with a lattice like system increasing the flow of the natural breeze through the building. The previously closed ceilings were opened by using a slatted system allowing better ventilation and natural lighting into all of the spaces of the restrooms. The exterior walls were strategically opened with a slatted Ipe wood system to also help increase the ventilation. New lighting and ceiling fans added to the overall finish of the restrooms. The deteriorated wooden boardwalk used for beach access was replaced with a widened boardwalk, meeting accessibility slope requirements. The boardwalk and the new adjacent shower area was designed with Ipe wood for low maintenance and longevity.